
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Battle of the atom part 4

The ride was short but felt like an Eternity as Nathan stared daggers at Logan and the others.

" Dude, you can't tell me you're still mad about all of this."

Bobby asked the man.

" Something's off and I know it. And you're all too stupid to realize that."

Nathan said to the man.

" Dude, come on they're us. What's so bad about them?"

Bobby asked.

" They're too secretive. If something so drastically bad happens then why are they not telling us what's going to happen so we can avoid? If things were that bad they would've been more forthcoming with the problem. No, I don't like this. It feels like we're walking right into a trap."

Nathan explained to the man.

" You're overthinking things. And besides man you said it yourself we meet our destinies on the road taken to avoid it or something like that."

Bobby replied.


Nathan replied.

Nathan sat in silence thinking about what could possibly happen until he finally decided to do something.

" Hey, open the hatch! I'm leaving!"

Nathan yelled to Logan up front.

" What? Where are you going?"

Logan asked.

" None of your business. Just open it up. There's something I need to check on."

Nathan said to the man.

Nathan then turned to Rachel and whispered something into her ears. Rachels eyes widened at the man's plan.

" You sure?"

Rachel asked the man.

" Yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it."

Nathan said to the woman with a smile on his face.

Logan grunted and opened the hatch door for Nathan to leave and leave he did.

' All right, got to get back to the mansion.'

Nathan thought to himself, though knowing there were telepaths around he pushed the true intention of his plan to the depths of his mind.

Nathan flew straight back to the institute and rushed down to Hanks lab.

" I hope this Works."

Nathan said to himself. He turned on the machine and in a flash of light he was gone.

Traveling through the timestream, Nathan watched as many events past present and future transpired until finally in a bright flash of light Nathan along with another group of time travelers touched down in the future timeline of the so called X-men.

Nathan looked around and to his dismay noticed that things were not as the X-men had told them.

" Mr. Adams? How did you get here?"

Young Bobby asked.

Nathan turned around to see that Young Hank and Bobby along with Illyana had followed him through time.

" I used the time machine in hanks lab and my quantum powers. How did you guys get here?"

Nathan asked.

" I brought them here."

Illyana replied.

" I see. You must have had a reason. So, what do you think?"

Nathan asked the woman.

" Well, this is the same timeline those future X-men say they are from. I know it is because I saw it with my own eyes. And yet."

Illyana explained.

" And yet, nothing they said seems to be true. Which, I figured they were lying. So, what is it they are so scared of. What darkness are they hiding? I say we find out."

Nathan said to the woman.

Illyana nodded and the group began walking to the and improved institute, only for them to be stopped by a group of sentinels.

" Halt!"

The sentinels commanded.

" SENTINELS! That can't be good."

Young Hank yelled as he looked up at the massive machines.

" Temporal anomalies detected. All visitors must report to the office for check in. Would you like us to escort you?"

The sentinel asked totally shocking the four Mutants.

" What kind of sentinels are these?"

Young bobby asked.

" The good kind... I guess."

Nathan replied just as shocked as Bobby was. Every report he read about the machines detailed them as machines built for Mutant Genocide.

" Stand down boys."

Nathan and the others heard a voice command the sentinels to abort their mission.

Nathan and the group then turned to see a group emerge from the Insitute.

" The X-Men will handle this."

One of the apparent X-men said as he and a few other recognizable men and women appeared before Atom's group.

Colossus, Jubilee now posing as wolverine, the true Future Bobby, Quentin Quire who now possessed the phoenix, Wiccan, as well as three others that Neither Atom nor Illyana recognized assembled to meet them.

" You shouldn't be here."

The older Jubilee said to the group as she approached them with the rest of the X-Men.

" You need to go back where you came from and you need to go back now."

Shogo, the son of Jubilee stated.

" Not until someone tells me what the hell is happening? Who are these people claiming to be the X-men and why are they in our timeline?"

Atom asked.

" Dad?"

Atom turned his head to see that the young girl with red hair had just called him dad. He approached the young girl and put his hand on her face.

" You... You look just like Rachel. Are you... My daughter?"

Atom asked.

Sarah leaned in and hugged her father tearfully. Atom smiled and returned the hug. Embracing the teenage girl as tight as he possibly could.

" You mean to tell me you can't recognize your own daughter? Man, Professor Adams you suck."

Quentin joked as he landed next to the two ruining the moment.

" Quentin Quire of the X-men. Looks like my tough love paid off after all. I'm proud to see you've become a strong man, Quentin."

Atom said to the future version of his troubled student.

" I owe it all to you, Professor. Thank you for never giving up on me or the others. We wouldn't have made it this far without you."

Quentin thanked the man honestly.

" It's nice that student and teach, father and daughter, and even brother and sister have all had their family reunions. But it's time for you to go."

Wiccan said to the group.

" My little Star, what is your name?"

Atom asked his daughter.

" Sarah. It's Sarah Anne Adams. Named after my your mother. I've missed you dad."

Sarah said to the man.

" No! No! You need to go home immediately. You shouldn't be seeing us! You shouldn't be seeing the school!"

Jubilee yelled in frustration.

" Look, I get time travel is bad. But we need to know who or what these future X-Men are doing in our timeline. So, if you could at least help us with that we'd be more than happy to leave."

Atom explained to the woman.

" We cannot tell you. We will never tell you anything that happened here. You need to live your lives purely without the knowledge of what's to come from your actions. That means you have to go home."

Sentinel-X said to the group.

" Not happening. We're not leaving unless you help us."

Atom replied Defiantly.

" Okay, then. We vote."

Kymera, the daughter of storm, spoke.

" On what Kymera?"

Sentinel-X asked.

" No! There's no vote! I call the shots around here!"

Jubilee yelled.

" Jubilation, our people are in trouble and you, and I both know we are partly responsible. Foaming at the mouth will never make it less so."

Future colossus said to the young woman.

" But Piotr."

Jubilee argued.

" Nothing you say will stop me from helping my sister."

Piotr exclaimed.

" And I ain't gonna sit by and not help the man who saved my life."

Quentin stated.

" I'm helping my dad, Jubilee."

Sarah said to the woman.

" There we have it. It looks like the vote has been decided."

Colossus stated.

" Uggrrrh! Fine we'll help. But we leave now. Before you see anything else you aren't supposed to see."

Jubilee growled in annoyance.

Everyone gathered around Jubilee and in a flash the entire group was teleported back in time to where Scott and the rest of his squad of mutants were.

Scott and the others stood by in shock and confusion as Magik and more X-Men from the future appeared in front of them.

" Hey, guys. May I introduce you to the real X-Men of the future."

Illyana said to the group as they stood tall assembled.