
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Avengers vs The X-men finale!

After the events that happened In Kun' Lun the Avengers decided things needed to be brought to an end and with the help of Magneto, Charles and the X-Men readied themselves to stand against Scott. On the Avengers side of things Steve having been at the end of his rope went to an old friend of his for help, He need a big gun, He need a beast. He needed the HULK!

The two teams met together in neutral territory to prepare themselves for their assault.

' There's a lot of people here love. I think we just might be able to pull it off.'

Atom told Rachel telepathically from across the world. Thanks to the powers of Cerebra Rachel was able to contact the man despite being thousands of miles away.

' I believe in you honey. Just be sure to be safe. Evan's been running me sick with questions on when you're coming back.'

Rachel replied making Atom laugh.

As the two were talking She-Hulk walked over to the man.

" Hey, Hot stuff. You wanna take a ride on gamma express?"

Jen asked the man.

" Sorry I'm taken."

Atom replied to the woman before going back to his conversation.

She-Hulk frowned and walked away.

' I should shut her mind off for that.'

Rachel said aggressively.

' Oh baby don't be like that. You know I only have eyes for you pretty bird.'

Atom replied to the woman.

' I know you do. Still though it is a tempting thought.'

Rachel exclaimed.

Atom continues his conversation with the woman until he noticed that the others were getting ready to move.

' Looks like we're about to heard out. If i don't make it back, I want you to know I love you, Rachel. I love you more than anything else in this entire universe.'

Atom proclaimed his love for the woman once again as he stood out alone in the grassy plain. His heart speaking for him.

' I love you, Nathan. Be safe love and kick their assess.'

Rachel said to the man one last time before Atom would fight the last phoenix duo Emma frost and Cyclops.

" So, how's this going to work?"

Atom asked the group.

" I'm going to occupy Scott's mind while the rest of you restrain him. Emma on the other hand you will have to deal with her by yourselves."

Xavier explained to the group.

With the plan set Xavier and the X-Men along with the Avengers flew towards Utopia for the final battle against the phoenix.

A short but tense flight as the passengers sat in quiet preparing themselves mentally for the coming battle.

And when the time came Atom steeled himself for whatever came his way.

As soon as the X-Jet and the quinjet entered Utopia's air space Xavier had already entered Scott's mind. But oppositely as soon as the jets entered Utopia space, Emma Frost attacked the group.

Nathan, Thor, Kyle, Storm, Magneto, Spider woman, Iron man, Iceman, and Polaris attacked Emma and held her off while the others fought to subdue Cyclops while Xavier kept his mind occupied.

" This is crazy! She keeps shattering everything I throw at her."

Kyle exclaimed as he watched another one of his constructs get shattered with ease.

" We're fight one half of the phoenix force's full power. This was never going to be easy Kyle. Now, focus."

Atom explained to the man as he dodged phoenix fire.

" Keep the fight on summers and frost! Don't let up not for a second! Keep it contained and focused!"

Steve yelled to the two groups.

" Enough!"

Scott yelled out in anger, his phoenix flames flared up and scattered the heroes quickly.

" Sit down boy."

Xavier commanded Scott and made him sit with his powers.

" Agh!"

Scott yelled in pain.

" I asked you. I begged you. And now I'm making you! Stop this madness!!!"

Xavier ordered Scott to surrender peacefully.

" Scott!"

Emma turned her attention away from those she was fighting as she was worried about the man. However as she turned away Atom and Storm attacked her.

" Emma... Something I've always wanted to say to you..."

Storm explained to the woman. Her eyes began glowing and she hit the woman with a lightning bolt.

" Guess this is no time to be holding back, so I suggest you take cover."

Atom explained to the people below.

His eyes turned dark red, and he let out an explosion the size of a mini nuke in Emma's face.

Below Scott was angered by Xavier's betrayal and confronted him again.

" How could you do this to us, Xavier?! You've betrayed your people! You've betrayed all of us!"

Cyclops yelled as he fired his optic beam at Xavier, thankfully Steve got in the way and blocked the attack with his shield and reflected it back.

" Agh!"

Scott yelled as his own blast sent him flying.

" You're forcing me to do something I don't want, Charles!"

Scott yelled to the man as he got to his feet.

" No!"

Wanda yelled. She then blasted Scott with her magic injuring the man.

" What is wrong with you mutants? We're doing this for you!"

Emma stated as she emerged from the smoke seemingly un harmed.

" Damn, even that didn't do much."

Atom frowned at the woman's lack of injuries.

Emma landed firmly on the ground in front of Wanda to protect Scott but was caught off guard by the Hulk appearing behind her and slamming both of his fists down on her back and driving her into the ground.

" Alright, Brute force for the win."

Kyle joked.

" Okay, we got this. We can do this all we need to do now is handle scott."

Atom stated as he turned his attention the man.

" Stay down, Scott! I mean it!"

Xavier ordered the man once again to give up his madness.

" If you could have stopped me you would have!"

Scott yelled as he got back to his feet in anger.

" Last chance, Charles! Magneto?"

Scott suddenly called out to the man as he appeared in front of Charles.

" You don't want to take it this far, Scott. I brought Xavier here!"

magneto declared as he stood defiantly in front of Scott.

" You."

Scott exclaimed.

" Listen to me, Scott."

Magneto said to the young man.

" What are you talking about?! They're here to kill us!"

Scott yelled in anger.

" Scott listen."

Magneto ordered

" You of all people. What good are you?!"

Scott asked as he attacked the man.

Atom jumped in front of Magneto and began absorbing the energy that Scott fired and to his surprise he managed to do so much easier than before.

" Get away from him!"

Wanda yelled as she blasted Scott away from magneto.

Scott hit the ground hard and rolled to a stop Just as Thor approached him from behind.

" Now!"

Thor yelled as he drove his hammer down over scotts head in an attempt to kill him, but Scott managed to dodge it at the last second. Scott rolled over and planted his feet into the ground readying himself to attack only to have an arrow hit him in the back of his neck.

"Nice shot hawkeye."

Spiderwoman said to the man as they ran away from Scott.

" He's going to kill me."

Clint replied.

" Probably. But still."

Jessica said to the man.

" You see Xavier? They're trying to assassinate us! This is who you side with!"

Scott yelled in his phoenix crazed state.

" Not us, you! It's just you everyone is sick of. Damn you summers!"

Bobby yelled at the man.

" We're done here scott. I blame myself. I put you on this path. When you wake, hopefully you won't have any."

Charles was explaining to the man telepathically.

" I told you to get out of my head!"

Scott yelled as he forcibly pushed Xavier out his mind, causing xavier to collapse in pain and agony over the pressure of Scott's attack.

" Stay down, Scott. I beg you."

Storm said to the man solemnly.

" Scott summers you are under arrest for crimes against humanity."

Steve declared shocking Kyle.

" Whoa! The guy's under the possession of the phoenix force. You can't blame him for all of this."

Kyle exclaimed.

Steve and the others glared at him, but Kyle didn't back down.

" We'll figure this out when things are finished."

Kyle exclaimed.

The others decided it was a good idea and turned their attentions back to Scott who was struggling to get to his feet.

" I'm sorry, Emma."

Scott said to the woman. he then used his powers and blasted Emma in her back, the force of it ripped her portion of the phoenix out of her along with her own mutant powers allowing scott to absorb the last half of phoenix's power.

" I can't believe you."

Emma said in pain as she looked up at Scott.

She watched in horror as Scott descended on her and began ripping every last bit of power she had from her body.

" What's he doing?"

Iron man asked.

" That's bad! That is really bad!"

Atom exclaimed as he could feel the energy welling up inside of Scott, to levels he had never felt before. Atom used his power to try and blast Scott away from Emma before it was too late, but it didn't work.

" He's killing her."

Jessica stated as she heard Emma's Screams.

" No! He's absorbing the other half of the power. He's taking the phoenix for himself!"

Atom explained to everyone as he shouted over Emma's screams.

Once the Screaming had stopped Scott emerged from the fire standing over an unconscious and bleeding Emma Frost.

The heroes could only look on in defeat and horror at what the man had become.

" Scott... Look around you. I'm begging you son. Stop this now."

Charles begged Scott once again to bring his phoenix crazed madness to an end. However, what Xavier couldn't understand was Scott was long gone only the phoenix remained.

" You are not my father."

Scott stated as he looked at the man in disgust.

" That is enough!"

Xavier yelled as he tried shutting Scott down.

However, the attack didn't even faze scott. Scott raised his hand and blasted Xavier.

" It is enough."

Scott stated as he walked towards Xavier.

Xavier looked up at the man he raised like a son one last time before Scott used the power of the phoenix to kill him.

" Noooooo!"

Hope yelled in terror as everyone watched the man known as Charles Xavier be eviscerated by one of their own. Everyone Mutant, Avenger, and even Lantern Looked on in shock over Xavier's sudden death.

" Why? Why did you make me do this? Why couldn't you leave it alone?"

Scott asked as he cried over charles' corpse.

While he was distracted Wolverine turned to Hulk and told him to throw him at scott. Hulk nodded and picked Wolverine up and with all of his might threw him at Scott.

" Are you happy now captain?"

Scott asked as he blew Logan to smithereens.

" I will stop this."

Thor said to Steve.

" No, it's too late."

Steve replied.

" This is... This is what Jean felt like."

Scott stated as he felt the power flowing through him.

" Oh no."

Emma groaned

Scott's power flared up and engulfed him in the flames of the phoenix

" Agh! What's happening now?"

Spiderman asked as he observed Scott changing.

" It's our worst Nightmare. It's happening."

Hank exclaimed as he and any X-man present would be able to recognize the for Scott was taking.

Seeing that no other options were available Nathan walked up to Hank and placed his hands firmly on the man's shoulders.

" Hank, tell Rachel I'm sorry. Tell her I love her more than anything else in this universe. And tell the kids I'm sorry. Tell Evan. And Quentin. And Kubark I'm sorry."

Nathan suddenly said to the man.

" Nathan what are you planning?"

Hank asked the man.

" Just tell them Hank."

Nathan exclaimed as he shook hanks body.

" I will."

hank replied.

Nathan smiled at the man and then turned to Logan and nodded at him before walking up to Scott.

Soon Scott emerged from the fire in an entirely dark form.

" I am fire and life incarnate! Now and forever I am the PHOENIX!"

Dark Phoenix Scott declared to the world.

As he stood in the air his fire lit up the night sky.

However, another bright light emerged in front of him. This one burned with blue hue of the quantum realm.


Atom said to the man as he stood in front of him.

Atom cranked his powers up to the max, knowing that holding back even a bit would cost him his life.

Atom floated until he was face to face with Scott.

" You think your petty power can overcome me boy?"

Dark Phoenix Scott asked the man as he butted heads with Atom.

" Let's find out. I know I'm dying to know the answer..."

Atom was saying, however his words were cut off by scott punching him in the chin. The force of the blow knocked atom into Space.

" To battle! He needs Help!"

Thor exclaimed as Atom and the phoenix disappeared into the atmosphere.

However, as they began to move a bright red light swallowed the avenger and X-Men up splitting them apart and stranding them over different parts of the world.

Once his foes were split Scott went after the heavy hitters first starting his attack on the hulk.

He punched the green Goliath in his face. Hitting him so hard that Hulk flew from Sydney and landed hard in Sacramento. He then turned to the smaller X-men and Avengers and started attacking Bridges and other cities to keep them distracted. He then turned his attention back Atom who had landed on the moon.

Scott stepped out of his fire and blasted Atom in the face with his optic blasts.

" Don't you learn? You already tried this once!"

Atom yelled as he began absorbing Scott's energy. The power of the phoenix and optic blasts mixed was heavy and dense. Unlike before Atom struggled to absorb the blast in its entirety.

" Hm, you are strong. You've even incorporated a large portion of my power inside of your body. I want you to know before you die, you are the first being I've ever met that has intrigued me."

Dark Phoenix Scott explained to the man.

" Bite me!"

Atom yelled as he blasted Scott in his stomach with his own power. The attack managed to harm Scott and pushed back into Earth's orbit. Atom followed his attack up and slammed into Scott's chest, forcing the man back towards Earth's ground. The two men burned up like comets as they reentered earth's atmosphere. Atom unloaded as much of his power as he could into Scott's face, however even his power wasn't enough to do much damage against the phoenix.

Scott raised his hand and grabbed Nathan by his throat and switched their positions. He then began blasting atom in the face just as he had done until they collided with ground. the resulting explosion turned a large portion of the desert they were in into a glass floor.

Scott stood over the man in victory and attempted to walk away only for his foot to be caught.

" Persistent aren't you. Why don't you just give up?"

Dark phoenix Scott asked the man.

" Give up? Sorry I don't know how to."

Atom declared. Cracks began forming across his body and he grinned at Scott as energy began flowing.

Scott looked down at the man in shock as he realized what was about to happen.

' Rachel my love, Evan my brother I do this for you, and yes even for you Quentin and you Kubark.'

Atom thought to himself.

Scott tried to teleport into space with Atom but accidentally carried the man with him.

Atom let out a loud and hearty laugh as he exploded. The Avengers and the X-men all looked up into the sky as they watched the explosion. Hank and Logan both clutched their fists tightly as they watched Atom's heroic sacrifice.

" What just happened?"

Iron man asked.

" We just lost another one of our people."

Logan growled.

Wolverine and beast mourned the death of their friend; however, their mourning was cut short as Scott appeared in front of them. His clothes torn and blood dripping from his body. Though not the intended effect Atom's last-ditch effort was not in vain.

"Avengers! Take him down!"

Steve yelled as he swung his shield at the man.

" Take him down? The only one capable of fighting me just blew himself up! You on the other hand would have a better chance at stopping the sun from rising by throwing pebbles at it. The power of the Phoenix is beyond your power."

Scott exclaimed to the man in anger.

Wolverine tried swiping at the man's head however, Scott was unfazed.

" This world will burn, and from its ashes, a new world will rise. A brave new paradise forged in fire. But not for the likes of you."

Scott exclaimed as he blasted everyone around him. Iron fist, Beast, Wolverine, captain america , Iron man, and Storm away like it was nothing.

" Prepare to burn avengers. The new age of the phoenix begins now."

Scott declared as he took to the sky once again.

" Steve..."

Iron man called out to the man as he caught his breath.

" Whoever's able. Follow me to the quinjet. We have to go after him."

Steve explained to the group. He got to his feet, his clothes in tatters, with his shield in hand ready to continue the fight however the others weren't in such shape.

" We have no hope of fighting him like this. We are completely out of our weight-class here. I know you're not gold on my plan but look around you. It's hail Mary time if there ever was one."

Iron man explained to Steve.

" It will work captain. I believe it in my bones."

Iron fist stated as he backed tony's plan.

" If it hurts him. Me and my bones are all for it."

Wolverine stated as he got up to his feet, his body still healing from the blast.

Steve looked at every man and woman present and nodded.

" Do it."

Steve said to the man.

Tony nodded and took to the sky to broadcast a message to the remaining heroes.

" Attention all Avengers and X-Men. Dark phoenix is currently thirty thousand feet above Tibet. We've got to get him back to earth for our one last shot. Who the hell is still standing out there?"

Iron man asked the remaining heroes as he flew towards Scott.

" This is Nova. I'm a hemisphere away. I'll be there in a few seconds."

Sam responded as he flew through the air towards Scott. He caught the man off guard and slammed into his back, forcing him back down to the earth.

" I see your fear. I see your secret. you don't even belong here, do you?"

Dark phoenix Scott asked the boy as they both plummeted towards the ground.

" Sorry, can't hear you. Too busy kicking your ass."

Sam responded.

The two continued fighting until they hit the ground hard. Once the smoke was clear Scott held Nova up by his throat in victory.

" So many fools. So many wasted lives to be burned away in the all-consuming flames of the phoenix."

Scott exclaimed.

" I don't think so."

Hope exclaimed as she and Wanda arrived to confront Scott. The two heroines being the only ones left who can contend with Scott's overwhelming power.

" Nothing else burns today."

Wanda stated.

" Except for you."

Hope added on as the two women readied themselves to attack.

The two women attacked Scott and slowly but steadily thanks to Wanda's hex magic and Hope's ability to copy Wanda's powers they began overpowering Scott.

" It's working. Wanda's hex blasts are the only thing that truly hurts him. And Hope's mimicking her power and channeling it into a version of the iron fist."

Tony explained as he and the remaining avengers, Iron fist, Steve, Wolverine, Beast, Storm, and Thor arrived to help.

" Just hurting him's not good enough. It's time to put him down."

Wolverine exclaimed.


Steve yelled as he threw his shield into Scott's face.

The heroes began working Scott repeatedly, timing their attacks and keeping him off-balance. Not giving him the chance to use his power to strike back.

Scott on the other hand roamed over his thoughts. Everything that's ever happened in his entire life flashed before him and the power of the phoenix began losing control.

" Please... Kill me, before it's too late."

Scott begged as he returned to his senses. However, the moment wasn't long before the phoenix took control once again and began raging.

" Scott."

A familiar voice called out to the man.

" Scott, this has to stop."

The voice said to the man.

" Scott please."

The voice pleaded with the man as she got closer.

" Jean?"

Scott called out to the woman as she appeared in hi line of sight.

" It's all right. I'm here now. It's time Scott, it's time to let go."

Jean explained to the man.

" Jean I..."

Scott started but was interrupted.

" I promise... it doesn't hurt."

Jean explained to the man.

As Scott hallucinated his dead wife Wanda and Hope continued beating on Scott until finally, they managed to separate the Phoenix from his body. However, in doing so they gave the phoenix what it wanted originally.

" We did it! The phoenix has left him!"

Wanda cheered.

" I hear it... I hear it calling me."

Hope stated as her eyes glazed over and burned with fire.

" Hope, no look away! HOPE!"

Wanda called out to the girl in an attempt to free of her from the influence, but it didn't work. Hope absorbed the phoenix's power and started racing around the world putting out the fires and stopping the damage that Scott had created. Once she was done, she returned to the avengers and the X-Men as they gathered together.

" Hear me Avengers and X-men. No longer am I the woman you knew. I am fire and life incarnate. Now and forever, I am Phoenix."

Hope exclaimed as she hovered above the group.

" Nobody move. Give her a moment."

Steve ordered

" Hope... This has to stop."

Wanda said to the girl as she approached her flaming form.

" All of this power... this is how it was meant to be. This is my destiny. I see where the others went wrong. Where they faltered. I will not fail. I will be the white phoenix; I will be the savior of all..."

Hope was speaking as she reveled in her newfound power. However, she was swiftly cut off by Wanda once again.

" No... That wasn't why you were chosen. Look inside yourself. See what I see in you. This is your destiny. You're right. you were born to be the phoenix. But not so you could wield this power. It's because you're the only one with the strength to let it go."

Wanda explained to the young girl as she stood in front of her.

" Wanda? Wanda, I feel like I'm on fire."

Hope explained to the woman.

Wanda reached out and took hope's hands in her own in an attempt to comfort the young girl.

" Back in Kun'Lun, you were right about me. Once upon a time, I started this whole mess. Please... let me help you end it. No more fire. No more fighting. No more playing god."

Wanda asked the girl.

" No more phoenix."

The two women said in unison. The power of the phoenix force left Hope's body and dispersed into the universe once again.

The Avengers and X-men walked over to the women to congratulate them.

" Good job girls you saved us all."

Ironman said to the two women.

" Yeah, but at what cost? Throughout all of this chaos the only person whoever gave me a choice in what happened was Atom. Now he and Charles are gone."

Hope explained as she mourned the passing of two great men.

" The captain was a man of honor and integrity. His love for the students at our school and his peers was always what drove him to be the best. The want to protect those in need and the want to be the very best always pushed him further and further. He would be proud to see what you have done, Hope."

Hank explained to the young girl as he lamented the loss of his colleague and new friend.

" You got that right Hank!"

Atom said to the man as he walked up to the battlefield.

The Avengers and X-men turned to see the man bloody from head to toe and nearly naked, the only piece of clothing he still had was his pants that now were shorts.

" Captain Atom reporting for duty."

Atom joked as he beat his fist across his chest.

Hope smiled and waved at the man gesturing for him to come and join the others however, just as he went to take another step he collapsed. Hank and Logan quickly moved to have the man transported to the medical wing with Hope while the others arrested Cyclops for his actions.

Despite all of the tragedy and lives lost in the war there was a bright side. Thanks to Hope bonding with the phoenix and Wanda applying her power to help the girl. Hope was able to create a new generation of light, more mutants began appearing for the first time since Wanda had nearly wiped them all out during Decimation.