
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Battle of the Atom part 5

" I see, when were tricked." Scott complained. His vizor flared and he blew away a large portion of the Plateau in front of him in anger.

Emma sighed and rubbed her temple in frustration. " Forgive me. I should have tried to peer inside their minds better. Perhaps with the five of us working together we might have seen this coming."

" We don't have time for this pity part. My students and my friends are in trouble. Illyana get us to the school. Now." Atom said to the girl.

" You don't give me orders." Illyana replied defiantly.

Atom turned to the girl and his energy flared angrily.

" Now, now. No time for fighting, Nathan." Colossus said to the man. He then turned to his sister. " Snowflake, please get us there as fast as possible."

Illyana sighed and brought her sword up and teleported the entire group as close to the school as she could get without alerting the defenses.

The group arrived and Jubilee looked out at the school in the distance. " This was as close as Magik could get us?" Jubilee asked.

" The school will have perimeter sensors. This is exactly where we should be-- We can assess the situation before making a move." Scott explained to the woman

" Waiting around won't get the job done. You need recon? I'm heading in." Sentinel X said to the group.

" Not without me you aren't." Atom said as he flew alongside the boy.

" I'm coming too." Sarah stated as she followed her father and Shogo.

As the three flew, Atom looked down at the ruins of the school and felt angered. " They will pay dearly for this." Atom declared.

" Focus Atom. Something big went down here. We need to find out what? There are no signs of students or faculties. No combatant casualties. That's good." Shogo said as he scanned the area. " Hold on. Someone's coming out." Shogo

The group turned towards the shifting rubble and watched as the young Jubilee and Bling crawled out of the rubble.

" Hey! If you don't identitfy yourself i'm going to knock you and your cheesy as hell battlesuit back into next Week! We've had a real bad day, so please, give me a reason!" Jubilee yelled to Shogo.

" Calm down, Jubilee. It's okay. He's a friend." Atom said to the young girl.

" Nathan! Oh, man. It's good to see you. The other X-men. They attacked us and took the others." Jubilee explained to the man.

" Wow! Pushed to the side so quickly. I'm almost hurt." Shogo said as he slowly took his helmet off. " It's good to see you mom." Shogo said to the young Jubilee.

" Shogo?" Jubilee asked. She ran up to the man and hugged him tightly while holding his younger self in her arms. " Oh thank God. They never took you away from me!" Jubilee yelled.

" Are you crying? Hey, look at me, it's going to be okay, mom." Shogo said to the woman.

" You're wrong handsome. I'm glad you made it back Atom. Because Okay is about the last word I'd use to describe the situation." Psylocke said to the two men as she approached them holding her injured arm.

" Betsy, are you all right?" Atom asked the woman.

" Yeah, I'm good. I can still fight." Psylocke replied.

" Good, now stand back." Atom said to the woman. He walked up to the locked down building and punched the wall so hard it caved in. " We're going to save the others." Atom stated as he walked in.

The others followed close behind Atom as he smashed his way through the school's security systems. Tearing through the giant steel walls like paper. Until finally he and the others arrived in the hangar where Logan, Rogue, and Rachel were.

" RACHEL!" Atom yelled his girls name and ran to her side with Sarah right behind him. " She's hurt. A telepathic attack. But she'll be alright. But Logan. His healing factor is missing right now. We need to get him help or he'll bleed out." Atom explained.

" I believe I can handle, Logan's injuries." Wiccan said as he teleported into the room.

" Glad to see you Wiccan. You tend to Logan's injuries, and I'll rouse Rogue." Shogo said to the future sorcerer supreme.

After a short intermission of tending to everyone's injuries the X-Men finally awoke.

" Ugh! My stomach still hurts." Logan complained.

" My head hurts. Xavier got me good." Rachel groaned as she sat up.

" Easy, Rachel. Easy, it's all right now. We're here." Atom said to the woman.

" Nathan, you were right. The Future X-men they attacked us." Rachel explained to the man. She opened her eyes and looked up at the man and the young girl beside him and her eyes shot open. " Nathan, who is this?"

" I'm lieutenant Atom. But for you mom. Sarah." Sarah said to the past version of her mother.

Rachel's eyes widened and she immediately looked to Nathan for confirmation.

" She's telling the truth. She's our daughter Rachel." Nathan explained to the woman.

Rachel leaned up and hugged the girl tightly.

" I'm sorry to break up the family moment. But we have a group of homicidal maniacs to deal with." Logan said to the three.

" You're right, Logan. But when this is over. We're gonna have a talk. Now, who knows where the others are?" Nathan asked.

" They're in beasts lab." Rachel told the man.

" All right, let's go." Nathan said to the others as he stormed out of the room.

The group followed after Nathan as he continued tearing through the security doors, with logan complaining about needing to pay for all that damage along the way, until finally they arrived in Beasts lab which was already occupied By scott and the future X-men.

" Magneto, lock down the school. Emma, find this school's cerebra and get--" Scott was saying.

" No!" Logan yelled as his group walked into the room. " Hank secure our school. Rachel find the bastards who took it from us. And Scoot you and your people stay where the hell I can see you." Logan ordered.

" Logan, I already told you Wiccan and the others are the future X-men." Atom said to the man.

" Wait? More future X-men? Are you as big of jerks as the others are?" Kitty asked.

" Those aren't the X-men. They're the brotherhood of evil mutants from the future." Atom explained to the woman.

" That explains a lot. I'll call Kyle and tell him we need help." Storm stated.

" Wait! So that means not only am I an Ice hulk I also become a part of the brotherhood." Bobby yelled.

" Not exactly Iceman." Future bobby said to his younger self.

" Oh my God! Are you me too?! With a homeless guy beard?! The future just keeps getting worse!' Bobby yelled hysterically.

" Be freaked out later people. The longer we stand here and gawk at each other, the more damage we're doing to the timestream." Quentin explained to the others.

" Wait, is that Quentin Quire as the phoenix? Are we super sure these guys are the good guy future X-Men" Kitty asked in disbelief.

" I brought them here myself." Illyana said to the woman.

" Yeah, but who trust you?" Kitty asked the woman.

" I do. And I told you he had potential kitty. Looks like I was right." Atom said proudly as he patted the man's back.

" They're the good guys. They have to be. I mean, look at them. One of them is me." jubilee said to hank.

" Unfortunately, that is no Assurance. I say that as someone who was just betrayed by my future self." Hank replied to the young woman.

" Can we at least agree on who the bad guys are? They're the ones who just--" Scott was saying.

" You, Scott Summers, do not get to point the finger and call anyone--" Storm was saying to the man.

" Seven Hells! We do not have time for this!" Future colossus yelled.

" How about everybody just goes back to their own time ? How about that for a crazy idea?" Bobby asked.

" I am not sending my daughter nor my students home if they do not wish it." Atom declared.

" Ugh! I believe them." Logan stated. " I believe these are the real X-men. Wiccan there saved my life. healed me after I got gutted by a son that I am apparently going to have with mystique." Logan stated in disbelief. " I am never having sex again. And they're right we don't have time for this." Logan stated. " Hank, what about the original kids? Did the brotherhood send them back to their own time or was that a lie too?" Logan asked the man.

" They tried but were unsuccessful. Though I can't for the life of me figure out why." Hank explained.

" They can't!" Quentin exclaimed. " Your kids. They can't go back home. Not just yet."

" Quentin, are you sure you should be telling them this?" Shogo asked.

" Can't? What do you mean can't?" Kitty asked the man.

" I mean something won't let them. Something that wants them here." Quentin explained.

" Why do I get the feeling I am not going to like that. Ugh!" Atom sighed. " We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Atom stated bluntly pushing the subject aside for the moment.

" The schools on lockdown but there's a blackbird missing from its Hangar. And there is nothing on radar." Hank explained to the group.

" Rachel, says she can't find them with cerebra. Xorn and that Xavier must be blocking their signal's somehow." Kitty spoke.

" They're gone. We've lost them." Storm spoke.

" So, where the hell would they be going?" Quentin asked.

" Don't know, but I believe within the next twenty four hours. We're going to find out." Atom stated. " Everyone who can fight, board the jet. We're going to try and find them before they do something crazy." Atom said to the group of X-men.

The X-men from both sides boarded the plan and set out for their search of the brotherhood, but things weren't so simple. Not when wolverine and Scott were still at odds.

" So, I don't suppose I could convince you folks to head back to your secret lair and leave this to us?" Logan asked Scott and his band of X-men.

" They're with us, Logan. Whether you like it or not they stay." Atom said to the man.

" Fine. But don't think this changes anything." Logan said to the man.

" It doesn't. You're still an idiot." Scott said to Logan.

" And I'm still gonna see you behind bars where you belong." Logan replied.

" We got something!" Hank yelled drawing everyone's attention to him. All law enforcement agencies just received a homeland security alert, code X-51. That means a Mutant related assault on a military base." Hank explained.

" They have a code for that? Why am I not surprised." Kitty asked.

" Cape citadel. Oh, dear." Magneto sighed.

" Colossus!"

" Magik!"

Scott and Logan both yelled.

" Let's move!" Scott and Logan said in unison.

The two mages waved their swords and all X-men teleported straight to the base.

" X-MEN! TAKE THEM DOWN!" Logan and scott yelled.

The two teams immediatley got to fighting. Captain and Lieutenant Atom both attacked the Ice-Hulk drilling him into the ground with ease.

" Carefully sweety. We don't kill here." Atom said to his daughter.

" I know. X-Men rules. Save it for space." Sarah replied.

" That's my girl." Atom said proudly.

Thanks to the sheer amount of numbers The X-Men were effortlessly overpowering the Brotherhood.

" You've lost Xorn. The fun's over. The X-Men win again. Time to go home." Shogo said to the woman.

" Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. The fun isn't over just yet." Xorn replied to the man.

" Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Quentin said as he looked into the sky to see the shield helicarrier above him.

" Attention X-men and assorted unknown mutants from this time or any other! This is shield commander Mariah Hill! You are trespassing on an American military Base! Cease whatever you are doing and put your hands or claws in the air! If you do not stand down, we will be forced to intervene!" Mariah ordered from the helicarrier.

" These guys! I never liked these guys." Quentin stated.

" Shield I forgot there used to be a shield." Shogo stated. " Phoenix."

" Right. I'll set their boats down all nice and gentle like." Quentin replied to the man.

" This was your plan, Xorn? You knew if you made a big enough scene, Shield would come. Why? What were you hoping to prove?" Scott asked the woman.

" Only the truth." Xorn said to the man. She then raised her hands to the sky and the Shield helicarrier fired all of its weapons at the X-men.

" Oh, god." Young jean exclaimed.

" You want to know what your future is like? You want to know why we're here? Then look up. Look at what they think of us." Xorn said to the X-Men. " Welcome to your future, X-Men. Hope you survive the experience."