
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Gift or fight!

Hal sat on the roof the starjammers ship counting down the seconds until Crystal's wedding. He had already seen the others off, so he knew any moment known the wedding would start, and it is there he would make his arrival. Time ticked by each second feeling like hours to the man as he steeled himself for the consequences of his coming actions.

" Guess, it's time."

Hal finally said to himself as he got to his feet. His body started glowing as he lifted off the roof. Hal took a deep breath and began his race towards the presidium, where Crystal and Ronan's wedding was to be.

Having already arrived there, the Starjammers sat amongst the Kree people in excitement for the woman's wedding.

Horns were blowing and people cheered as Ronan stood ready for his wife to be.

The crowd's cheers intensified as Crystal stepped out with Black Bolt holding her hand.

The people smiled and cheered and smiled. The Starjammers looked on happy for the woman, and Medusa Crystal's sister clapped in excitement. Everyone was happy to see the woman in her beautiful white dress walking down the aisle. Everyone, but Crystal that is. Something Atom took notice of.

" She doesn't seem happy about this."

Atom whispered to the others.

" I'd recon not. She's being married off."

Lorna said to the man.

Atom's head snapped back at the woman, his face full of disgust.

" You mean, she's being forced to marry this jerk?"

Atom asked.

The others simply looked at the man and nodded.

" Damn, that's messed up. Her own family is selling her off as a bargaining piece. What kind of king is Black Bolt?"

Atom asked slightly perturbed over the kings willingness to sacrifice his own kin.

" No, wonder Hal didn't show up. He probably didn't feel comfortable with something like this happening."

Atom stated.

" Knowing him, he'd probably end up doing something crazy and stupid."

Rachel exclaimed.

" Yeah, but I mean come on. What could he really do? It's not like he'd just fly down in front of the king and stop the wedding. Right?"

Alex asked.

Atom shook his head and stared at the ground as the wedding continued.

Up front a Kree priest was going over the rites of marriage.

Crystal and Ronan stood across from each other hand in hand as Black bolt and Medusa presided over them.

" Now, as by law, I must ask. Is there anyone here who believes these two should not be married?"

The priest asked.

Crystal hung her head as the man spoke but to hers and the rest of the crowds amazement a bright emerald light shown above.

" Actually, yes I do."

Hal exclaimed as he floated right above the family.

Black Bolt, Medusa, and Ronan looked up at the man in rage, while the Starjammers looked at the man in shock.

Hal felt the people all staring at him but chose to ignore them. The only person right now who had his full attention was the woman crying before him. Crystal.

" What are you doing earther? You dare Interrupt the royal wedding?!"

Medusa yelled at the man.

" I AM NO SIMPLE EARTHER! I am Hal Jordan. Green Lantern of Earth sector 616. And I will not stand by and watch as Crystal is married off to a man, she does not love for the sake of keeping her family happy."

Hal exclaimed.

The people's cheers all turned to boos and screams of rage. Men and women alike shouting curses at the man as he trampled over Kree Tradition.

" You intend to take my wife from me?"

Ronan asked angrily.

" I intend to free her."

Hal replied boldly.

" Why?"

Crystal asked the man.

" Crystal."

Hal called out to the woman.

" I thought you cared about me. I asked you not to come here, Hal. I told you this was important to my people! So, why did you still come?!"

Crystal asked in a rage.

Hal looked down at the woman in sadness as she struggled to compose herself. Hal landed in front of her and reached with his hand to touch her face.

Crystal flinched at the man's reach but still allowed him to touch her.

Hal rubbed Crystal's cheek gently before moving his hand and wiping the tears from the woman's face.

" It's because I do care about you that I won't allow this marriage to be, Crystal."

Hal explained to the woman.

At this point Black Bolt had heard enough and stepped towards the man to attack.

Atom got out of his seat and jumped in front of his friend, ready to fight the mighty king.

" You starjammers came to us for asylum, and yet here you stand. Ruining our wedding. Threatening our king with violence."

Medusa declared in anger as her hair flared ready to attack.

Hal put his hand on Atom's shoulder and gestured for the man to stand down.

" You've got it wrong, Queen Medusa. I am not with the Starjammers. I am a member of the Green Lantern corps. And I do not come without honor. I know what this wedding is to your people. But I can't let this happen to Crystal."

Hal explained to the woman.

Medusa and Black Bolt looked at the man in confusion, though still ready to fight.

" If you know this, then you know why Crystal must be married."

Medusa said to the man.

" I do know. But like I said I will not allow Crystal's freedom to be stolen from her. So, instead I make an offering."

Hal said to the woman with conviction.

" What could you possibly offer us? What do you have that we do not?"

Medusa asked.

" What do you have that can insure peace amongst our people?"

Medusa asked once again.

She stared the man down waiting to see his answer. Ready to attack and kill him if his answer does not suit the Inhumans standard.

" In exchange for Crystal, I offer your people a weapon."

Hal said to the woman as he grabbed Crystal's hand.

His words caused the entire crowd to start laughing.

" What would we have need of a weapon? You insult us Earther! We are Kree! We have one of the strongest armies in all of space! Your offer is rejected."

Ronan declared.

" You should shut your mouth and do it fast, Ronan. Queen Medusa, King Black Bolt. I do not offer you any simple weapon. I offer you potentially one of if not the strongest weapon in the entire universe. A weapon whose power rivals that of the infinity stones."

Hal explained to the group.

His words immediately caused the crowd of laughter to pause as everyone looked at the man in shock, over his claim of possessing a weapon capable of rivaling stones that had the ability to bend the rules of reality. Black Bolt and Queen Medusa, along with Ronan and Crystal all looked at the man as if they were now seriously considering this offer.

" And what exactly is this weapon?"

Medusa asked.

Hal raised his hand and pointed it at the woman who looked at him in confusion.

" In exchange for Crystal's freedom. I offer you the last ring of the Green Lantern Corp."

Hal exclaimed.

Crystal and the Starjammers stared at the man. Once again shocked by his declaration.

" How is a ring able to do what you say it does? How can it possibly be able to bring peace between our people?"

Medusa asked as she examined the ring with intrigue.

" This ring works based off the user's imagination. If you can think of it, you can do it. Create a sun, blow up a star, there isn't a thing it can't do. This ring can turn even the weakest Kree Child into a Lantern strong enough to battle even you Black Bolt. I offer this mighty weapon to you in exchange for Crystal."

Hal finally finished explaining to the men and women.

Medusa turned to Black Bolt for confirmation, but the man was stuck in deep thought. He gestured for Medusa and Ronan to join him alone and began discussing things with them.

While waiting for the king and queen to come to a decision Crystal grabbed and squeezed Hal's hand. Hal turned to the woman and smiled softly.

" Hal, you're offering to give up all of your power... For me?"

Crystal asked the man.

" Of course, I told you. I'd do anything I could to save you. Even give up this gift."

Hal exclaimed proudly.

Having heard the man's declaration, Lorna smiled in delight over her sister-in-law having someone willing to fight for her.

" What's going on? Is mommy, okay?"

Luna asked her aunt.

Lorna leaned down and kissed the top of the girl's head and smiled.

" Yeah, mommy's okay, sweetie."

Lorna said to the girl, easing her worries.

Atom who had been right behind the two walked up to Hal and put his hand on the man's shoulder.

" Can't believe you'd do something so stupid without telling me first."

Atom said to the man in disbelief.

" Sorry, but I couldn't drag you guys into this."

Hal replied.

" I see. But let me ask you something, Hal. This is all good and well. But! What if they say no?"

Atom asked the man.

Crystal turned and looked up at him in worry as well.

" I've been studying Kree laws, rights, and rituals all night. If they do turn my offer down, then I'll only have one course of action left to take. But Crystal, if they do say no, I want you to stand with your daughter beside the Starjammers."

Hal turned and explained to the woman.

Crystal looked at him, worried about what it was he had in mind.

However, before she could voice her opinion, Ronan, Medusa, and Black Bolt returned to the man with an answer for his offer.

" My king Black Bolt has given your thought serious consideration and we appreciate what you are willing to give up for my sister."

Medusa explained to the man.

Crystal and Hal both felt joy to hear those words and were excited for the woman to finish.

" But."

Medusa then said and the two of them both felt their joy crushed in a moment.

" He has decided to reject your offer."

Medusa stated bluntly.

Crystal looked down in sadness and started crying.

Hal grabbed the woman and gently kissed her on the lips before turning to Ronan the accuser.

" Then By Kree law, I challenge you Ronan, to a fight to the death!"

Hal suddenly challenged the mighty Ronan.

" If I win, I take Crystal. If I lose you get the ring and Crystal."

Hal stated.

" You dare?!"

Ronan yelled.

" By Kree law any challenge issued on the day of a royal wedding must be accepted."

Hal exclaimed.

" Hal, no!"

Crystal yelled out in terror.

" Heh! I would have forgotten this occasion, but you have just signed your death warrant boy! Very well, I accept your terms. And should I lose, my people will hold to our agreement with the Inhumans."

Ronan exclaimed as he raised his hammer.

He brought it back down and slammed the top on the ground and in a second shed his suit for his battle armor.

" Very well. Ronan the accuser and Green Lantern will face each other in battle. To the victor my sisters hand in marriage to the loser death."

Medusa declared to the people of the Kree home world.

" Wait Marriage?"

Hal asked in shock.

" Did you not finish reading our Traditions human? You proposed this challenge on the day of the royal wedding. Therefore, you have chosen to fight for Crystal's hand in marriage yourself. If you win she will be your bride. But if you lose... Well I'm sure you're already aware."

Medusa explained to the man with a wicked grin on her face.

Hal turned to crystal to see her looking down at the ground in embarrassment.

" Crystal..."

Hal called out to the woman.

She slowly lifted her head and looked into the man's eyes.

" Hal, you don't have to do this."

Crystal said to the man.

Hal looked at her saddened expression and felt his heart sting. He clenched his cheeks and grit his teeth. He reached up and grabbed Crystal, pulling her close to him.

" I don't have to do this. I want to. For you."

Hal said to the woman as he held her tightly in his arms.

Her arms wrapping around his body, gave the man courage to continue with his challenge.

Hal gently placed his hand Crystal's chin and raised her face up to his, he leaned down and gently kissed the woman on her lips once again.

He then release Crystal from his grip and started walking towards Ronan, ready to fight.

The two men stood across from each other as Medusa stood between them.

" Let the battle... BEGIN!"

Medusa yelled.

Ronan raised his hammer and Rushed Hal. Trying to smash his head in and end the fight quickly.

Hal formed a hammer in his hand and dodged out of the way of Ronan's attack.

Hal, then swung his hammer into Ronan's knee dropping him and forcing him to the ground. He swung again and hit the brute in his hip.

" ARGH!"

Ronan grunted in pain.

Hal continued his assault hitting the man in the side of his head with the Hammer and knocked him off his feet, sending him rolling across the field. Hal then jumped in the air and tried to flatten Ronan's head as he slammed his hammer down at the man.

Ronan quickly rolled out of the way and swung his hammer up at the man, cracking him right under his chin and sending him flying into the air.

Hal, looked down at the man in anger and fired a beam of light right into the man pushing him off of his feet. Hal, then flew towards him and formed a train. Ronan's eyes widened in shock as he looked up to the train coming right towards him.

Hal, rammed the train right into Ronan's chest driving him into the ground. Without letting up, Hal formed a pair of fighter jets and hit the man with a strafing run. Blasting him with multiple missiles of hard light.

The people of the Hala looked on in awe over the might of the Green Lantern, as it is known across the galaxy how powerful Ronan the accuser is. And yet here he lays defeated beneath the foot of an earth man. Needless to say, Black Bolt was regretting his decision to reject the ring.

Hal stood over Ronan victorious. He held the man by his throat as he pointed his ring at him.

" You... Have bested me... with ease. I admit defeat... Now, finish me."

Ronan declared weakly as he struggled to stay conscious.

Hal, looked at the man and prepared to deliver the blow. But suddenly stopped himself just inches from Ronan's face.

" No, I won't kill you Ronan. Not today."

Hal said to the man.

" But you challenged me to the death? Are you now going to disrespect me further by sparing my life?"

Ronan asked.

" I did indeed challenge you to the death. And I was certainly prepared to meet my end if it meant Crystal would be free. But I am the winner of this fight. Your life is mine to decide. And I've decided to spare you, so that you can continue protecting your people from those that would do them harm."

Hal explained to the man. He then released his grip on the man's throat and allowed him to rest on the ground.

Having been so focused on the fight Hal was unaware f the looks on the people behind him.

He turned and was greeted by Crystal jumping into his arms.

Medusa sighed upon seeing the scene before her and stepped forward to announce the result of the fight and Black Bolt's orders.

" The winner of the match, Green Lantern Hal Jordan!"

Medusa declared to the people of Hala.

The people cheered for the man's victory something that shocked even him.

" And by law, Hal Jordan you have earned the right to Marry my sister."

Medusa said to the man. Surprisingly her previous attitude was not present.

" Crystal, we don't have to go through with this. You're free now. You can choose.. Hmp!"

Hal was explaining to the woman before she shut him up, by kissing him gently on his lips.

" I now pronounce you both Husband and wife!"

Medusa exclaimed as the two kissed each other passionately in front of the Kree people.

The entire crowd broke out into Cheers and shouts of joy over the official marriage of the two.

Atom and the rest of the Starjammers clapped along with the crowd as the two newly weds waved at the people.

However, the joyous occasion would soon come undone as everyone turned to see a giant flashing light in the sky.

Rachel collapsed and grabbed her head in pain.


Atom asked the woman as he held her in his arms.

" Huge... Hnnn! Huge. Huge. Huge teleportation burst!"

Rachel yelled out.

Everyone turned and looked up into the sky in shock and terror.

" Sharra and K'ythri preserve... He wouldn't dare?!"

Lilandra asked as she looked up to see the arrival of Vulcan's Imperial guard arriving in full force led by Gladiator.