
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Avengers vs The X-Men part 5

Atom stood defiantly in front of Scott, keeping him from approaching Hope. However, just as Atom stood against Scott, Scott was not leaving without hope.

" Fine. We do this the hard way!"

Atom declared as he rushed scott.

Atom went to punch Scott but was met by the man's optic blasts. When the beam hit Atom began laughing.

" Hahaha! You brothers are exactly the same. I don't just blast energy Scott. I control it, which means your optic blasts are my optic blasts."

Atom explained to the man as he returned the very same blast that Scott had tried to hit him with. The beam hit Scott directly in his chest, the force launched him from his spot in the air and pushed him through a nearby building.

" WOOHOO! I've never been so happy to have the nuclear option on the table."

Spiderman exclaimed.

" Atom? What are you doing here?"

Hope asked the man as she was stunned by his appearance.

Atom turned to the girl and floated down in front of her.

" Now, did oyu think I'd leave you here without keeping an eye on you?"

Atom asked the girl.

Hope looked up at the man in confusion.

" I had Rachel keep an eye on this place for any kind of massive energy spikes and when Kyle went with you guys to get everyone back, he contacted me before the operation. So, I took the initiative to wait nearby in case you guys needed help."

Atom explained to the young girl who only looked at him in awe.

" Now, if you guys have a plan to deal with these guys I suggest you get to work on it soon. I maybe able to stop his optic beams but the power of the phoenix is something else. Even I can't completely defend against it."

Atom explained to the group.

" We've got tony working on something. You give him as long as you can and we'll get Hope somewhere safe."

Iron fist said to the man.

Atom nodded and just as he was about to speak, Scott finally launched out of the rubble he was buried in angered by the man's attack.

" Guess I poked the bear."

Atom stated as he looked at the man radiating with power.

Atom rushed Scott but was hit in his chest by a blast from the phoenix force.

" Ugh!"

Atom grunted as his body was flung across the city and smashed into one of the many mountains in the area. Atom brushed off the blow to see a hole in his suit.

' Damn.'

Atom thought to himself.

Knowing that he couldn't take many blows like that, Atom rushed back towards the city and slammed his fist into Scotts, back. Keeping the man from pursuing Hope further.

" Hope, get with the others Now!"

Atom ordered the girl as he held Scott down. He raised his fist and punched the man below him in the face cratering the ground around them.

Hope did as Atom told her too and ran to Wanda beast and Iron man for help.

" Just stay down Summers, I don't want to hurt you."

Atom said to the man

Scott raised his hand and fired into Atom's chest launching him off of him again.

Atom rolled across the ground as Scott got to his feet.

The two men looked at each other and exploded from their positions. Atom and Scott both pulled back and punched each other in the face hard enough for a shockwave to erupt from their position. The force of the blow pushed Scott back but sent Atom further.

" Hey sparky step aside and let witch work her magic."

Ironman said to Atom as Hope arrived with help.

Wanda stood in front of Atom and blasted Scott with everything she had. But it didn't do a thing to the man.

" Nice try... but I'm stronger than the last time we met..."

Scott declared.

" That was everything I had."

Wanda exclaimed in shock.

" Yeah, that's not good."

Iron man stated

" Let me try something crazy."

Atom spoke

Atom raised his hands and began trying to siphon the energy from the man once again.

" That's not going to work."

Scott exclaimed. Now give me the girl or else."

Scott declared.

Hope furrowed her eyes and stepped towards Scott in anger.


Hope declared as her body burned with power. Seemingly being able to use Atom's atomic powers, Wanda's magic, and the power of the phoenix.

Scott looked at the woman in contempt but suddenly felt his power starting to decrease.

Thanks to the combined powers of Hope and Atom the man's power waned.

" What? Hey... No... How did you?"

Scott was asking in a panic, but his words went unheard as Hope approached.

" Go away!"

Hope yelled as she punched the man in his chest.

There was a bright explosion and Scott suddenly vanished leaving behind only a small scorch mark on the ground.


Hope exclaimed.

" What did I just do? Where did Cyclops go?"

Hope asked the adults. But they could only look at the girl in further confusion as they were even more confused than she was.