
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Avengers vs the X-Men! Part 1

Nathan headed out of the school as fast as he could to join, Scott and other in protecting Hope. Unaware of the events currently taking place on the Island of Utopia.

" Cyclops."

Steve called the man out.

" Cap."

Scott replied.

" We need to take, Hope into protective custody."

Steve said to the man.

" Because?"

Scott asked in confusion.

" The phoenix force is coming to earth and all of our experts feel it is headed towards her."

Steve explained to the man.

" Your experts? You mean Wolverine."

Scott asked the man.

' Scott he's not leaving without her.'

Emma said to the man telepathically as she stood with Colossus, Magneto and Namor as they surrounded Hope.

' It's not going to happen.'

Scott replied back to the woman.

" She's a mutant. This is a mutant problem. We'll handle it."

Scott explained to the man.

" This isn't a mutant versus human problem. If she is the phoenix's vessel... We need to take care of this."

Steve explained to the man sensibly.

" One could argue that the phoenix coming here in the right vessel is maybe Mutant kinds last, best hope."

Scott replied also making a lot of sense.

" What?"

Steve asked.

" It's a force of rebirth, cap."

Scott explained to the man.

" But..."

Steve tried to argue but was cut off.

" Maybe the rebirth of my people."

Scott added on, making his argument make a lot of sense.

" You're too close to it Summers. Logan told me you'd have issues with me coming here. I was hoping you and I could come to an understanding. Man to man. Leader to leader... I need you to trust me."

Steve explained to the man trying to get his point across peacefully, but his choice of words seemed to have angered scott a great deal.

" I'm too close to it? You're too far away from it. As you always have been. It occurs to me, seeing you standing here, where were you for us? For the mutants? Except now when you need something."

Scott asked the man rightfully so as Captain America and the avengers hardly ever assist the X-Men when the need help.

" Respecting you. You want to have this discussion? Fine. But it'll have to wait for another day. There's a destructive force headed towards earth, and we have to figure out a way to stop it."

Steve explained to the man as he pointed his finger right in scotts face.

" Respectfully get the hell off my island!"

Scott ordered Steve to leave now.

" What?"

Hope asked as she overheard the men.

" The gauntlet has been thrown."

Magneto stated.

" He is going to force rogers hand."

Namor explained as he knew how his old friend would react.

" You do understand I wasn't asking."

Steve said to Scott.

" I understand completely."

Scott replied. His visor powered up and he blasted Steve with his optic beam, thankfully Steve managed to get his shield up in time to block it.

Steve landed in the oceans of Utopia and got back to his feet pissed.


Steve yelled and over the Island of Utopia Shield's helicarrier along with the avengers appeared. The lineup was quite formidable. Doctor strange, Spiderman, Red Hulk, Ironman, Iron fist, The Thing, Daredevil, Giant-man, Hawkeye, Wolverine, Black panther, Luke cage, Mockingbird, Spider-woman, Captain America and Black Widow.

" Wow. So, Avengers vs X-Men. So, this is really happening?"

Spiderman asked in amazement.

Suddenly a bright light drew the avengers attention.

" It seems like you guys could use some help Summers. How about we even the odds a little bit."

Atom asked as he hovered above the Helicarrier.

" Ah Hell."

Wolverine grumbled.

" Who the hell are you?"

Red Hulk asked.

" The name's Captain Atom. As in Atomic Bomb. As in Atomic Fission. I'm sure you're all pretty smart do any of you know what that means?"

Atom asked.

Spiderman, Ironman and giant man being the scientist of the group realized quickly what that meant.

" So, the end of the world basically? Does that sound about right?"

Spiderman asked.

" Yeah, and I'm a mutant. So, let me ask are you sure you guys want this fight?"

Atom asked the men and women.

" I don't suppose you have room in this brawl for one more do you?"

Kyle asked as he arrived behind atom.

" Another Green Lantern? I thought Hal was the only one left."

Atom asked the man.

" Heh! Not anymore. But don't worry. Under the orders of Alpha Lantern, Hal Jordan. I am here to help."

Kyle explained.

Red Hulk stepped forward and Logan placed hand on the brutes arm.

" Trust me bub! You ain't a match for that guy. Bad matchup on your part."

Logan explained to the man.

" Huh! I ain't scared of no metal mouth, you losers want to wait for them to attack us go ahead. But I'm not."

Red Hulk exclaimed as he shook Logan's arm off.

" Uh Rulkie, you might want to check that. Because we got a magnetic fast ball heading straight towards us!"

Spiderman joked as he saw Magneto fling Colossus at the ship.

" You Mutants are going down!"

Red Hulk exclaimed as he lunged at atom.

Atom caught the man's hand and smirked at him.

" All of this gamma radiation... Must be bad for the skin. Here let me take the edge off."

Atom said to the man.

Red Hulk's eyes widened in terror as he felt the strength leaving his body rapidly.

He drained the man and let him got to fall into the ocean below.

' Emma, maintain telepathic links. Is hope safe?'

Scott asked the woman.

' You tell me scott, what the hell is happening?'

Storm asked the man.

' Yeah, why are we fighting the avengers?'

Kyle asked as he dodged and returned fire on Iron man

' I'm assuming this has to do with Hope and the phoenix.'

Atom asked as he and Luke cage traded blows with one another.

' First thank you both. Second Yes, they want to take Hope into custody. We can't risk them getting their hands on her.'

Scott said to the two men as he fired his optic blasts.

' Does Hope want this?'

Atom asked telepathically as he started regrouping with the others.

' Nathan good to see you again. Ready to clip wings again?'

Hepzibah suddenly asked.

' One second sis. I asked if Hope wanted this Scott.'

Atom said again.

Scott turned to answer the man but was hit in the head by Steve's shield

" Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

Atom exclaimed.

" Take the beach."

Steve ordered the avengers.

" Drive them back into the sea."

Scott ordered.

The Avengers and the X-men stood face to face against each other and attacked. Both teams rushing headfirst into battle.

Atom and Wolverine. Kyle and Iron man. Scott and Steve. Dr. Nemesis and Daredevil. Psylocke and Spiderman. Warpath and Black Panther.

" Kyle! Can't you make a mech like Hal and just light these bastards up?"

Atom asked as he dodged swipes from Wolverine's claws.

" I'm not trying to hurt these guys!"

Kyle yelled back as he shielded himself from Ironman's pulsars.

However, as he shielded himself from the blast he left his back open to Hawkeye.

" Sorry Greenie."

Clint said to the man as he fired an explosive arrow into Kyle's back. Knocking him out of the sky and into the ocean with Namor and Luke cage.

" Damn it!"

Atom growled as He blasted Iron man in his chest launching the man away from him.

" Where did Logan, go?"

Atom asked as he looked around for the man.

" Oh, my god. Never thought I'd see the day... When Wolverine would stand against his own damn people."

Domino taunted the man as she fought against Iron fist.

At this point things had gotten so chaotic that no one was fighting a particular opponent and instead were jumping from one opponent to the next.

" Maybe if Ya'll got your heads outta cyclops' ass once in a while you'd see all I'm doing is trying to save the damn world. Where's hope?"

Logan asked as he punched Amara in her face and held Robbie in a headlock.

" Go to hell, traitor!"

Robbie yelled at the man.

" Hey, metal mouth! It's clobberin time!"

Ben yelled as he slammed his fists down on Atom's head.

Atom reeled briefly before regaining his composure.

" Ah hell."

Ben grumbled as he looked at the man's red eyes.

Atom raised his fist and blasted Ben in his chest launching back into the ocean where Namor and Kyle were double teaming Luke cage.

" I don't know who you are. But I don't think you realize the danger the phoenix represents to us all."

Steve said as he shield bashed atom.

" I've heard a little about you Captain. And from one Captain to another you don't have the right to barge onto Mutant territory with your superpowered army and demand we hand over one of our own. Especially when you know so little about the phoenix."

Atom said to the man as he punched him across the field.

Atom followed after Steve and smashed down into the ground in attempt to crush him.

" The phoenix force always brings destruction and death."

Steve said to the man.

" Yes, it does. But it also brings Birth. And for our people this could be our chance to come back from the brink of extinction. The only problem I have with all of this is Hope. This has to be her choice; we can't force it on her."

Atom explained to the man.

" Then why are you fighting us?"

Steve asked.

" Because you don't want to give her that choice. You want to lock her up and keep it from happening. But one thing I know for certain when it comes to the phoenix force. You can try to deny it all you want. In the end the only one who can decide what happens with the phoenix force is the phoenix itself."

Atom explained to the man.

" Hey round two flyboy!"

Red Hulk yelled as he emerged from the water in a burning rage. His anger having returned his power once more.

Atom turned to the man and raised his hands and once again sucked away his gamma radiation rendering him weak.

" Bad matchup."

Atom said to the man before punting him across the sea.

' Everyone fall back. Hope is on the run. We have a plan but we need to get together.'

Emma explained to the mutants and their ally.

With Hope no longer on Utopia the Mutants and Avengers had no need to fight one another and The X-men surrendered. Or at least that's what the avengers thought.

Thirty minutes after the fighting stopped Nathan and the other mutants who had stayed behind were gathered together, scott had talked to the U.N. and had explained the situation and it seemed like legal action wasn't going to be taken against the X-Men.

' Guys, we won't have long until, Logan's back on his feet.'

Atom said to the others telepathically.

' Are you worried?'

Kyle asked.

' No, but If you've got a plan for getting us out of here then I suggest you do it fast.'

Atom replied.

' We're working on it. Just relax.'

Scott said to the man.

' Yah, relax i just fought the avengers man. Why does it seem I've been pulling Utopia out of the fire a lot recently?'

Kyle asked the man.

' Wait, this isn't the first time you guys have met?'

Atom asked the man.

' Well, after Hal came to earth.'

Kyle started.

' Wait, Hal came to earth? And he didn't mention it? I am so going to kick his ass.'

Atom stated.

' Well, I don't blame ya. But yeah, when he came, he asked me to help the X-men out if I got the chance. And when I saw just how much shit they went through, I started hanging around more often.'

Kyle explained.

' And we are most thankful for your help, Kyle.'

Storm said to the man.

' Aw, thanks Roro!'

Kyle said to the woman.

' Look sharp everyone, our ride is here.'

Scott said to the people as he noticed Strange and Illyana returning. Strange was carrying Illyana in his arms as the girl was unconscious.

" Is she hurt?"

Scott asked.

" Just a temporary holding spell... there's nothing to worry about scott."

Strange said to the man.

" Good we don't need any more..."

Scott was saying to the man before a voice cut him off.

" HEY! Are you people all blind?!"

Logan yelled as he and spiderman ran up to the group of mutants.

' Logan knows.'

Strange said to scott telepathically.

' Of course, he does.'

Scott replied.

" Wolverine... Hey... Stop! Those are our prisoners!"

Steve yelled as he stopped the man.

" No they're not! Cause' that ain't doctor strange!"

Wolverine yelled.

" Do it."

Scott said to the fake strange.

The man, who turned out to be Illyana in disguise, cast a spell and in an instant transported all of the Mutants off of Utopia.

' Emma, make sure no one sees us. We don't need the avengers getting reports on X-men sightings.'

Scott explained to the woman.

' Already done, love.'

Emma replied telepathically.

" So, what precisely is our plan now?"

Magneto asked.

" Before that. Can I have an answer to that question. And no dodging it this time. Does Hope want this? Does she want to do this, Scott? Because if she does, then I'm all in to the end in keeping her safe. But if she doesn't you need to tell me right now man. Because this could get a lot worse than it's going to get."

Atom asked the man once again.

" I don't know what her choice is. But whether she wants it or not I know it's going to happen. So, we can argue with one another the right or wrong of things. Or we can try to save our race."

Scott explained to the man.

" What race, Scott? We're all one race. We're humans with an X-Gene. That doesn't make us an entirely different race. That's like saying white and black people are a different race. Everything you just said to me was stupid, Scott. But I do agree that we should focus on finding Hope first. But when we find her. I'm going to ask and if her answer is no. I'm getting her away from the phoenix."

Atom explained to the man.

" That's fine. But first we have to find her, and she could be anywhere right now."

Scott replied.

" Clearly, we need this mutant tracking device to find Hope... Cerebrus."

Namor stated.

" He means Cerebra."

Danger explained to the group.

" I know. But the only functioning cerebra is at Logan's school."

Scott explained.

" Oh, Great."

Atom complained.

" What is it?"

Storm asked.

" I can get us into Cerebra. But."

Atom started.

" But what?"

Magneto asked.

" My girlfriends going to kick my ass for this."

Atom said to the group as he thought about what Rachel was going to do to him for jumping into a war with the avengers.

Later at the Jean Grey School for the gifted.

' Okay, you all let me handle this and don't say a word, especially not you Emma. She really doesn't like you or Magneto very much.'

Atom was explaining to the group telepathically.

' Nathan, you have exactly ten seconds to explain to me why I shouldn't make you think you're a girl for the next six months!'

Rachel's telepathic voice cut in.

And every man present trembled at the thought of the women being able to do something so evil.

' Baby, please. They were going to try and take Hope prisoner. I didn't even want to fight them. But your dad fired the first shot. I swear it wasn't my intentions.'

Atom explained to the woman.

' Well, you're lucky I love you and Hope. Or else I'd be talking to my girlfriend right now. I already know what you want Nathan. I gave the avengers false trail. But you better hurry because they are hot on her trail.'

Rachel explained to the man and the others before cutting the lingk.

' Wow! You really nailed yourself a keeper.'

Kyle joked.

' I know, I really am a lucky guy aren't I?'

Atom stated.

' Hey, Rachel?'

Atom called out to the girl psychically

' Yeah?'

Rachel responded.

' I love you, Rachel.'

Nathan said to the woman.

' I love you too, Nathan. Now let's go kick the avengers assess.'

Rachel said to the man.

' Wait, we?'

Nathan asked the woman.

' Oh, I am not sitting this one out. I'm heading to Wakanda.'

Rachel said to the man before cutting the link.

" That woman is going to be the death of me."

Nathan huffed.

' Okay, here's the plan Atom, you, Rachel, Kyle, Storm, nemesis, And Aamara go to Wakanda. Namor, Hepzibah, Sunspot go to tabula rasa. Colossus, Domino and Dazzler are Latveria. Magneto, Iceman, Angel and Psylocke are going to wundagore mountain. And Maddison jefferies, Warpath, Gambit, and Magik are going to the savage lands. Every move out!'

Scott ordered the group.

The teams quickly split up and scott sent the rest of the mutants who weren't already there the orders using cerebra.

Each team split up and began their search for the missing Hope.