
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Battle of the Atom Part 2

" Damn it. Who are you people?"

Nathan asked the newly arrived group.

" We're the X-Men from the future sparky! Would have thought that was obvious."

Future Deadpool stated.

" Wait is that giant Ice guy supposed to be me?"

Young bobby asked in shock.

" Oh my God, it is."

Bobby answered the boy.

" Who are you?"

Young hank asked.

" How far into the future did you come from?"

Hank asked as well.

" Doesn't matter every second they're here time fractures more and more."

Nathan answered the big hairy beast.

" Everyone keep it calm and let's figure this out like mostly mature adults."

Kitty said to the group in an attempt to calm the growing unease.

" My name is Xavier. You knew my grandfather. The day you decided to let the original X-Men live here in your time turns out to be a disastrous mistake."

Xavier explained to the group.

" We're here to reverse that mistake and give our people, and the X-Men a chance of surviving with some dignity."

Future Hank explained.

" By doing what forcing the kids back? That's not right."

Nathan stated in defense of the kids.

" Ah, Atom it's always a pleasure to see you and your ostensibly unreasonable disposition. But as I seem to remember you were the one who wanted them to go back the most. What changed?"

Future Hank asked the man.

" I'm not really in the forcing things on children game."

Nathan replied.

" Hm."

Future Hank hummed before moving on.

" Everybody pipe down! Let's see what we have here. So you're supposed to be the grandson of Charles Xavier?"

Logan asked Xavier.

" Yes sir."

Xavier replied.

" And you would be old-as-dirt Hank Mccoy."

Logan then turned to the future Hank and asked.

" Logan."

Future Hank replied.

" Fascinating."

Both Present and past Hank stated as they looked over the future beast.

Logan then walked over to future kitty and started sniffing her.

" You're kitty Pryde all grown up."

Logan stated as he looked at the much older woman.

" Wolverine."

Future kitty answered the man before jumping into his arms and hugging him.

" Oy vey... Remind me to moisturize."

Kitty said to Storm.

" Steady."

Storm replied.

" What kitty, I think you're still beautiful even in old age. I mean just look at all those wrinkles."

Nathan joked.

Kitty turned around and glared at him menacingly making the man take a few steps back in slight fear.

" I missed you so much! Snort sniffle!"

Deadpool yelled as he started kissing Logan on his cheek.

" Off! Off!"

Logan yelled said he pushed Wade off of him.

" Okay, that's definitely Deadpool... You I don't know."

Logan said as he got in Molly's face.

" Molly Hayes."

The woman replied.

" I still don't know who you are."

Logan shot back.

" When I was a kid, I was one of the runaways. We've met like six times."

Molly explained to logan.

" Is that giant lump of steroid snow really supposed to be me?!"

Young bobby suddenly yelled out again as he was shocked to see the giant Ice Hulk standing in front of him.

" Rggggggh!"

The Ice Hulk growled.

" Uh, okay. What exactly happened that you all broke time and came back here? And Hank Mccoy, do you ever learn?"

Logan asked the group once again.

" The original X-Men should never have stayed here in this time... In this space... A visit? Maybe."

Future Kitty explained to the man.

" But according to what we know now, if they go back today, right now we, you can stop a series of events that will lead to..."

Xavier was explaining until Logan suddenly popped his claws.

" What are you doing?"

Deadpool asked as he and Ice Hulk looked at the man in shock.

" Not. Me."

Logan replied as he struggled to put his claws back.

The Ice Hulk seeing the danger however, attacked Wolverine by punching him in his side and sending him flying.

" No!"

Kitty yelled.

" I told you this would happen!"

Xavier shouted as he ducked under the Ice Giant.

Nathan raised his hand and blasted the Ice Giant in it's chest sending it flying across the room and crashing into Hanks experiments.

" Everybody settle down!"

Storm yelled.

" No one's looking to fight!!"

Kitty yelled as she also attempted to calm the others down before they destroyed everything in the room.

" Not in here!"

" Not the lab!"

Hank and young Hank both yelled as they attempted to save their lab.

" Just everybody settle down!!!"

Bobby yelled as he put up an Ice shield in front of the future X-men.

" What just happened?! Wolverine went nuts!"

Young bobby asked as he did the same to the present X-Men.

" You're what happened! It's not enough that he stood by and let Charles Xavier die!!!"

Molly yelled as she and the Ice Giant shattered the shield Iceman put up.

" Listen to me! It wasn't me! I wasn't gonna pop anyone. Someone took control of my arms and the only person in this room that I know can do that is Jean Grey!!!"

Logan explained to the others in his defense.

Upon hearing his statement, the fighting immediately stopped.

" Aaaaaand where did she go?"

Young bobby asked as he looked around for the woman.

" And uh, where's Scott summers?"

Young hank asked as he didn't see him either.

Nathan took a deep breath and face palmed himself as he realized the two had slipped away during the chaos.

" Cyclops?!"

Storm yelled for the boy.

" Oh no."

Kitty and future kitty said in unison.

The X-men heard the sound of one of their jets taking off and ran outside in time to see Scott and Jean fly away.

" Oh great, not this shit again."

Nathan grumbled.

" Rachel's gonna kick my ass for losing these kids again."

Nathan added on.

" So, Uh. What are we going to do now?"

Young bobby asked.

" We'll go after her."

Bobby stated.

" I will go after them."

Logan corrected the man.

" We'll figure this whole thing out."

Hank stated.

" There's nothing to figure out, Henry. They have to go back to their time, and we have to go back to ours. End of story."

Molly explained to the man.

" Again, we can't make them go back. It's just not right."

Nathan argued with the woman.

" We'll figure that out later. What I want to know is why Jean would do that? What made her run away from you people?"

Storm asked the group of time travelers.

" I blame everyone else but me."

Wade said absentmindedly.

" We all know why she ran away. She doesn't want to go back."

Future Kitty replied to Storm.

" But she doesn't run away from trouble. She doesn't put her needs in front of others."

Nathan spoke up.

" Damn right. She picked up on something in one of your heads that she didn't like. Time to come clean."

Logan said to the group.

The present and past X-men turned and looked at the future X-men for answers.

' Rachel, can you come down to Hank's lab. We need your help.'

Nathan reached out to the woman telepathically.

' Already on my way.'

Rachel replied.

Nathan smirked and then turned his attention back to the group.

" She didn't like that we.. That I blocked our thoughts from her."

Xavier answered honestly.

" Now why would you go and do something like that?"

Logan asked the man.

" It is not wise to know too much about your future. What good could it do? At best it creates a paradox. We should not even be here in your time, but our message to you is that important. We saw no other way."

Xavier replied.

" Xavier, I warned you what would happen. I warned you that she is in a delicate emotional state."

The woman wearing Xorn's old outfit said to the man.

" I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

Nathan asked the woman.

" Yeah, I have to say all things considered... Wearing that uniform around here is in terrible taste... Seeing as the last person who wore that mask killed Jean Grey right here in the school."

Rachel told the woman as she walked into the lab heated.

She stormed past the X-men and got right into Xorn's face.

" I know. And I am sorry. But it's who I am now."

Xorn replied.

" My name is Rachel Grey. I'm an X-Man and a teacher in this school. I've read the minds of every one of my teammates and I know everything that's happened here. So, who might you be?"

Rachel asked the woman.

" I know who you are Rachel."

Xorn said to the woman as she took her mask off. The X-Men were shocked to see that under the mask was none other than Jean grey herself.

" My name is Jean Grey, and I am an X-Man too. And the reason we are blocking our thoughts and memories from you is because we love you. We're here because we want the best for you now and forever."

Jean explained to the group. She grabbed Rachel and kissed her softly on her cheek before greeting the others.

" Hey, ro."

Jean said as she hugged storm.

" Now, you have to find my younger self and get her back where she belongs. You made a promise to me, Kitty Pryde. It's time you kept it."

Jean explained to the woman.

" If you'll forgive me... I don't mean to be rude, but I've lived a long time and my powers have only grown. I can't keep the helmet off for more than a few minutes at a time."

Jean explained before placing Xorn's old mask back on..

" Um... So Xavier?"

Jubilee called out to the man.

" Gah! Where did you come from?"

Nathan jumped as the young woman and her baby appeared behind him.

" I've been here the whole time actually. But back to what I was saying. Xavier, how do you suppose we catch them? The blackbird's gone. Jean and Scott took it."

Jubilee said to Nathan before turning to Xavier and asking how they were going to find the others.

" The blackbird is hardly one of a kind, is it?"

Xavier asked.

" Hank? Or should I say middle Hank?"

Future Hank looked at his younger self with a knowing face.

" Of course, you'd know... Er remember that my younger self and I decided to test out some jet ideas. Great Minds ETC."

Hank exclaimed.

" It's more or less complete, and it desperately needs a shake-out flight, so perhaps this is all fortuitous? One side please."

Young hank explained as he pulled out a small remote. He pushed a button, and a brand-new sleeker Jet came out of the floor below them.

" Whoa!"

Jubilee exclaimed.

" There's something so comforting about future knowledge isn't there?"

Xavier asked.

" Maybe you can use some of that to help me find my keys next time I lose them."

Logan said as he looked at the jet along with Rogue and Psylocke who also appeared out of nowhere.

' Where the hell do these girls keep popping up from?'

Nathan asked himself.

' I brought them with me.'

Rachel replied telepathically.

' Oh, well good thing you did.'

Nathan replied.

' Why?'

Rachel asked.

' I'll tell you later.'

Nathan stated before turning his attention back to the group.

" Jean is trying admirably to mask herself from me, but she is still so young, as is her experience using her powers. She's leaving a psychic trail. I can track young Jean and Scott with this Cerebro spike. The sooner we're aboard, the sooner we can ensure everyone's future."

Xavier explained to the group as he began tracking Jean and Scott.

The group all went to board the jet, but Rachel, Kitty, Nathan, and Jubilee were stopped by Storm.

" I need you four to stay here."

Storm said to the group.

" You can't be serious."

Nathan complained.

" Young Bobby and Hank as well. Scott and Jean might return, so we need people here."

Storm explained to the three.

" You sure it ain't because I don't want to send them back?"

Nathan asked the woman.

" I don't need another fight breaking out. Can you just stay here?"

Storm asked the man.

Nathan looked over at the future X-Men and growled before walking away with Kitty and Rachel right behind him.

Upstairs Nathan, Rachel, Kitty and Young bobby and Hank were in the lounge.

" Leftover Chinese?"

Rachel asked Nathan and Kitty as she searched the fridge.

" Yes, please."

" God, yes."

Kitty and Nathan replied.

Rachel grabbed the multiple cups of Chinese food and levitated them out of the fridge and onto the counter.

" So, Jean grey from the future, Huh? That's gotta be weird."

Kitty spoke.

" About as weird as Jean Grey from the past. Just watch and see how hard I stress-eat these p.c.u noodles."

Rachel replied.

" They're right, right?"

Kitty suddenly asked.

" About what?"

Nathan asked the woman.

" About Scott and Jean and the kids."

Kitty answered.

Nathan took a bite of his food and placed the cup back down.

" Well, I'm not one to talk, having come from the future myself and basically crashing the party permanently. But no, I'm not super into the idea of sending people somewhere they don't want to go."

Rachel said to the woman.

" Me neither."

Nathan stated.

" I know I'm being irrational, hell, I was there when young scott was dying and our scott was seemingly wiped from existence. It's really dangerous having them here. I get that. I know that, but I don't want them to go. Ever since they've been here, I feel like things have gotten better. I feel like we're getting close to where we're supposed to be. And I guess I... Well, you know what sending them back means, right?"

Kitty explained to the two.

" That's my problem. Should they go back? Yeah probably. But I want it to be their call. Not something the adults force on them."

Nathan replied.

" And Rachel what I wanted to talk to you about earlier. That Xavier kid, I don't trust him. Or any of them to be exact. I don't like their whole story, nothing adds up."

Nathan explained to the two women his concerns over these future X-men.

" Yeah, I'm not into taking them by force and I don't trust this Xavier either. And that's on top of me and ororo not exactly seeing eye to eye recently. So, here's a question for you both... Any interest in being completely irrational?"

Rachel asked the two X-men with a grin on her face.

Kitty and Nathan looked at each other and smiled and then nodded at Rachel.

" Then follow me."

Rachel said to the two. She grabbed her food and walked down to the hangar with the others and stole the humming bird. The group took off into the sky to save the young X-Men from their future selves.