
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Back to Class

" Welcome, students. It's good to see you all again. Due to Professor Mccoy tending to Broo, it'll just be me today. But before we begin, I see we have some new students joining us. Would please introduce yourselves."

Nathan welcomed the class back and to his surprise he had two new students.

The two students a boy named Trevor with eyes all over his body and a young chines girl named Jia Jing who was covered in a crystal-like substance and had wings.

" Ni Hao. My name is Jia Jing, from China. Thank you for allowing me into your school. I will try not to be a burden."

Jia stated as she introduced herself to the class.

" Welcome Jia, it's a pleasure to have you be here. I look forward to getting to know you better and seeing how you preform."

Nathan said to the girl as he welcomed her to the class.

" Now, you young man?"

Nathan turned to Trevor and asked the boy his name.

" Name's Trevor. But you can call me eye boy. I know everyone will anyway."

Trevor said to the class.

" Welcome, Trevor. It's a pleasure to meet you young man. I look forward to seeing how you grow over the year."

Nathan said to the young boy.

Once Trevor and Jia took their seats Nathan began his lesson though to before taking a glance at the empty seat across the room.

On the seat it read " Tremble for kid gladiator was here!" Nathan read the seat one more time before starting his lesson.

" Alright class, open your books to chapter eight, a history of atomic fission and it's uses in war."

Nathan said to the class as he opened his textbook.

The students all pulled out their bags and began following along as Nathan read to them the passages from the book and explained the differences between atomic theories and atomic facts, seeing as he was a walking atom bomb, Nathan knew firsthand what was real and what was only a guess.

As the man read Bart who was sitting next to eye boy leaned over and whispered in trevor's ear.

" Hey, man what can you do?"

Bart asked.

" Well, I see things really good."

Trevor explained to the boy.

" Yeah, can you see this?"

Bart asked as he ran up to Nathan's desk and snagged one of his books and ran back.

" Yeah, a little. Still kind of hard to keep up. You're really fast."

Trevor said to the boy as he was impressed by his speed.

" Yeah I am."

Bart gloated.

Nathan smirked and threw a piece of chalk right into the side of Bart's head, hitting him square in the temple.

" Mr. Allen, I may not be as fast as you are. But I am still pretty fast myself. Now, do me a favor put my book back and stop interrupting class."

Nathan said to the boy.

" Sorry, Mr. Adams."

Bart apologized to the man as he rubbed his head.

" You're forgiven, now where was I? Oh, yes splitting an atom."

Nathan resumed his lesson from where he had left off.

Nathan continued his lesson for the next hour without getting interrupted until it was time for this class period to end.

" Okay, students. That's all for today. And once again for homework I want you to write a simple two-page paper explaining atomic fission."

The entire class groaned in agony as Nathan explained their homework. Nathan gave a light smirk at the students and watched as they all piled out of his classroom in a hurry.

' The next class should be in any minute now.'

Nathan thought to himself as he cleared the board of the previous classes lesson.

After a few minutes the students began piling into the room once again and to his surprise Nathan had another new student to attend to.

" Welcome students. It's good to see you all again. Last class I had two new students, once again it seems I have another. Young lady would you please come up to the front and introduce yourself to the class?"

Nathan asked the young girl.

The girl got up from her seat and walked to the front of the class.

" My name is Iara Dos Santos, from Brazil."

Iara said to the class.

" And what can you do young lady?"

Nathan asked the girl.

Iara turned to the man and her skin started changing color, her hands became webbed, and her teeth grew. She slowly began changing into a shark.

" I believe they would call you a shark. Correct?"

Nathan asked the girl as he was still learning earths animals himself.

" Yeah, I turn into a wereshark as Angel explained it."

Iara explained to the man before turning back to normal.

" I see, how curious. Well, Iara I look forward to seeing how you grow throughout the year."

Nathan said to the girl before gesturing for her to return to her seat.

After another successful class period and a brief moment of scolding Quire once again, Nathan finally ended class for the day. and was called to the teachers' lounge along with the other teachers to meet the newest member of their staff.

" Welcome everyone. I'd like to introduce you all to our newest staff member. Some of you are familiar with her already but for those of you who aren't let me introduce you to Ororo Munroe."

Kitty explained to the teachers before introducing an old-time friend of the X-men in Storm.

Storm stepped forward and was welcomed by the other teachers with open arms.

" It's good to see you Storm."

Nathan said to the woman.

" It's nice to see you as well, Atom. Kyle also asked me to give you his regards if I saw you again."

Storm explained to the man.

" Kyle? Oh, right I forgot about him."

Nathan rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

" He figured."

Storm stated.

" Why didn't he come to see me?"

Nathan asked.

" He told me, Hal needed him up in space. He said he wanted to be debriefed on the whole phoenix situation."

Storm explained to the man.

" Ah I see. Yeah, that makes sense, Hal technically is the Lantern of earth as well. I guess with there only being two of them things are stretched pretty thin."

Natha stated and Storm nodded in agreement.

" Well, anyway it was good to see you again Storm."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Oh, just call me ororo."

Storm interjected and corrected the man.

" Okay Ororo. I'll see you later. There are some things I need to check on, so I'll be gone for a while. You guys have fun with your reunion."

Nathan said to the men and women in the room before flying away from the institute.

Nathan flew all the way to the mountains and landed. Over the past few days Nathan had noticed that his powers had grown much stronger than they were before and therefore needed a place to practice without endangering the lives of the students and other staff members.

Nathan raised his hands and tried firing a weak blast but ended up destroying a mountain.

" Okay, not what I intended, gonna have to dial it back more."

Nathan explained to himself.

' Maybe if I try using less power than I usually would, maybe it would help.'

Nathan thought. He raised his finger and tried using a tiny bit of his power. The blast that came out was smaller, but it was denser than anything else he had ever fired, the beam that came out easily pierced through the ground below him.

Nathan raised his finger in surprise at the shot.

" Okay, that's new. Gonna have to figure that one out later. For now, however I need to get this output under control."

Nathan said to himself before going back to this training.

Having been so caught up in his training, Nathan ended up missing what was happening at the school.

Next time welcome to Frankenstein's Murder Circus.