
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Green in love!

" When the starjammers came to us, they came wild and headlong, the way they live every minute of their swashbuckling lives. They burned in towards the barrier surrounding Kree space at velocities that tested the tolerance of the ship's drive frame. As Usual, You see, danger was at their heels. The Shi'ar superdestroyer Divine Principles of immolation had found them. To the Shi'ar, the starjammers were abhorred dissidents and terrorists. The frontier guard moved with great haste to phase open a portal in the barrier and admit the starjammers. They did not however, make phase adjustments for the superdestroyer behind it. And that was how the Starjammers and the man I'd come to fall in love with came to my wedding."

Crystal recounted the tale of How the Starjammers arrived at her new home world.

" However, no one was prepared for the events to follow."

Crystal exclaimed.

In the Kree throne room.

" We agreed to meet with Lilandra. Not you Captain."

Medusa said to atom as the man stood before her and Black Bolt.

" Sorry, Medusa. But I'm in charge of everyone on my team. And you having Lilandra brought before you in chains with no one around to help her should she need it, is not something I'm going to allow."

Atom explained to the woman.

" Don't you think it is a little disrespectful to not trust us, Captain?"

Medusa asked.

" I mean no disrespect. But is it not disrespectful for the king himself, not to speak, when it is he, we have come to have an audience with?"

Atom in turn asked the woman.

" I speak for my husband."

Medusa replied narrowing her eyes at the man.

" Lord Black Bolt forgive me and my friend. I am Lilandra Nermani, Once Glorianna-Majestrix- Shi'ar of the aerie, now an exile. I respectfully ask the Kree empire for asylum."

Lilandra said to the man trying to end the argument from going forward.


Hal was scouting around the planet when he found something that caught his eye. Hal looked down to see a young woman with bright orange hair sitting at a mirror, crying. Hal lowered himself down to the woman to see what was wrong.

" Excuse me ma'am, but is everything alright?"

Hal asked the woman.

Crystal upon hearing the man quickly shot up out of her seat and started wiping her eyes roughly.

" Whoa! Whoa! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just flying over, and I saw you looked like you were upset. So I decided to see if maybe I could help."

Hal explained to the woman.

Crystal continued wiping her eyes trying to quickly hide her tears and began speaking to the man.

" No, you're fine. you didn't scare me. I was just caught up in thought."

Crystal explained to the man.

" Must be something rough, I won't pry if you don't wanna talk about it. My name's Hal by the way."

Hal explained to the woman.

" Sorry Hal, my name's crystal. I don't think I've heard your name before though. Are you a Starjammer too?"

Crystal asked the man as she finished rubbing her eyes.

" Not really. I'm much more badass."

Hal exclaimed.

Crystal looked up at the man in confusion.

" Oh, really?"

Crystal asked condescendingly.

" Yeah, girl! I'm an Intergalactic Space cop. I bust space bad guys and Monsters."

Hal started firing light bullets out of his fingers that danced around the girl's room

Crystal bust out laughing at the man's antics and started crying once again, but instead of sadness she was crying tears of joy.

" Oh, my god that sounds awesome!"

Crystal exclaimed.

" Ha! look at that."

Hal said

Crystal still giggling wiped her eyes and looked up at the man in confusion.

" What?"

Crystal asked.

" You're smiling. And I have to say, you have a very beautiful smile."

Hal said to the woman softly.

Crystal blushed slightly and wiped her hair to the side.

" Thank you."

Crystal replied.

" What do you say we get out of this cramped up room? Huh? Ever been flying?"

Hal asked the woman.

" Yeah, I have."

Crystal replied.

" Well, you've never flown Lantern style. So, how about it?"

Hal extended his hand and asked the woman.

Crystal looked at the man and hesitated for second. But ultimately took his hand.

" Yeah! There we go. Welcome my dear to Air Jordan, hold on tight and enjoy the ride."

Hal took the woman up in his arms causing her to yelp in surprise.

" Wait a minute... Hold on don't go to Faaaaast!"

Crystal yelled out as Hal took off into the air

Crystal clung to the man's body and closed her eyes in panic.

Hal looked over at the woman and began covering her body in his emerald light.

" Hey, don't be scared. Open your eyes. It'll be okay."

Hal said to the woman.

Crystal heard the man's words and slowly started opening her eyes. When she did she looked out in awe over the sight before them. Hal was soaring over Kree's skyline. The sun painting the sky with an orange. The white puffy clouds really accented the hue of the orange.

" Wow! I've been on Kree for a long time. But I've never seen something this beautiful in all my life."

Crystal exclaimed softly.

Hal however, was distracted as he looked at the woman's face. Her beautiful orange hair fluttering in the wind.

" Me neither."

Hal said softly as he gazed upon the woman's soft features.

Crystal smiled brightly as she watched the sun, when she heard Hal speak she turned and saw him staring gently at her. His gentle face caused a heat to build up within her body and suddenly all the problems she had been going through just seemed to melt away.

" Thank you for showing me something so amazing, Hal. I really appreciate it."

Crystal said to the man.

Hal laughed and looked down at the woman with a smirk on his face.

" Who said this was all I had to show you?"

Hal asked the woman.

" What else could possibly, rival something so beautiful?"

Crystal asked the man in confusion

" There are two things. But for now, just watch."

Hal gestured for the woman to continue watching the sun.

Crystal nodded and turned her attention back to the setting sun.

The two sat their floating in silence as they watched the sun set and to her surprise, he was right. As the sun set the moon started rising and with it came the stars.

" Wow! That's... I mean... Even on earth I've never seen something this majestic."

Crystal exclaimed as she looked upon the sky.

Part of it was still that beautiful orange hue, but slowly the moon and it's bright stars slowly started taking over until finally, Crystal and Hal stood their staring at the bright Starry sky. Themoon lighting them up as they floated over the clouds.

" You were right, Hal. This is simply beautiful. Thank you. Thank you so much."

Crystal began crying out of sheer happiness once again.

" I haven't been this happy in a long time."

Crystal said to the man.

" I'm sorry to hear that, Crystal."

Hal said to the woman.

" No, you don't have to be. You haven't wronged me or my people."

Crystal said to the man.

" But I am sorry, Crystal. It pains me to see someone as gentle and kind as you sad."

Hal explained to the woman.

" You barely even know me, Hal."

Crystal said to the man.

" That doesn't mean I can't get to know you."

Hal said to the woman.

Crystal looked up at the man hesitantly and seemed to be afraid for some reason.

" Hey, there's one more thing I want to show you. Will you let me take you somewhere private? I don't want others to see this."

Hal asked the woman.

Crystal looked up at the man and after a few second nodded once again.

Hal smiled and upon seeing the man, Crystal smiled as well.

Hal then took the woman and slowly started flying away from the Kree city, hiding just above the clouds so no one else could see them.

Once Hal stopped he reached into his chest and started pulling out a small Lantern.

" A Lantern? I've seen those on earth. What's special about this one?"

Crystal asked the man.

Hal looked at her and smirked once again.

" Listen closely to what I'm about to say, for if you are ever afraid again Crystal, then these words will help you fight the fear."

Hal explained to the woman.

Crystal looked up at the man and nodded.

Hal then turned and placed his hand on the Lantern and began to chant.

" In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night. No Evil Shall Escape My Sight. Let Those Who Worship Evils Might, Beware My Power Green Lanterns Light."

Hal spoke his oath and charged his ring back to one hundred percent. The glowing light that radiated from his charging filled the night sky with green light.

Crystal's eyes lit up with amazement over the poem and the light show he gave her.

" Like it?"

Hal asked the woman.

" Very much so. You are full of surprises. Is there anything you can't do?"

Crystal asked the man excitedly.

" All in the imagination."

Hal said to the woman. He then held out his hand and started making objects for her entertainment.

From his ring a variety of constructs were made. Crystal's particular favorite was the circus and trapeze act.

Hal himself reveled in the woman's delight, the wider her smile was the wider his.

" Hal, this has been amazing. But I have one question."

Crystal suddenly said to the man.

" Yeah, Crystal?"

Hal responded.

" Earlier you said there were two things on this planet more beautiful. You showed me the sunset and the moon light night. But what was the other thing?"

Crystal asked.

Hal felt a lump in his throat once he heard the woman's question and began sweating slightly.

" Well, It's you Crystal. You are more beautiful than the Sun and shine brighter than the moon and the stars. In all my time as a lantern and on earth I've never had the joy of meeting a woman as beautiful and as Kind as you. Thank you for spending this time with me."

Hal explained to the woman.

Crystal's heart fluttered and pounded inside her chest. She was experiencing multiple emotions. She was happy. Happy to be able to share in a moment of true joy. She found Hal fun. She enjoyed his carefulness in treating her softly and moving around gently. Putting her own care ahead of his. She enjoyed his jokes and his crazy antics. But above all she enjoyed how he genuinely cared about her feelings. With him she felt free. But at the same time, she also felt pain and sadness. She knew what he didn't. She knew that she was soon to be wed to another. Her freedom had been bargained away by her own sister and Black bolt. She had been given to Ronan the accuser in a political marriage to ensure the Inhumans right to rule over the Kree.

Crystal tried hiding her anxiety, but Hal quickly caught on that something was wrong. Her entire body language had changed once he said those words. He didn't know if perhaps he had overstepped his boundaries or not.

" Crystal? What's wrong?"

Hal asked the woman.

" Hal...Nothing."

Crystal declared. She shook her head and smiled at the man.

Though Hal's heart cracked a little as he watched tears fall down the woman's face. A clear indication that something was wrong.

" Crystal, I'm going to be honest with you. I've enjoyed this one day we've spent together more than I've enjoyed my entire life. When I look at you... You're smile it makes me happy. Seeing you happy just makes it feel like all of my anger all of my hate... I didn't have what one would call a normal life, even on earth. I was always Hal the loser. Even when I managed to land a job as a pilot. I still felt empty. My life sucked. But being here right now... With you... It's amazing. I've never been happier in my entire life Well, how about I put it into song? Ahem. ~

~Bit by bit I'm falling under your spell

Your smile's all I need to see to know we'll

Leave this endless darkness

Saying "Come along with me

Hold my hand"

Hal extended his hand for the woman to take with a bright smile on his face as he sang to the woman. Hearing his words Crystal took the man's hand and allowed herself to be pulled along through the air as Hal continued his serenade


Back when you first came into my life

I recalled a place I knew as a child

A special place, one that held close to my heart

Won't you lead me in a dance down this winding road?

Where light and shadow entwine to take hold

Of the thoughts of the one left far behind

Know that sometimes

I want To turn

Around and see the things

That I've passed on

The journey

But know that with love on my side

With courage and pride

I'll fight

I will carry on

Bit by bit I'm falling under your charm

You'll keep me and all world far from harm

Bring hope to everyone

Take in your eternity

Even when it seems that I don't need you

Just know that I'm in love, can't wait to

Leave this endless darkness

Won't you come along with me?

Hold your hand....~

Feelings that spark when i see your face.

Burn away leaving love in its place.

I long to fly beside towards the place

I've heard you call home.

Hal sang as he gently placed his hands on Crystal's face. Crystal looked up into the man's eyes, tearing up over the feelings behind every single word of his.

~Why can't I Show my true heart

When I'm next to you?

As we stand together

By the seaside of blue.

This endless Haze

Started the day I saw your face

The more you listened

To the words of my heart

The more I longed to tell you

And our words swirled round and round

Becoming a sweet gentle dance

Transforming to something like love

Sent from above

Bit by Bit I'm falling under your spell

Mysteries becoming something

That I know well.

New adventures are waiting for us

Come along with me there's so much to see

Even when it seems that I don't need you

You'll stand firmly at my side until I come through

We will fly off side by side

Far across the sea.

Hold my hand~

Hal finally finished his song, holding Crystal in his arms, floating gently above the bright clouds. Crystal herself clung to Hal's chest tightly as tears flowed down her face once again.

" Hey, now why are you crying? That was supposed to entertain you. Not make you cry more."

Hal joked as he held the woman's crying face. He genuinely couldn't figure out why she was crying so badly.

" Hal, I have something... to tell you as well."

Crystal said to the man

Hal's face turned from one of delight to seriousness as he listened to the woman begin to explain her life and it was needless to say she left the man speechless. She told him how her marriage to quicksilver failed, she told him about her daughter, Luna. And eventually came the details about her coming Marriage. Hal's face remained strong as the woman express her clear hate of the political marriage. Crying harder and harder every time she thought about it. Until Hal eventually spoke up again.

" Then, why not come with me?"

Hal asked the woman.

Crystal upon hearing his offer looked up at the man in confusion.

" What do you mean?"

Crystal asked.

" You come with me. You won't have to marry Ronan. You don't have to be with me either, you can be free. Free to make your own decisions. Free to live your own life, for yourself."

Hal explained to the woman.

" Oh, Hal. I wish it was that easy. Nothing would make me happier than travel the universe with you. But that's just not possible. I can't abandon my people and you have a job as a Green Lantern. Even if you have managed to worm you way into my heart it can't be."

Crystal explained to the man as she turned from his grasp.

" Crystal, you don't need to do this. We can find another way."

Hal explained to the woman.

" I tried to fight this, Hal. I really did. But I'm out of time and there is no other way. I'm so sorry."

Crystal choked as she barely managed to get her words out. Trying her best to fight back more tears from coming forward.

" I'm sorry, Crystal. But I don't believe that. Please, just give me a chance to help you."

Hal turned the woman around and placed his hand gently on her cheek and pleaded with her to let him help. But his plea fell on deaf ears. Crystal grabbed his hand and held it close to her face before leaning up and giving the man a kiss.

" I'm sorry, Hal. But if you truly care about me as you say you do. If you truly care about me as I have come to care for you, then please. Do not come to my wedding."

Crystal said to the before flying away from him with tears streaming down her face once again, leaving him behind heartbroken and in pain.

Hal watched as the woman's silhouette vanished beyond the veil of night.

' Why did I have to stop and talk to her? Why did I have to be a good guy? Why did I come to care about her? Why? Why? Why?'

Hal asked himself over and over again.

Hal mewled over his thoughts until he finally came up with an idea. A sacrifice he was willing to make to free Crystal. He needed to return to the ship to prepare... For tomorrow was the day things would take a twist no one expected.