
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs


* Boom! BOOM! BOOM BOOM BOOM! " What the hell is this guy?" Atom asked as he dodged mephisto's exploding fireballs.

" You're pretty quick mortal. And you still have a body. How is it you managed to get into hell?" Mephisto asked the man.

" Don't know to be truthful. A bunch of small blue creatures kinda dumped me here." Atom replied. " But I do know I'm done being your target practice. You say this is hell?" Atom asked the man.

" Indeed, it is." Mephisto replied.

" Then, I don't need to hold back." Atom told the man.

Mephisto smirked and stood up from his chair. " You would challenge a lord of hell in his own domain? You are foolish human."

" I've done crazier." Atom told the demon. He charged the confident Mephisto and punched him in his face, knocking him off his throne and to the ground.

Mephisto's attitude changed as he looked up from the ground. " You dare strike Mephisto?! You will burn for this!" Mephisto declared as he summoned his sword from the fire.

Mephisto and Atom, both charged each other and attacked. Atom's fist collided with Mephisto's sword; the two energies shook Mephisto's domain violently. More so than that others in hell felt the very ground below them shake as the two powerhouses clashed.

Over in another corner of hell out in the seas.

" Damn!" Logan cursed. " I think we found sparky."

" Kurt can you grab him?" Storm asked.

" Ja, but I'll need to focus." Kurt told the man.

Back at the fight.

" You insufferable bastard. There's something wrong with you. What are you?" Mephisto asked.

Atom smirked at the man's unease. " I've had some time dealing with cosmic entities. And I've never been more powerful." Atom told the man. " And I have to say it feels good to be able to cut loose for the first time in a long time." Atom started charging up and Mephisto raised his guard.

" You? You wouldn't dare!" Mephisto yelled when he realized what was about to happen.

" Heh!" Atom raised his arms up and set off a massive explosion of energy in Mephisto's face. When the dust cleared Mephisto was badly injured and kneeling one knee. " Damn you survived that? That was about seven teratons of tnt to the face." Atom told the man.

Atom was going to attack again when a blue smoke cloud appeared in front of him. " Sorry, to interrupt but I believe we'll be requesting your presence." Kurt told the two as he grabbed onto Atom. He then teleported atom back to the others.

" Whoa! Kurt! Is that you? It's been so long, man. I thought you were dead." Atom said to the man as he hugged him.

" Ja, still dead. But it is good to see you again as well Nathan." Kurt told the man.

" Hey, Sparky." Logan called out to the man.

Atom turned and saw that everyone was already gathered together. " What's going on guys? I hope you guys have been enjoying your stay in hell like I have."

" More or less. Are you up to speed with what's going on?" Bobby asked.

" Not even a clue, I've been fighting the whole time." Atom replied.

" Well, revised version my friend. My fathers a demon trying to take over heaven hell and earth." Kurt told the man "Are you ready to sail with me again to stop him crewmate Atom?" kurt explained to the man.

" Aye aye Captain Crawler!" Atom replied.

" All right, dead ahead. It's the entire fleet with my father himself in command. This is it. The final battle. We lose a madman will pillage the afterlife for all eternity. Are we ready for this fight my crew?" Kurt asked the X-men.

" You tell us captain." Logan told the man.

" I dare say... I was born for this. Raise the flag, X-men. And let's go be amazing." Kurt exclaimed.

The X-men raised their flag and Azazel's ships turned to face.

" Here they come. All hands-on Deck! Prepare to repel and push them back into the sea!" Kurt told the crew.

Atom, Beast and Logan took care of the men trying to climb aboard, cutting their ropes and pushing them back into the cold sea below. While Storm, Bobby, NorthStar, and Firestar handled the others. Leaving the captains to themselves.

" Captain Crawler. I believe it's time to send you back to heaven, boy. Cut into little pieces." Azazel said to Kurt.

" I!" Bamf. " Am!" Bamf. " Not!" Bamf " Your!" Bamf. " Boy!" Kurt told Azazel as the two teleported all over the ship trying to cut each other with their blades. " Never was. Never will be." Kurt told the man He then raised his fist ready to punch Azazel. " Here's something to help you remember that." Kurt told the man. He tried to punch Azazel but missed when the man teleported.

" To hell with the ship!" Azazel yelled. " Torch it all! Make the X-men burn!" Azazel told his men.

Hearing his orders the pirates started throwing torches on the ship.

" Don't look now, but your boat appears to be on fire captain." Azazel told Kurt.

" And your pirates appear to be dropping like flies" Kurt replied.

" Do you really think that matters? There are plenty more where that came from. Can you say the same about your friends?" Azazel asked the man.

" No!" Kurt yelled as Azazel teleported.

" Get these fires out Drake. This ends now." Atom yelled. Suddenly atom felt a hand on his back, when turned he saw Azazel had grabbed him.

" I couldn't agree." Azazel told the man as he went to stab him with his blade. As soon as the blade made contact with Atom's hard skin it shattered. Azazel's wicked smile turned to a face of shock.

Atom quickly grabbed Azazel and threw him across the boat towards kurt. " Here you go Kurt, Serves up!" Atom yelled.

" Danka mein freund." Kurt replied as he grabbed a hold of Azazel and crashed with him back to the ground. Kurt looked down at his father and came to a harsh realization. He turned towards one of his Bamfs. " You remember the deal we made?" Kurt asked the little creature.

" Bamf." The bamf replied.

" Tell your brothers it's time." Kurt told the creature. " Everyone! Grab a Bamf! And hurry!" Kurt yelled to the X-Men.

" Everyone! Kurt wants us to grab a Bamf! It's time to go!" Storm yelled to the crew.

Everyone quickly grabbed onto the nearest Bamf and were teleported out of Hell and back into the Mansion. Once there Kurt closed the portal behind them destroying it for good.

" Kurt? Oh my god. Kurt you're alive!" Storm yelled as she hugged the man.

" So, it would seem." Kurt replied. Everyone in the room all crowded around

" I'm glad you're all okay. But can we please have one goddamn day without shit trying to kill us?" Atom asked as he laid on his back.