
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Evan sabah Nurh!

it had been a full week since the school was up and running and all of a sudden, Logan called a few members of the staff out at night to meet him. When Atom and the others arrived, they were greeted by what Wolverine explained to be X-Force.

" This is what I do. This is X-Force. We save the day by any means necessary."

Wolverine explained as Nightcrawler, Psylocke and Deadpool stood behind him.

" The way I see it, it's now our job to make sure any threats get dealt with before they ever have a chance to show up on the school's doorstep. And I think you know what I mean by dealt with."

Logan explained.

" I understand Logan, but this doesn't change the fact this is the damned dumbest thing I've ever heard. You brought a team of killers to our doors and expect things to just work out?"

Atom asked the man.

" Look I don't care what ya think about me. This is who I am. It always has been. I just don't want there to be any secrets between us."

Logan explained.

" I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. But I can't say I'm exactly surprised."

Beast exclaimed in disappointment.

" We know who you are Logan. I just hope you realize; this sort of thing can never be allowed to effect what happens at the school."

Kitty said to the man.

" Well, actually It's about to do exactly that."

Logan explained as two shadowed figures stood behind him.

" Are you out of your mind, Logan? This goes beyond crazy."

Atom said to the man.

" Sorry, but this is happening. Just thought I'd let you know."

Logan said to the man.

Atom grit his teeth in annoyance and walked away in an anger.

The next day.

" All right. Let's hear it. We've been up and running for a full week. What are the damages?"

Logan asked the group.

" Just one week of operation and the coffers are already precariously dry. I hope somebody plans on winning the lottery sometime soon."

Bobby complained.

" No, luck with getting the Shi'ar to take back kid Gladiator. In fact, when I spoke with Gladiator he simply laughed in my face for a minute and a half when I brought it up. It's wrong to lobotomize children right? I need you guys to occasionally remind me of that."

Rachel explained.

" Sorry about that by the way love."

Atom spoke as it was his fault kid Gladiator was there in the first place.

" I worry that I may not be cut out for this. That the kids just aren't listening to me."

Paige explained as she scratched her shedding face.

" I may have made my expresso machine a tad too advanced. Last night it became sentient and attempted to choke me with its cords. Either that or I should perhaps look into getting more than three hours of sleep a week."

Beast said to the man.

" While I was busy throwing up this morning, I found a gray hair. The whole day I've been pretending it was an Illusion and that we were secretly under attack by mysterio. If oyu know what's good for you, you'll all play along."

Kitty complained to the group

" You're probably just stressed out. I know the kids have been running me for the loop. Especially Kid Gladiator. I've been having to fight him and Hellion often."

Atom stated.

" Well, on the plus side the only injuries reported this week have been minor ones. Mostly from bamf attacks. the little blue gremlins apparently found their way into Logan's stash of martial arts instructional videos. I think I speak for all of us when I say I hope your other video stash is more secure."

Kitty added on.

" Krakoa seems to be settling in nicely, As evidenced by the recent drop in tremors, sinkholes, and spontaneous volcanic eruptions. Although three days ago Hellion did complain of being assaulted by a bed of petunias. He eventually confessed to having first urinated on them. Might I suggest an amendment to the student handbook. Do not disrespect the flowers."

Beast explained to the group.

" Okay, anything on the students?"

Logan asked.

" Idie is proving to be an exceptional student. As is the Brood boy. Quentin Quire, on the other hand, remains a challenge. In one week's, time the boy has attempted no less than fourteen militant uprisings, including just this afternoon when he sparked a small riot in the lunchroom over what he referred to as the staff's Draconian dietary restrictions regarding tater-tots."

Rachel explained making Nathan laugh a little.

Rachel then turned and glared at the man.

" What? I mean you got to admit the boy is a natural born leader. He has the qualities be one of the greatest leaders our galaxy has ever seen. Even Lilandra and Vulcan couldn't spark so many uprisings in a week. Though you are right, he is a little dick. But hey. He's a teenager with no one to relate too. He feels like he's intellectually superior to everyone, but if you pay attention, he does care about everyone here."

Atom explained.

" Now, if only we could find a way to humble him. He'd be the perfect student."

Atom stated.

" Alright. Alright. One problem at a time. I may have solved our money woes at the least. Thanks to Worthington industries."

Logan explained to the group.

" Warren's coming? Great, I haven't heard from him much these past few weeks. What's he been up to?"

Bobby asked.

Hank, Kitty, And Atom all turned and looked at the man.

" It's not just warren. We've got a couple of new additions.

Later in Quantum physics.

" All right every one, I want you to welcome Genesis to the class."

Nathan explained to the students as he and beast were preparing their lecture.

" Hello. You can all call me Evan."

Evan explained to the class.

" Um, is it me or does he look exactly like apocalypse?"

Santo whispered to victor and asked.

" It's not just you man."

Victor replied.

" Mr. Adams, If I may, I would like to just take this opportunity to welcome Genesis and say that I hope he finds these surroundings as intellectually stimulating as I have."

Broo explained to the class.

" Thank you, Broo."

Atom said to the young man.

" Hmph, Knew Brood were good at eating peoples asses. Didn't know they were good at kissing them too."

Quentin shot at the boy.

" Quentin!"

Atom snapped at the boy.

" It is alright Mr. Adams. Broo recognizes friend Quentin's attempts at good natured ribbing. And may I just say, I appreciate the sentiment."

Broo said to the young boy.

" When the revolution comes, you'll be first against the wall sleazy."

Quentin said to Broo.

" Why thank you, that sounds like a tremendous honor."

Broo replied having misunderstood Quentin entirely.

" All right, keep it down students and let's open our books to chapter three."

Atom said to the kids

" You frail one. What are your powers?"

Kid Gladiator asked Evan.

" My uncle says I can do anything I set my mind to."

Evan replied to the boy.

" Your uncle sounds like an idiot."

Kid Gladiator replied.

" What? Why would you say such a thing?"

Evan asked.

" The standards at this school are abysmal. At a Shi'ar academy, someone this weak and puny would have never been permitted through the doors, let alone allowed to consort with warriors such as myself. His parents, if they were honourable, would have set him adrift on an asteroid as an infant and left him to rot among the stars."

Kid Gladiator exclaimed ruthlessly.


Atom snapped upon hearing the boy's words.

The entire class went silent, even Quentin who was in the process of burning one of his textbooks stopped in shock.

" Thank you for your kind words to evan. And thank you for volunteering yourself as my combat partner for the next year! I promise you our lessons will be as painful and as grueling as you want them to be. Now, do you have anything else you want to say to Evan or the class?"

Atom asked the boy who trembled slightly upon hearing his punishment.

" No? Good!"

Atom said to the boy. He then turned and placed his hand on Evan's shoulder.

" I'm sorry if you're having a bad first day, Evan. I promise you not everyone here is as egotistical and as selfish as Quentin and Kid Gladiator."

Atom explained to the saddened boy.

" I don't think I like it here."

Evan said to the man.

" Beast can you continue the lesson today alone?"

Atom turned and asked the man.

" Why yes, I am quite capable."

Beast replied.

" Very well, Evan come with me."

Atom said to the boy.

Evan nodded and got out of his seat to follow the man out of the class.

Atom had Evan follow him all the way to institute's pool and sat him down.

" Listen, Evan I know school can be a hard thing to adjust to. I mean I've only been on earth for a little over two weeks myself. And I'm still learning to adjust. I know that meeting new people can be frightening, and I know that Kubark or Kid Gladiator can be an ass. But I also know that your classmates would go to hell and back to protect you. And so would each and every one of your teachers. We are here for you, Evan we always will be. Now, I can't make you attend these classes. But I would ask that you try your best to see past your classmates rough exterior's"

Atom explained to the boy.

" This is all so weird to me Mr. Adams. I just don't know what to do."

Evan explained to the man as he looked down at his hands.

" It feels like they are all afraid of me."

Evan continued.

" Evan, they aren't afraid of you. They don't understand you. So, make them understand Evan. Don't be afraid to be laughed at and joked on. Be proud of yourself. Show them who you are Evan and they will come to love you as a brother. Follow what your uncle said. Believe in yourself Evan. If you believe you can get along with them, if you believe you can overcome your fears Evan. Then you will. And remember what I said you don't have to do it alone. Because I will always be here to protect my students."

Atom explained to the boy.

Evan looked up at his teacher and for the first time since he stepped foot into the school, he smiled.

" Yes, Professor Adams!"

Evan replied to the man.

" Hey Evan, when we're alone you can just call me Nathan."

Atom said to the young boy.

" Now, come on. Let's head back to class. I'm sure beast is going on his rat about quantum physics being so incredibly easy even a toasted oven could comprehend it."

Atom joked.

And to his surprise Evan started laughing.

After returning to class and seeing there was a new student, Atom introduced himself to the shining Angel and continued with Class once again. When he first started as a teacher, he thought getting the kids to listen to him would be the problem. However, what came next even he didn't have an answer for.