
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs


A few hours after the grand battle in the depths of space. Green Lantern Hal Jordan was in the process of Carrying Nathaniel Adams Aka Captain Atom towards the Starjammers getaway point. Inside the construct Hal was using to carry atom; Atom was in the process of recovering from his exhaustion over having been hit in the face with two stars the size of supergiant's exploding in his face.

" Ugh!"

Nathan groaned as he began to wake.

Hal looked over to the man and was delighted to see him starting to wake.

" Oh, you're up! good, glad to see you weren't dead man. Was beginning to think you were."

Hal joked as he looked over at the injured man.

" Ugh! It's a good thing I absorbed all of that energy from the eldest. Else I'd probably be in a lot worse condition right now."

Nathan groaned as he rubbed his head.

" Yeah, dude surviving multiple stars exploding in your face. That's bad ass."

Hal grinned at the man.

" I still can't believe there's a Green Lantern left. I went to your headquarters and saw the batter had been destroyed. So, how are you here?"

Nathan asked in confusion.

" Well, I'm not very sure what happened either. All I know is what the ring showed me. And it didn't show me very much. But it has been guiding me on how my powers work and what my job as a Lantern is. It also gave me a crash course on the various species of space and the many empires such as the Kree, The Skrull, and of course the Shi'ar. And after I got the basics, I started searching space. And I eventually caught wind of what was going on with the Shi'ar empire. And here I am now. Helping you. I couldn't make it in time to assist you guys in the fight. But i did managed to help you survive the explosion."

Hal explained to the man everything he knew up to that point.

" That's incredible. Guess i owe you for saving my life. Thanks."

Atom said to the man.

" No problem, man. Now, do you think you're good enough to fly?"

Hal asked.

" Yeah, you can let me go."

Atom stated.

Hal nodded and released the man into space.

" Thanks. Now, let's pick up the speed. The sooner, I get back to Rachel the better. I could feel her heartache when I was blown up. Even now I can feel her pain. not even the stars can separate our hearts. I'm coming my love."

Nathan exclaimed before taking off at full speed towards the planet that was to be the getaway point. Sirza

On the planet Sirza. Rachel and Korvus rested, licking their wounds from the major loss they just took.

Korvus's pride was indeed shattered. But Rachel was in far more pain than even the man was.

Rachel sat alone on her cot, crying to herself as she grieved the loss of another loved one.

" You promised. You swore to me you wouldn't let them hurt me like this again. So, why? Why aren't you here with me, Nathan?"

Rachel asked herself over and over again as she lay curled up on her side.

" I did make that promise to you, didn't I?"

Nathan asked the woman as he approached her and Korvus from behind.

Rachel shot up from her cot as fast as she could. When she laid eyes upon the bloody man, the tears that had been falling slowly started pouring down her face.

Rachel ran up to the man and jumped into his arms, clinging onto him for dear life. In fear that if she let go he would vanish.

" I thought you died! I thought I'd lost you! I thought I was alone again!"

Rachel yelled as she started beating on the man's chest in anger.

Nathan simply held the woman in his arms and allowed her to vent her pain and anger.

" I'm so sorry my love. I didn't mean to hurt you like this."

Nathan said to the woman as he pulled her into his arms again. Holding her like a sacred treasure.

Korvus soon approached the two in shock.

" How did you survive all of those explosions? Even you shouldn't have been able to do that."

Korvus asked the man.

" Well, you won't believe it if I told you so I guess I should just show you."

Nathan moved one of his arms out and gestured for Hal to show himself.

Seeing the signal that things were okay, Hal flew down to the surface and joined the three. Rachel and Korvus both looked up in shock at the glowing green man.

" No way is he..."

Korvus asked in shock.

" The name's Hal Jordan. Green Lantern of earth sector 616. Pleasure to meet ya both."

Hal said to the man and woman as he touched down on the ground.

" I can't believe it. I thought you said the Green Lanterns were destroyed?"

Rachel asked Nathan as she turned her gaze back to the man.

" It's a long story."

Nathan stated.

He then began telling the two what had happened. How Hal had saved him. Nathan then turned the conversation over to Hal and allowed him to explain to the group how he became a Lantern and why he had chosen now to appear.

" That's a lot to take in."

Korvus stated in disbelief.

" Yeah, I know. Imagine how I felt when I was suddenly snatched up from earth."

Hal joked as the two men went back and forth.

" So, you're going to help us get our friends back, right?"

Rachel asked.

Hal nodded in response.

" So, what do we do now?"

Rachel asked.

" Simple, we gather ourselves. We get Lilandra. We get our ship back. We find a way to get our friends back. And then we take Vulcan and his empire down for good."

Atom declared.

The other three nodded in agreement and set out to begin working on a plan to bounce back against Vulcan and his forces.