
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Expanding the ranks!

The war with the Shi'ar has grown fiercer. No longer is it just the Inhumans and the Kree, now even the Nova Corp of Xa'andar have joined the fray. To assist with their numbers, the Nova corps drafted members to their cause from earth. One of these members just happened to be a man named Kyle Rayner, a small-time artist. The young man was drafted into the corps for his brilliant mind and was placed in system operations, as a tactical seer for Nova's in the field. They provide the tactical support for the nova's and provide them emotional support as well. An honorable position for any to wield, though for Kyle he wishes he could join them in the field and actually help instead of sitting behind a desk simply giving call outs. After watching new recruits get slaughtered on Thraxis prime by the Imperial Guard, Kyle finally decided it was time for him to join the field. Though his superiors did not share this same attitude.

When Kyle stole a Nova helmet to help him the leaders of the Nova corps along with their denarians, the middle tier of the nova corps, to arrest the man. They ordered Kyle to stand down and face judgement for breaking rank, but the man stood firm in his want to help. However, the denarians were given orders to bring him in any means necessary. But before they could touch him, Kyle was suddenly snatched away by a shining green light much to the shock and dismay of the Nova Corps.

This was an extraordinary event. Thanks to the spark of war created by Vulcan and his Fleet, will power and many other emotions began spreading through the universe in waves. And just like will power, other emotions began to spark anew. Signaling the beginning of a new era!

However, that is another story for the future. For right now the spark of light is still dim and low as the toils of war called out to the reaches of space.

Currently in the gulf of sareitta in Kree territory, the Nova Corps, had just been defeated by Gladiator and the Imperial guard.

Nova Prime, Malik Tarcel. tried his best to fend off Gladiator, but with the combined might of Imperial Guard he was swiftly defeated and forced to surrender lest Gladiator kill all of the Corpsmen on the planet.

" Suki? Can you hear me? SUKI?!"

Robbie called out to the woman over the helmets radio.

" Robbie-san. N-Nova Prime Tarcel has been forced to surrender. They were going to kill him. Kill all of us. They are so... So Ruthless. They beat us like children."

Suki explained to the man as she sat with the other Centurions, nursing her broken arm.

" We'll be okay, Suki. We'll be okay, right?"

Josh asked as he turned to the woman, his feeling of safety slowly fading.

" I don't know, Josh."

Suki replied.

" Hold on, Suki. The corps has requested back-up from a nearby ally."

Josh explained to the woman

" I see the fun's over, Gladiator."

Xenith said to the man as she and her praetorians arrived on the planet, much to the man's dismay.

" What are you doing here, Strontian?"

Gladiator asked the woman.

" The emperor ordered me and my praetorians to take command of this theater of operations. He wants you back at the flagship without delay. He wants you present when he greets Lilandra Nermani."

Xenith explained to the man, taking delight in his obvious unease over Vulcan having Lilandra.

" Very well, secure these prisoners. I'm taking this one back for interrogation."

Gladiator explained to the woman as he held up Nova Prime.

" The Nova Prime? And he's a Shi'ar. The imperial torturers will have a field da..."

Xenith was saying, however before she could finish Gladiator quickly left the planet with the man in his hands.

" Bye-Bye Kallark."

Xenith said as she watched the man leave without another word.

" What should we do with the prisoners, Strontian?"

One of Xeniths men asked.

Xenith grinned evilly and turned to the frightened prisoners.

" What Prisoners? All I see are practice targets."

Xenith exclaimed.

The Nova Centurions all looked up at the woman in fear as they knew she was planning on killing them.

" O-Oh Dear me."

Suki exclaimed as she looked up at Xenith's heat vision heading right for her.

Suki closed her eyes and prepared to welcome deaths embrace. But it never came. Suki was confused and wondered why she was still alive, when she opened her eyes, she felt relief wash through her body as the Captain of the Starjammers stood between her and her fellow Nova's.

Atom having arrived shortly after Gladiator's departure stood between the Nova's and Xenith and used his powers to absorb the energy coming from Xenith's eyes.

" Don't give up and count your blessings Suki. Back-up has arrived!"

Robbie said to the woman.

" Executing prisoners Strontian? You know the consequences for such war crimes."

Atom said to the woman as he finished absorbing her heat vision.

" You!!! Not with your little back up dancer today?"

Xenith asked the man referring to Hal.

" No, sorry Hal's with his wife and Black Bolt helping us plan how to kick your sorry asses. Speaking of which!"

Atom explained to the woman before suddenly sticking both of his hands up and releasing a blast so powerful it shredded Xeniths two soldiers, instantly turning them both to ash. Xenith was also hurt by the blast but not so much as her two fellow officers.

Seeing that the woman was down for the second Atom turned and quickly freed the centurions.

" Alright, I'm your back-up. All of you are to get back to your base now."

Atom ordered the men and women.

" But what about you? If we work together, we can take her!"

Josh yelled having found his confidence once again.

" No, I came here to help get you all out of here in one piece. I've checked space. And if you all leave now you'll be able to get out of this space without running into any other Shi'ar. I can handle Strontian. But if I have to worry about keeping you all safe, then she'll be more of a problem. Now go!"

Atom yelled to the men and women.

Slowly each member got to their feet and began moving into the atmosphere away from the planet and traveling back to base.

Atom watched as the men and women got away only to have his attention snatched by xenith bursting out of the rubble she was buried in.

" You dare strike me?!"

Xenith yelled out in anger.

Atom wasted little time in responding and punched the woman in the face sending her flying. She was strong but not as strong as gladiator. However, one advantage she did hold over the man was her speed and agility.

Atom flew after the woman and tried hitting her again only for the woman to dodge under his strike and return a blow of her own right to his stomach punching him into the air. She followed the man into the air and brought both of her hands up over her head to hit him back to the ground.

" Not likely."

Atom said to the woman as he grabbed her hands. He then straightened himself up and started swinging the woman around by her hands and threw her into a nearby building causing it to explode from the impact.

Strontian shot out of the wreckage and uppercutted Atom, she punched him in the face multiple times knocking higher and higher into the air. She flew above him and punched him down towards the ground.

Atom fumbled in the air trying to keep himself from hitting the ground but was tackled by the woman.

" Ugh!"

Atom grunted as Strontian tackled him into the ground.

Strontian sat atop Atom keeping him pinned under her with her hips, she held the man's fist in her hands in an attempt to break it.

" Heh, gotcha."

Atom looked up at the woman and grinned evilly as his eyes and mouth started emitting a red glow.

Upon realizing what was about to happen, Strontian tried to get off the man, but Atom held onto her tightly.

" No! Damn it, let me go!"

Strontian exclaimed in a panicked rage as she struggled to break loose.

Atom released a large burst of his nuclear energy resulting in a massive explosion, equivalent to two tsar bombs, right into Strontian's face.

When the smoke finally cleared all that was left of the area was a massive, scorched crater and at the center of it, Atom rested on his back, his clothes in tatters after such an explosion.

" Ugh, I've never released so much energy at once. Not fun."

Atom groaned as he got to his feet, he took a look around at his surroundings before taking off into space. Choosing to return to base before any more Shi'ar showed up than confirm the death of Strontian.

However, at this time on Hala, the Kree homeworld ruled by the Inhumans Hal Jordan stood in the royal chamber with his wife Crytalia amaquelin and her family going over their war plans, when he suddenly got news from his ring.

" What is that beeping, Hal?"

Crystal asked the man

However, Hal stood silent as the ring assessed the information for him.

The entire hall turned to the man as a wide smile crept across his face.

" What is it, Hal?"

Crystal asked again.

" I don't believe it. I thought I was the last... But I was wrong."

Hal exclaimed out loud.

Crystal and the others looked at the man in confusion, silently waiting for him to tell them what was happening.

" Another Green Lantern has been born."

Hal turned to the rest of the people present and stated.