
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

First day's hell

" How the hell did we get into this mess?"

Atom asked as he blasted apart a piece of the giant monster attacking the school.

" Welcome to earth honey, where we're under attack every day."

Rachel explained to the man.

" So, it's the same as space. Got it!"

Atom replied as he blew apart another rock formation heading for the school.

" Will you two focus!?"

Logan yelled.

" Hey, Logan if it makes you feel any better. I gave that brat testicular cancer."

Atom said to Logan as he swatted away a rock tentacle aimed at some of the students.

" That does make me feel a little better, Thank you. Now, we need to get to the kids."

Logan exclaimed.

" I'm trying but every time I get closer this damned rock grows a new body part to stop me."

Atom said to the man.

" Don't worry about the kids we got them!"

Rachel yelled to the others.

" Alright! But stay safe love! I swear when I get my hands on those kids, I'm going to make them go through Corsair's training regimen a thousand times."

Atom exclaimed as he continued fighting back the rock monster.

" We've got flamethrowers at twelve!"

Bobby exclaimed to the two men.

Nathan and Logan turned to see Frankenstein like monsters attacking the school with flame throwers.

Atom raised his hands and fired a blast of raw nuclear energy, evaporating the men instantly.

" Jesus, fucking Christ!"

Atom cursed.

" Frankenstein monsters with flamethrowers, Alright you got me this is a fisrt!"

Bobby exclaimed as he fired multiple shards of ice into the coming monsters.

" Rachel you can't shut them down?"

Atom asked the woman.

"I'm trying but their minds are half dead and half solid steel! And there are just so damn many of them! It's not just us they're coming after!"

Rachel exclaimed.

" Damn it! get back I'm flattening this lot!"

Atom exclaimed to the group.

" No, you can't that much energy could be dangerous here!"

Bobby exclaimed.

Atom held his back and grit his teeth in annoyance.

" Damn it, I'm neutralized here."

Atom stated

" I'm smashing their minds left and right but there's way too many! We can't hold!"

Rachel yelled out.

" We have to!"

Atom replied

" Bobby take the kids and go!"

Logan yelled to the man.

" Logan, no!"

Bobby shot back.

" I'm not losing a single damn kid! Not ever again! Just go!"

Logan yelled to the man.

Bobby looked at the man and nodded before running off.

" We aren't losing any kids. I can promise you that."

Bobby proclaimed

' Hm I have an Idea.

" Everyone Bundle Up! It's about to get cold in here!"

Bobby yelled to the others.

He raised his hand in the air and a flurry of frost and Ice filled the rooms and out from the coldness emerged multiple Ice Golems.

" All right boys... Just follow my lead."

Bobby said to the golems

Bobby and hi golems began moving throughout the Institute taking down all of the Frankenstein monsters one by one.

" All right Iceman!"

Atom exclaimed

" Bobby! You did it! That was amazing!"

Rachel said to the man in excitement.

" Ah shucks you guys, it was nothing special. Though I think I may go die for just a minute."

Bobby said to the group as one of his Ice clones had just kissed Kitty Pryde.

" The fight ain't over!"

Logan exclaimed and sure enough the giant rock monster from earlier began attacking once again.

" What the hell is this?"

Rachel asked as she was lifted off the ground.

" Ugh! It's that damned rock monster again!"

Atom said to the woman as he broke free from the rocks trying to trap him. He then flew over to Rachel and freed her as well. The duo flew up to see a face on the creature.

" There's only one chunk of dirt with a face like that. It's Krakoa!"

Logan exclaimed.

" Krakoa? I thought you guys just made that up?"

Rachel asked.

" Well, apparently, they didn't!"

Atom yelled

Rachel then started using her telepathic powers to broadcast a message to the entire school.

" Attention, X-Men. The grounds aren't under attack! The Grounds are the Attack!"

Rachel exclaimed telepathically.

" Krakoa, of course. That explains all the unusual seismic activity. I built a school on top of Krakoa. I will never live this down."

beast explained.

" Well, next time don't!"

Atom said to the man.

" Whoa!"

Atom exclaimed as Krakoa suddenly wrapped a branch around his waist and flung him across the yard. Atom landed in the grass and skidded to a stop.

" Ugh! Damn this is ridiculous. I'm getting tossed around by a living plant."

Atom said to himself as he got to his feet.

He flew back towards the institute and started blasting the rock monster in the face. both hurting and angering the creature.

" Ugh! There has to be a way to kill this thing!"

Wolverine yelled.

" We're all ears professor snikt!"

Bobby retorted.

" Rachel, Get Hank back on the line!"

Logan yelled to the woman.

Rachel nodded and created the link once again.

" Beast!"

Logan yelled to the man telepathically.

" I'm working on an electromagnetic pulse aimed at disrupting its photosynthesis!"

Beast replied telepathically.

" Work faster!"

Logan declared.

" My lab is filling with Lava so, I'm already on something of a timetable."

Beast shot back.

" Rachel, this is on you! You have to get in that things head and shut it off!"

Atom yelled to the woman However, Rachel began slipping and lost her grip on the floor she had keeping her from falling Into Krakoas mouth.

" AHHH!!!"

Rachel screamed in terror.

" Rachel!"

Atom yelled.

he flew as fast as he could and caught the woman before she could be eaten.

" Babe, we got to stop going back and forth with this death thing. Can we have at least one day where we don't have to save each other's lives?"

Atom asked half-joking half-serious.

" I'd very much appreciate it sweety."

Rachel replied.

On the other side of the school Quentin Quire was in the process of using his telepathic powers to get Krakoa to stop its attack. Saving the school he so very much hated.

" What just happened? Did we kill it?"

Logan asked.

" No, Krakoa's talking to me now. He says he never wanted to attack us. The Hellfire club made him do it, He says... He says he's a mutant just like us. He keeps apologizing. I think he's crying."

Rachel explained to the group why the creature suddenly stopped attacking.

" Well, that would explain the mud."

Atom said as he wiped his boots off.

" You won't believe this. he's asking to if he can be an X-man now?"

Rachel said to the group in confusion.

" Rachel, you did it. Well done."

Bobby said to the woman in relief that everything was over.

" But I didn't."

Rachel replied.

" Tell everybody to meet us up top. And tell'em it ain't no pep rally."

Logan said as he marched off to confront the little brats that attacked the school.

Atom and every other person in the school joined with Logan as they walked towards the kids.

" What happened? Why did the ground stop moving?"

Kade asked.

" Krakoa's not responding."

Kid Frankenstein replied

" Then kill it! Fry the thing before..."

Kade was saying before being cut off.

" I'm afraid that isn't going to work. Your electromagnetic leash has been severed. You've officially lost. You thoroughly naughty Children."

Beast explained to the kids.

" Listen when I say this, hellfire Brats, and listen good, Every last little rotten one of you..."

Logan explained to the kids.

The entire school stepped forward into the Kid's view and stood behind Logan.

" Stay the hell away from my school."

Logan ordered the kids.

" Yes. yes! I'm quite certain we'll do just that."

Kade said to the man as he and the others got into their vehicle.

Krakoa prepared to eat the car, but Logan stopped it.

" No, Krakoa. Let it go. I got a better idea for dealing with those brats."

Logan sneered as he watched the car drive away.

" Rachel, I'm tired. Let's go clear the rubble from our room and go to sleep."

Atom said to the woman.

" Yeah, okay."

Rachel replied before jumping into Atom's arms. She held on tight as the man flew back to the school.

After a few days of rebuilding thanks to a large sum of money taken from Kad Kilgore in a lawsuit Wolverine won. The school was rebuilt once more except this time with a new ally. Krakoa the living Island.