
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Frankenstein's Murder Circus

The sun soon rose up and Nathan was covered in dirt and scratches from his overnight training.

' Damn, I ended up training all night. Well, at least I made some advances, this way I won't accidentally blow the school up. But still, how did I get stronger?'

Nathan asked himself as he observed the destruction around him.

" Questions for later. For now, I need to get back before classes start. I agreed to help Rachel with her telepathy class today. She'll kill me if I'm late."

Nathan joked to himself as he made his way back to the school.

It took Nathan about twenty minutes of flying to get to the school, however when he arrived, he was met by a peculiar situation.

" Aha! I knew you guys were somewhere, now tell my Captain, where are the other teachers?!"

Quentin asked Nathan as he stood in the halls of the school.

Nathan looked at the boy like he was crazy and picked him up by his collar.

" What are you talking about Quentin? And why aren't you in class? As matter of fact why aren't any of you in class?!"

Nathan asked the students who were freely roaming the halls.

" Because none of the teachers had showed up."

Quentin explained to the man as he struggled to break free from his grip.

" What?"

Nathan asked the boy in confusion.

" Is this true?"

Nathan turned to the other students who were standing nearby.

" Yeah, none of the teachers showed up. I sat in an empty psychology class reading to myself for two hours!"

Evan ran up to Nathan and explained.

Nathan looked at Quentin and put him back on the floor before trying to reach out for Rachel telepathically.

' Rachel? Rachel? Can you hear me?'

Nathan reached out to the girl but to no avail.

Nathan then turned to the students and told them to follow him. Iara, Trevor, Santo, and Evan nodded and began following Nathan as he carried Quentin under his arms forcefully. Nathan went and checked the security cameras and to his shock saw that there were hours of footage missing, as if someone cut the feed during the night.

' I don't like this. The staff is missing, and the footage is gone. I have no way of finding out what happened or where they went.'

Nathan thought to himself. However, he then looked down and stared at Quentin and smiled.

" Uh, why are you looking at me like that?"

Quentin asked the man in slight terror as he stared up at the man's wicked smile.

" Quentin, today you're going to be a hero and help me find the teachers. The rest of you are to get down to Beasts Lab and lockdown the school."

Nathan explained to the students.

Quentin's face turned pale when he heard he was going to be a hero and help the teachers.

Nathan walked with the boy in his arms and hit the lockdown alarm, shutting the school down and locking the kids in until he and Quentin returned with the teachers or until they needed help.

" Can you find them?"

Nathan asked the boy.

" Why should I? This is finally my chance to take over."

Quentin exclaimed defiantly.

' Oh, boy here we go.'

Nathan thought to himself.

" Alright, I guess if you can't handle it I can always go find the cuckoos or Emma. I mean why should I settle for what? The eight best telepath when I can have three of the top five. Right? Later Quentin."

Nathan taunted the boy before walking away, knowing full well Quentin would explode.

" WAIT! You think I can't do it? I'm Quentin Quire! Kid Omega! You just watch me find those bastards."

Quentin exclaimed proudly as he summoned a scanning device to use to find the teachers.

Nathan simply rolled his eyes at the boy and started following him as the search for the teachers started. Unknown to the teacher however, Iara, Santo, Trevor, and Evan were following right behind them.

" Are you sure we should be doing this Iara?"

Evan asked the woman.

" Why not? Not like anything's going to happen right? I mean you guys said this guy was ridiculously strong right? So, we should be good."

Iara explained to the small group.

The boys nodded at the girl and continued following after her.

Eventually Nathan and Quentin found themselves at a carnival a rather strange carnival at that.

" What is this?"

Nathan asked the boy.

" it's a carnival, a place where humans gather to have fun. Or at least that's what I think it is. If I'm being honest this place is really messed up."

Quentin explained to the man.

" So, this isn't normal?"

Nathan asked.

" No, it isn't. I can feel the teachers are here. But why I don't know."

Quentin explained to the man.

" All right, we're going to sneak around. I want you to make it, so people won't recognize us got it."

Nathan explained to the boy.

Quentin nodded and made it so that the two were invisible to the carnies.

Nathan and Quentin along with the others who were following them made their way to the center of the circus where they found their teachers.

" This is so messed up."

Nathan stated as he watched Wolverine getting beaten ruthlessly over and over again.

" Okay, I was wrong. I thought I was going crazy for helping you find the teachers... But this... This is..."

Quentin was speaking before a voice from behind the two spoke.

" Unbelievable."

Iara exclaimed as she watched the man's blood being strown around. However, Iara soon recognized the mistake she made as Nathan turned around and glared at the students.

" I thought I told you not to come?"

Nathan whispered at the students angrily. He observed each of their faces. Santo, Trevor, and Evan were slightly fearful and revolted by the action going on in the ring and Iara seemed to not care.

" We wanted to help."

Iara said to the man.

Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance and pulled the students together.

" Fine, follow me. We're going to get the others and get out here. And under no circumstances are you to leave my side. Got it?"

Nathan explained to the students.

" Right."

They all whispered.

" Okay, let's go."

Nathan said to the students. He turned around and began following the path of the bleachers towards the back entrance so that they could find the other teachers.

When they arrived at the back the group walked right up to the X-men.

" Sorry folks no autographs. Beat it."

Hank said to the man and the students.

" Hank, Rachel it's me. Nathan you guys are under some sort of mind control. We're here to help bring you guys back to the school."

Nathan explained to the mind controlled X-Men.

" Speak for yourself, I was enjoying the show."

Quentin joked.

The X-Men turned and looked at the group and their entire demeanor changed. Wolverine popped his claws and joined the X-Men as they prepared to attack.

" In the name of Frankenstein, seize them all."

Bobby exclaimed.

" Okay, kids you wanted to help. Well, welcome to survival class 101. Quentin do whatever you can to free Wolverine."

Nathan explained to the boy.

" Wha? Why me?"

Quentin asked annoyedly.

" Because I said so ya little shit."

Nathan exclaimed.

" Iara, you handle Hank. You should be able to overpower him. Evan Warbird. You're strong Evan and she doesn't have her sword. You can take her. Trevor you've got the eyes, well you'll handle Pryde. Stay away from her touch and use your other eyes to give us a layout of the field."

Nathan explained to the students.

Iara sharked up and attacked Hank, While Evan and Trevor Dealt with their respective foes.

" Santo, Rock smashes Ice. So smash Bobby."

Nathan said to the boy.

" On it!"

Santo replied as he brought both of his fists down on top of bobby.

" And that leaves me with the deadliest of the group. Storm, Marvel Girl if you're in there and can hear me. I'm sorry about this."

Nathan said to the two women as he prepared to fight them.

' Oh, great more of the circus is coming.'

Nathan thought to himself as he watched the entire circus beginning to descend on their position.

Nathan raised his hands and fired at the evil clowns killing them instantly.

" Quentin, keep on your feet. Don't let Logan hit you!"

Nathan exclaimed to the boy as he dodged Lightning from storm.

" I'm trying but this guy is fast!"

Quentin yelled as he dodged a hammer strike from Wolverine, he raised his psionic shotgun and shot the man right in his face, only it did nothing.

" Damn it!"

Quentin cursed.

Nathan fought the two women as best he could without hurting them, but he was slowly getting overpowered. And it didn't help that the civilians in the circus were also being targeted.

' Damn it. There are too many of them to count and we're spreading thin. Gotta make some room.

" Everyone get together now!"

Nathan yelled.

The students turned and ran to their teacher.

" Get in close and keep your heads down."

Nathan stated.

He waited until the all hit the floor and raised his hands and clapped them together, sending out a blast in all directions that knocked the X-Men down.

" Move! We need to get the civilians out of here!"

Nathan yelled to the kids.

" Okay, where did ARGH!"

Nathan yelled in pain as he was struck in the back by a lightning bolt.

" Damn it. Storm is more trouble than I thought."

Nathan groaned as he got to his feet.

" What the?"

Nathan said as he looked at the mirrors surrounding him. In the reflection were the many possibilities he could be or more likely the person he really is. And in one of them Nathan was glowing as brightly as the phoenix was.

" Would you look at that."

Nathan stated

" All I see little man!"

Storm exclaimed as she punched Nathan in the back of the head causing him to move out from the mirrors.

" Is... Is another lost soul. Another... Goddess, help me. It feels like..."

Storm spoke as she looked into the mirror. Her past and many futures appearing before her. From her time in age of apocalypse, to her time when she wielded Mjolnir and was a god of thunder, to her younger days when she was a goddess in Africa.

Nathan looked up at the woman as she struggled to remember herself and knew this was the chance he needed.

" Ororo, remember who you are! This person I see now isn't you. You don't live to serves anyone. You are a goddess in your own right, you were meant to lead not follow!"

Nathan explained to the woman.

" I... Am... I AM... My name is Ororo Munroe. I'm not some circus attraction. I'm a mutant. I'm an X-Man. I'M STORM AND I SWEAR TO YOU THIS MADNESS ENDS NOW!"

Storm exclaimed as she finally broke free from her mind control.

" Yes!"

Nathan cheered in success.

" Nathan are you alright?"

Storm asked the man.

" Yes, I'm fine but we need to hurry some of the students followed me."

Nathan exclaimed.

" Then we shall go!"

Storm exclaimed as she and Nathan flew out of the house of Mirrors.

Nathan and storm surveyed the area from above and noticed that Trevor was being attacked by clows and Logan.

" Get Trevor, Ororo! I'll handle Logan."

Nathan said to the woman as he descended towards Wolverine.

Wolverine looked up from Trevor who had just been beaten by the two clowns, and was punched hard in the face, by Nathan. Storm then grabbed Trevor and pulled him to safety.

" Logan Snap out of it man! I know you're tougher than this."

Nathan exclaimed.

" You got the wrong guy bub."

Logan said to the man

" That's revolto you're talking to. The worst clown ever."

One of the clowns explained to Nathan.

" Yeah, tell him revolto!"

The other clown stated.

" My name... Is Revolto the clown. I'm the best there is at what I do. And what I do... What I do is... Get beaten with hammers and fall in vomit... And make funny ballon animals... And... And... Hit people in the face with Pies?"

Logan slowly explained as he was coming back to his senses. He looked up at Nathan and then turned to the clowns and popped his claws.

" Uh-oh."

The clowns said in terror.


Logan yelled in a rage as he began mauling the clowns for what they did to him. As the one thing you never do to wolverine is mess with his head.

" There we go! Welcome back Logan."

Nathan said to the man.

" Ugh! I can't believe they did this to me. When I find who's responsible, I swear I'm gonna shish kebab them."

Logan exclaimed in anger.

" We got to get the kids first."

Nathan said to the man before running off to help the next group of kids. Nathan looked into the air see smoke and just had a feeling in his gut that that's where he was needed next. He took to the air and flew towards the sight of a massive fire to see Frankenstein's monster choking the life out of Idie.

" Ghhhk! Heellp me."

Idie pleaded as she struggled to breathe.

" Plead all you want little girl. You might not burn but you will break!"

The monster exclaimed as he squeezed her throat harder.

Nathan flew towards the man as fast as possible and slammed his fist into Frankenstein's jaw.


Nathan yelled as he punched the creature away from the girl.

Idie collapsed to the ground as she struggled to catch her breath. Nathan leaned down and rubbed the girl's back to try and help her calm down. Idie looked up at the man in tears and hugged him tightly.

" It's okay Idie, you're safe. I'm going to get you out of here."

Nathan said to the girl. However, before he could take her away Frankenstein's monster got back up.

" Idie Run!"

Nathan yelled to the girl as he got to his feet.

Idie did as the man said and ran away, however she wasn't running to safety. She was running to finish off the witch she was fighting earlier.

" I don't know where you came from monster. But I'm sending you back."

Nathan said to the creature.

" No, you will break for running my plans. This was my chance to end Frankenstein's blood line for good. And you ruined it!"

The monster yelled as it ran towards Nathan.

The two men pulled back and punched at each other with their fists colliding. However, even though the monster was strong, Nathan was in an entire league above him. The monster's arm shattered and was destroyed by the punch.

Nathan watched as the creature collapsed to the floor in pity.

" Shows over Frankie!"

Iceman yelled as he and the rest of X-Men arrived to help.

" Your clowns have been dealt with, sent back to the wretched hell they came from."

Hank exclaimed.

" This madness ends now."

Storm stated.

" You're coming with us. Whole or in pieces it's up to you."

Logan exclaimed.

" Ugh! Despite your fetching costumes and charming powers, X-Men, you must realize you cannot kill me. And no jail of yours could hold me for long. I care nothing for you or your sucklings. You were merely flies that wandered into my web. Leave now with your lives, I care not. Leave me to my torments."

Frankenstein's monster exclaimed as he held his bleeding arm.

" In pieces it is. Somebody get the kids back. They've seen enough bloodshed for one school day."

Wolverine stated.

" This kid hasn't."

Iara exclaimed as she stepped forward to fight.

" If there's one thing I learned as a warbird it is that if something talks it can scream. Let me show you."

Warbird threatened the monster.

" Stop this! I don't care what kind of monster he is, no one else is getting hurt today!"

Storm exclaimed as she stepped in front of the other teachers and Students.

Nathan ignored the woman and stepped forward to kill the creature or at the very least try but his and the others attention were gained by the screams of a woman on fire landing right in front of them.

" Hold still! My freezing winds will save you!"

Storm said to the woman as she tried to help.

" Ilasa sial pereta! Soba vaupaahe cahisa nanuba zodixalayo dodasihe od berinuta faxisa hubaro tastataxa yolasa!"

The woman chanted as she ran towards the monster.

" Stop her!"

Logan yelled.

Nathan raised his hand to blow them both away but as the blast launched the woman finished her chant and the two monsters escaped.

" Rachel, you got them?"

Logan asked.

" Mindscanning the area. If they're anywhere within telepathic range, I'll find them."

Rachel explained to the man as she searched for the two creatures.

" All right, field trips over. Hope you enjoyed your day at the circus. Apologies if any of us tried to kill, now it's back to the school."

Kitty said to the students as she moved them back to the school.

While the others were busy searching for the monsters and getting the kids back to the school, Nathan was thinking about the woman who was on fire. He had a feeling he knew who it was who had tried to end that woman's life but hoped to be wrong.

' She's too young to be thinking like a killer. Idie, tell me you didn't do this.'

Nathan thought to himself as he watched the circus fire slowly die down.

Later after cleaning up the mess and helping the civilians who were trapped by Frankenstein's witch the X-men returned home for the day to rest. Though not before Atom dished out punishment.

" I gave you all an Express Bloody Order. I told you to lockdown the school and to stay here. But instead, what did you do? You disobeyed a direct order from your teacher, followed me into an unknown murder land almost got yourselves killed!"

Nathan yelled at the students who followed him.

Evan, Santo, Trevor, and Iara all lined up at listened as the man berated them in front of the rest of the staff.

" And! You saved not only the lives of your teachers. But the lives of every man, woman, and child in that circus. Well done, I'm proud of all of you. Even you Quentin."

Nathan's angered expression turned into a gentle smile as he looked down at his students with pride. Every last one of them smiled upon the recognition they got from Nathan and the rest of the staff. The only ones who didn't were Iara, who really didn't care. And Quentin who was angry over the praise he received, though he was secretly happy to be acknowledged.

" All of you hit the showers and rest up for the day. And be ready for class tomorrow. Dismissed."

Nathan said to the students who then ran off in excitement. However, before she could vanish, Nathan grabbed Idie by the arm and pulled her aside.

" What's the matter professor?"

Idie asked the man.

" Idie, be honest with me. Did you try to kill the witch?"

Nathan asked the young girl bluntly. Nathan watched as her face turned to one of indifference.

" No, sir I didn't."

Idie replied.

" Idie, I know you believe you're a monster and that you're going to this hell you speak of. But that's not the case. You're a young girl. you're still a child. I can't tell you how you should feel. But I can tell you that you are no monster. And you are certainly no killer."

Nathan explained to the young girl.

" I've killed before. So, I am a killer."

Idie replied.

" No, Idie. I read your file I know what happened. You were put in a position where you had to choose whether or not to save the lives of your friends or watch as they died. And you chose to save them. That doesn't make you a monster in the eyes of your god Idie. It makes you a hero. I want you to know that. No matter, what you may think of yourself you will always be one of my pride and joys. One of my students. And you will never be alone."

Nathan explained to the girl. He reached down and rubbed her head, messing up her afro in the process, before walking away.