
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Battle of the Atom!

Xorn in an attempt to sway the X-Men of the past, attacked an American Base to draw shields attention. The X-Men fought against the brotherhood and easily overpowered them, that is until Xorn enacted her plan and used her abilities to fire ever single weapon the Helicarrier had onboard and off. The X-Men tried to destroy the oncoming missiles but there was just too many to handle.

" There's too many bombs! Peter! Start teleporting everyone out!" Psylocke yelled to the man.

" Get down!" Logan yelled.

Atom turned and grabbed his daughter. " Stay close, sweety." Atom said to the girl as he used his body to cover her.

Just before the many rockets exploded a giant green wall erected from the ground up and blocked the oncoming vessels.

Storm looked up at the wall and smiled. " It's about time you got here."

" Well, what can I say. I always did know how to make a dramatic entrance." Kyle replied as he floated down above the X-Men.

" Do you see now? Do you see what they will do to us? Do you see how they see us? This is only a warm-up. A brief glimpse of what it is they will do to us!" Future Hank ranted to the X-Men of the past. " We must, UGRRHKKK!" Hank was suddenly killed by a Lazer beam from the newly arriving shield sentinels.

" Pretty effective way of making his point." Young bobby stated.

" Oh, my God. Did I just. Did I just see myself die?" Young hank asked in shock and terror.

" That wasn't us. Don't think for a second that we turn into that." Hank said to his younger self.

" Sentinels. These are new. These I do not know." Magneto stated.

" Shield has its own flamin sentinels. Heads are gonna roll for this." Wolverine declared.

" You're wrong, Logan. They had Sentinels. You ready lieutenant?" Atom asked the young girl.

" Yes, Captain." Sarah replied.

The two mutants flew into the air and began gathering energy in their hands.

" Don't hold back. Give it everything you've got. Do you hear me?" Atom exclaimed.

" Yes." Lt. Atom replied.

" Together!" Atom yelled. And the two mutants fired the energy they had been building up. The sky was blanketed by the roaring nuclear energy of two beyond Omega class Mutants and the sentinels were all destroyed with ease.

" Let's not get caught in this." Kyle stated as he put up another barrier to protect everyone from the harmful nuclear rays both Atoms' were putting out.

After the sky cleared both Sarah, who had exhausted all of her energy with the attack, started falling towards the ground but was caught by her father and carried safely down.

" You did good, Sarah. I'm proud of you." Atom said to the sleeping girl.

" No! This isn't right! You weren't supposed to Survive!" Xorn yelled in anger and frustration.

" Lady! You just don't learn, do you?" Young Scott asked the woman.

" X-Men! Kick her ass! Kick it extra hard just for me." Jean yelled.

" Yes, Ma'am." Young bobby replied as the young X-Men attacked the older Jean Grey.

Scott and Bobby both tried blasting the woman, but their attacks were nullified.

' What do you think you're doing?" Xorn asked her younger self.

' You stay out of my head, woman.' Jean replied.

' It's my head too.' Xorn stated.

' I beat you once. On my own. This time you don't stand a chance.' Jean said as she and the others continued to whittle down Xorn's defenses.

' This time, I'm not holding back/ Don't make me hurt you. Believe it or not, I don't hate myself that much.' Xorn explained to the young girl as she blasted Angel out of the sky.

' You didn't have to do this. We tried to go home.' Jean replied as she caught the falling Angel.

' These people refused to see the truth about the world. They still do. They're not ready for the future, Jean. And neither are you.' Xorn said to the girl as she blocked more of Scott and Bobby's attacks.

' I don't care what you say. I don't care about what I saw about my future. I love these people. I'm not going to give up on them.' Jean said to her future self. ' And I'm not afraid to die.' Jean stated as she punched Xorn's mask nearly shattering it.

' Finally. Something we agree on.' Xorn replied. She flexed her muscles and her energy exploded. ' I know you think you'll win, Jean. I know you think you're ready for what's coming. That you all are. I wish I could believe you. But I promise you whatever power you think you've got on your side. It won't be enough.' Xorn explained to the woman.

' Stop. What's? What's happening with your powers?' Jean asked the woman.

' You'll figure it out yourself someday. Goodbye Jean Grey. And good luck.' Xorn said her final words to the young girl before finally releasing all the power inside of her and exploding.

Kyle quickly put up a shield around the group as Colossus and Illyana teleported the group away from the massive explosion.

Once the dust settled Xorn was reduced to nothing more than ashes and the Brotherhood of evil mutants was gone.

The X-men all arrived back at the Jean Grey Institute, with no life threatening injuries.

" No! We have to go back!" Jean yelled.

' Relax, Jean. It's over." Scott said to the girl.

" I can't believe we all came out of that alive! There is a god!" Bobby yelled in excitement.

" So, we won? We actually won?" Kitty asked.

" We're alive aren't we?" Logan said to the woman.

" We got everyone back safe and sound. So, yeah. I think that counts as a win." Young Bobby said to the woman.

" What about the brotherhood?" Hank asked

" I'm brain scanning the cape citadel area. Shield hasn't found any bodies." Rachel explained to the group.

" They won't find anything of Xorn. Unless they've got a pretty powerful magnifying glass. She was blown to bits." Quentin stated.

" Xavier's too smart to have gone out like that. The brotherhood are still here, I'm sure of it." Kymera explained to the group.

" Right. But the more important thing here is, so are they." Logan said as he turned and looked at the young X-Men.

" And here they'll stay until they're ready to go home." Atom said to the man.

" Ain't the time for this metal-head. These kids being here is dangerous. They need to go home. We might not be able to send them back yet, but we will work on it. And that isn't up for debate." Logan explained to the man.

" Heeeeh." Hank sighed. " I'll get to work on a solution right away." Hank said to the man as he and Atom glared at one another.

" The kids aren't the only ones who need to go back where they came from." Bobby stated as he looked at Scott and his group.

" Oh no, you're not pinning this mess on us, not again." Emma said to the man.

" I agree with Wolverine. Those children must return to their own time." Magneto stated.

" Never mind all of that! We have a bigger problem at hand than these kids or our personal quarrel." Scott said to the two groups.

" Shield." Logan stated.

" That's right. Shield, tried to kill us. Shield now, has its own sentinels. That's going to need to be dealt with right away." Scott explained to the man.

" You're right. But not by you. You don't have the moral authority to deal with much of anything these days, slim." Logan explained to Scott.

" And you do, Logan? Shall we compare total body counts? I believe we'll need a calculator for yours." Scott replied sarcastically.

" You killed the only man that mattered." Logan replied.

" And you're his self-appointed successor now, is that right Professor Wolverine? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?" Scott asked the man.

" Yep." Logan replied. " I realize it all over again every damn day. But then I walk through that front door over there and suddenly I'm surrounded by young Mutants who need all the help they can get. So sure, call me Professor Wolverine and laugh if you want. Cause these here are my X-Men." Logan said to the man as Rachel, Hank, Storm, Atom, and Iceman stood beside him. " And that's our school over there. And after that... Nothing else really means a damn. Including you." Logan said to the man.

After that Scott's X-Men left the school grounds and the Future X-Men all returned to tehir own timeline. But not before saying their goodbyes.

" Is it really time for you to go already?" Atom asked the young girl.

" Yeah. We can't afford to stay here much longer. Timeline and all that." Sarah said to her father.

" Well, I won't you to know that you were amazing today sweetheart. And me and your mom are both so very proud of you." Atom said to the girl.

" We love you, Sarah. And we looked forward to having you and seeing you grow up to be the beautiful, smart, and strong young woman you are." Rachel said to her daughter.

Sarah looked at her parents and hugged them both. " I'll miss you both. So, much. I love you, Momma. Poppa." Sarah said to the two.

" And we love you, Sarah." Atom said to the girl.

" You don't mind one more do you?" Quentin asked as he approached the family.

The family trio broke their hug and Atom turned to the man. " Quentin. You've grown into a good man. Your jokes still suck all hell. And that attitude of yours is still there. But I'm proud of you. I look forward to seeing you grow into the man I know you can be." Atom said to the man.

" Thank you, Professor. I hope things do go a bit differently. I know I'd like to have a drink with you one day. Not just as teacher and student. But as friends." Quentin said to the man.

" I know we will Quentin. Just promise me one thing before you back. You and Evan keep my girl safe. you hear?" Atom said to the man.

Quentin smiled and nodded before walking away.

Atom and the X-men watched and waved as those from the future finally returned to their timeline for good.

" They're finally gone." Rachel stated.

" Yeah, they are. And Logan." Atom said as he turned towards the man. " We are going to have that talk." Atom said to the man before walking away.

And like that the Battle of the Atom ended and everything returned to Normal or so it seemed.

Hours later in the middle of the night, Kitty walked out of the school with her belongings.

" I can't do this anymore." Kitty said to the students and the other teachers.

" Kitty?" Hank questioned the girl.

" I have given everything to this school. To you, our students." Kitty said to the man. Storm tried to reach out for the girl, but Kitty jerked away from the woman. " No, Ororo! everything I learned about being a woman and a mutant happened right here. And yet... When I needed you the most, when I needed you to trust me the most... I get nothing! When the original X-Men needed you the most... Nothing!" Kitty yelled in anger, hurt by the betrayal of her closest friends. " I can't be here. I quit the Jean Grey school." Kitty exclaimed.

" You need to take a break? I get it. But don't go saying anything you'll regret. Trust me on this." Logan said to the woman.

Kitty turned and snapped at Logan. " Trust you? How could I ever trust any of you again?" Kitty asked the man. She then turned to her now Ex-Boyfriend Bobby and yelled at him. " Bobby-- all those things you said to me in private. All the promises you made. Well, you had at least ten times today to be the man I thought you were, and you promised me you were." Kitty said to the man.

" Isn't that a nice bunch of hypocrisy coming from, someone willing to risk all of time and space. But who's counting?" Bobby replied sarcastically.

" Where are you going to go?" Storm asked the woman.

Kitty ignored the woman and instead turned to the young X-men. " Guys, I know I promised to guide and teach you, but I have to go."

" So do we." Scott replied.

" We already discussed it, and we can't be where aren't wanted. As long as we're stuck here, we can still do our best to do our best." Young Jean said to the woman.

" Well then. Tell them we're ready." Kitty said to the girl

" They already know." Jean replied.

And suddenly Scott and his X-men appeared once again in the courtyard of the school shocking everyone.

" Professor Pryde... Pack up your students and we'll be waiting for you back at the new Xavier school. Obviously that offer still goes out to any of you." Scott stated.

Kitty walked up to Illyana and hugged her. " Thank you, Illyana."

" Of course." Illyana replied.

Kitty then turned to her former teammates in tears and said goodbye.

" Anyone else coming along?" Scott asked once again.

Atom stepped forward and walked past Logan and the others towards a grinning scott.

" Welcome aboard, Nathan. We'll be glad to have you." Scott said to the man.

" One moment, Scott. I'm not coming with you." Atom replied.

" Then what are you doing?" Emma asked.

" I just want to speak with you for once." Atom replied.

" Okay, go ahead." Scott said to the man.

" Look, Scott. I honestly don't care what Logan says or feels about you. I don't. So first, let me thank you all for helping keep the kids safe. For one." Atom said to the man.

" No problems. We're all mutants. We should be looking out for one another." Scott replied.

" And second, I just wanna say what you're doing. This whole mutant revolution thing of yours. I support it. Believe it or not I did the same thing. So, did Alex, your brother, so did Lorna, and so did Rachel. But honestly even before them me and corsair and the starjammers? We were doing the revolution thing for years. And what happened on that beach with Xavier. I don't blame you for that either. Maybe logan and the others have a right to be upset about it. But I can't blame you for your actions while possessed by the phoenix. That's what it does. it twists your minds. So, no. I don't hate you Scott or any of your comrades. And know that if you ever need help." Atom explained to Scott. He then held out his hand for the man and Scott grabbed it. " You can call on me."

" Thank you for all that, Nathan. I appreciate at least someone around here knows how to keep a cool head." Scott said to the man.

Atom then turned to Kitty and the students who were leaving and smiled. " And you guys." Atom said to the group. He walked over and hugged Kitty. " If you guys need my help. You'll have it."

" Thank you, Nathan. You and Rachel were the only ones who stood by us when we needed you and for that you have my thanks." Kitty said as she returned the hug.

" You all be careful and watch yourselves out there." Atom said to the group before turning back to Scott. " I got one more thing to ask you Scott, but if you could. I'd like this conversation to be a bit more private." Atom said to Scott as he pointed at his head.

Scott nodded and had Emma create a psychic link for the two men to speak inside their minds.

" Okay, what do you want to ask?" Scott asked the man.

" Well..."

As the two men spoke in their minds Rachel and the others watched as both men smiled before coming back to reality.

" Take care of yourself, Nathan." Scott said to the man. " Alright, Magik. Take us home." Scott said to the woman.

And with a wave of her sword Scott and his new recruits were gone. And the Jean Grey School once again lost their students.

Nathan smiled and then turned and walked towards the school.

Rachel, in confusion, ran up to Nathan as he walked. " What did you ask my father about that was so secretive you had the Frosts and Jean keep me from seeing it?" Rachel asked.

" Oh, just a little something I wanted your father's opinion on." Nathan replied as he walked into the school.

The end to the Battle of the Atom.