
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs


" Mm"

Nathan groaned as he began to stir from his slumber.

" Oh, man. I gotta stop waking up like this after every big fight."

Nathan exclaimed as he got up in his medical wing of the institute, a place he recognized all too well. Feeling fine and not wanting to spend more time in the med, Nathan got to his feet and made his way to his room. As he walked through the halls of the institute, Nathan surmised that the students were in class and that is why he hadn't spotted anyone yet. After arriving in his and Rachel's room, Nathan grabbed a change of clothes and got dressed quickly.

" Hm, right now Rachel should be teaching Space Survival skills. I think I'll surprise her and the students."

Nathan laughed to himself as he walked out of the room.

Nathan quickly made his way through the halls of the institute and stood outside the classroom he knew Rachel would be in. He stood there listening as Rachel explained to the students what a warp gate was and how a ship would be capable of traveling through them.

Nathan opened the door causing the students and Rachel to turn in his direction to see who was coming in.

" Hey guys, am I late for class?"

Nathan asked the kids with a smile on his face.

The students all looked at him with varying emotions. Quentin was aggravated, Idie was indifferent, Evan was happy, and so were the others. But Rachel was a different story.

Rachel closed her book and sat in down on her desk before walking up to Nathan.

" Hey, Rach."


Nathan was cut off as Rachel slapped him clean across his face.

The class was shocked by the girl's actions as they watched the two.

Nathan was stunned by the slap and slowly looked down at the woman in confusion. He watched as Rachel raised her face to him. She looked up at the man in anger as tears started welling up in her eyes.

" Rachel."

Nathan called out to the girl.

" How dare you."

Rachel growled.

" I don't..."

Nathan stumbled in confusion as he stared at the woman.

" How dare you come in here joking after what you did. Tell Rachel I love her. Is that it? You give hank a message then blow yourself up. And you come in here making jokes! I was worried about you! I sat with you every day since Logan and Hank brought you back and you come in here making jokes?"

Rachel angrily yelled in the man's face.

Nathan felt his heart breaking every moment as he watched Rachel begin to cry and come undone.

" Rachel, I'm so sorry. I didn't. Rachel I'm so sorry."

Nathan said to the girl as he wrapped his arms around her.

" I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. But I couldn't risk Scott getting away. I needed to stop him and if my death meant that you and the students and everyone else in the world would be safe then so be it. Rachel, I meant what I said. I love you more than anything in this entire universe. You mean more to me than my life itself and I would gladly do what I did again if it meant saving you. I'm sorry that I hurt you, Rachel. I am. I am so very sorry love. And if you'll forgive me, I swear I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you anyway I can. So, Rachel will you please forgive me?"

Nathan explained to the woman truthfully before begging the woman for forgiveness.

Rachel cried into Nathan's arms as he explained his actions to her and when he asked for forgiveness, Rachel quickly kissed Nathan on his lips.

This caused the class to erupt into cheers for the two. Everyone clapped for the man's return everyone except Quentin who was still scowling in the corner.

" Yes, I forgive you. You damn oaf!"

Rachel said to the man before hugging him once again.

" Thank you, Rachel."

Nathan said to the woman.

" And thank you everyone for holding down the fort while I was gone. Wait? I don't see Broo or Kubark. Where are they?"

Nathan asked.

The cheers and smiles of the students quickly faded into frowns of sadness.

Nathan seeing the sudden shift in attitude turned to see Rachel looking up at him in regret.

" Rachel what happened?"

Nathan asked the woman.

Rachel grabbed Nathan's hand and led him to the desk. She then sat him down in the chair and made sure he was comfortable.

" I don't know how to tell you this Nathan. When the phoenix returned, and you went to help fight Gladiator showed up and attacked. When he was defeated by the phoenix five, He took Kid Gladiator with him back to the Chandilar."

Rachel explained to the man.


Nathan yelled in anger over the loss of his student and Gladiator's attack.

" Nathan, that's not the worst of it. two nights ago, we had a school wide dance. And Broo was shot in the head. We found him yesterday. Hank says his body is healing but his brain is still inactive. We don't know if he'll survive."

Rachel explained to the man solemnly.

Upon hearing the news that Broo had been injured so grievously, Nathan bit down on his lip drawing blood. His face contorted into one of pure rage and anger. He walked over from his and Rachel's desk towards the wall on the other side of the room. He raised his fist and slammed it into the wall, destroying it in the process.

Kitty turned to see the man who destroyed her wall seething in anger, his eyes blood red.

" Who did it? Who tried to kill my student?"

Atom growled.

" Uhm, class. Class is dismissed for today. Nathan, Rachel can I speak to you both in the teachers' lounge?"

Kitty asked the man as she gestured for the students in both classes to leave.

Nathan and Rachel both followed Kitty to lounge where she had them sit.

" What do we need to talk about? We should be out there looking for whoever hurt Broo."

Atom exclaimed.

" And we are. Logan is searching for the hellfire club right now."

Kitty explained to the man.

" You mean those snot nosed brats did this?"

Atom asked the woman.

" Yes, they did."

Kitty replied.

" Damn it! I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed. Damn it."

Atom stomped his foot and cracked the ground below him. Thankfully the teachers longue was on the first floor.

" You couldn't have known this would happen. You did what you thought was right. Right? Then you can't be blamed for it. If anything, it's our fault we should have paid closer attention to the students. We should have known Broo left school grounds."

Rachel explained to the man as she held his hand.

" Look, Nathan. I can understand you're going through a lot. I know how much these kids mean to you. Because they mean the same to me. Hank is working hard to help Broo. And we're trying to get Gladiator to return Kubark back to the school. Until then try to relax, you were pretty banged up. You and Rachel take the rest of the day off."

Kitty explained to the man before giving him the day off.

" Thanks Kitty."

Rachel said to the woman. She grabbed Nathan's hand and led him out of the room.

" It'll be okay. We'll get through this all of us. Including Broo. And we'll stop the hellfire brats."

Rachel explained to the man.

" Yes, we will stop them and when we do. I swear I will show them hell for this."

Nathan declared.

He and Rachel spent the rest of the day in bed together, just talking about their hopes, their dreams, their nightmares all the while resting so Nathan could calm himself.

" Thank you, Rachel."

Nathan said to the woman.

Rachel leaned up and laid on top of Nathan's chest.

" For what?"

Rachel asked.

" For helping me calm down and relax. After what happened to Broo I wasn't thinking straight."

Nathan told the woman.

" You never have to thank me for looking out for you Nathan. I love you. There's no way in hell I was going to let you suffer alone."

Rachel explained to the man as she kissed him softly on his lips.

" If I'm being honest with you Rachel. I'm still very angry. So much so that it hurts."

Nathan explained.

" I know honey. I know. I can feel it radiating off you. But this will be okay."

Rachel explained to the man.

" I believe you love. I believe you."

Nathan said to the woman before passing out again from exhaustion.