
Chapter 2380 - San De

"You, how dare you ruin my arm!" Yu Le Ping was unable to accept the reality that one of his arms had been ruined until this moment, and hissed as hard as he could while looking at Yang Kai with resentment, his face almost completely distorted from the pain.

" Get lost!" Yang Kai shouted sternly.

A mere Dao Origin third level realm dared to be so arrogant in front of him, simply not knowing what to do. He was not in a good mood these days because of being in trouble on Tongtian Island, and now that he had someone bumping into him, he naturally took advantage of the situation to vent his anger.

Yu Le Ping seems to have finally realized that Yang Kai is not a soft persimmon that can be easily pinched, and gave him a scornful stare, covering his injured arm and scurrying away.

In front of the master's door, there was still silence, and the other ten people were all cold and pale.

"Hasn't the master already opened the door? How much longer do we have to wait?" Yang Kai saw the boy standing there like a fool and immediately urged.

"Follow me, follow me!" The child's neck shrank, how dare he neglect his duties, and hurriedly led the way.

Judging from Yang Kai's fiery temper just now and the ruthlessness of his strike, the boy reckoned that if he wasn't under Grandmaster Sanders, he was afraid that this guy would also have attacked him.

After all, when this man was shoved out of his place just now, he didn't say a word for him.

In a short time, a group of people were led by a boy into the inner hall, the boy pointed to a side door and said, "One by one, go in, the master is inside, you all know the rules, make yourselves comfortable."

After saying that, he hurriedly ran away and disappeared in a flash.

After he left, the first martial artist in line looked at Yang Kai cautiously and found that Yang Kai had already found a seat and sat down, which made him sure that the other party did not mean to steal his first place, so he was relieved and hurriedly went into the side door to find the master artifact refiner.

The other eight people who came to find Grandmaster Sande to refine weapons also each found a place to sit down, more or less fearful of Yang Kai, so far from his location.

It seems as if Yang Kai has dominated one side and the others are crowded in another.

Yang Kai did not care, and closed his eyes to recuperate.

"That Yu Le Ping has some unusual origins. This senior brother you should be more careful."

A gentle voice suddenly passed into Yang Kai's ears, with some meaning of reminding.

Yang Kai opened his eyes and swept around slightly before fixing his gaze on the young woman who was dressed up in a clean and beautiful manner.

Among the ten people who came here to find a master refiner. Only two people are in the third level of the Dao Origin realm, in addition to Yang Kai, is this young woman, the others are in the first or second level of the Dao Origin realm.

Although this young woman dressed in ordinary, she could not hide her natural beauty. Yang Kai also looked at her before but did not pay much attention, but he did not expect her to transmit a message to him at this moment.

Seeing Yang Kai looking towards her, the young woman only nodded slightly, and then untraceably shifted her gaze away.

In this inner hall, Yang Kai and her cultivation level are the highest, and their divine consciousness is also the strongest, so there is no need to worry about the others finding out about this voice transmission. However, she was so sneaky, obviously, she also did not want to get herself into trouble.

"Thank you for reminding me, I'll keep it in mind." Yang Kai replied back.

The young woman saw his expression seemed a bit indifferent. She once again said, "This senior brother you must not be careless, that Yu Le Ping is from the city lord's mansion, relying on the city lord's shelter, has always been domineering and arrogant in the Tongtian City, never putting others in his eyes. You made him suffer so much this time, he will definitely not give up."

"If he wants to die, I don't mind granting him that."

Hearing Yang Kai speak so lightly, the young woman immediately broke out in a cold sweat and said, " Please don't do that. If you really kill him, then there will be no place for you on Tongtian Island."

Yang Kai grinned and said, "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind won't stop, what can I do?"

The young woman smiled and signed lightly. She knows that Yang Kai is right, After today's incident, even if Yang Kai showed mercy and let Yu Leping go, with Yu Leping's usual demeanor he certainly would not be able to swallow his anger, and Yang Kai would have to either be captured and let go or rise up and resist.

He looks like the kind of person who would hold insult and humiliation.

"Many thanks to this junior sister." Yang Kai faintly thanked.

Although the young woman did not help him much, still secretly reminded him, which is considered a good intention of others.

The young woman stopped talking, but occasionally when she looked at Yang Kai, her eyes were full of pity and sympathy, as if she had foreseen Yang Kai's tragic future.

The inner hall is still quiet, the people have no intention to talk to each other, people who came here to ask Master Sande to refine artifacts, at the moment anxiously waiting, how could they have the mood to chat.

About half an hour later, the first martial artist who walked into the side door suddenly came out, the crowd all looked at him, only to see this person with a happy face, as if he had received something good, came out and left without saying a word.

The second martial artist hurriedly stood up and walked towards the side door.

So on, until the evening, the other nine people left in turn, each one came out with a different look, some happy, some not smiling, but none of them looked sad.

Yang Kai observed the situation and knew that the reputation of Master Sande is indeed genuine, he helped the nine people with artifact refining and probably succeeded, without even a single failure.

The rumors that Master Sande has vaguely glimpsed the mysteries of the Emperor Grade Artifact Master are not false.

When the ninth person came out of that side door, Yang Kai stood up and walked in with a smile.

Once inside the side door, the inside is dim, with no light in sight, but there is an exit in front of a sliver of light, Yang Kai followed the guidance of that light all the way forward, and in a short while came to a hot and dry environment.

Looking around, here is a secret room, surrounded by flames constantly flickering, a huge refining furnace is placed in the middle of the room, and next to the refining furnace, a figure is seated cross-legged, surrounded by flames, the flickering figure is erratic and bizarre.

Even though the lighting is not good, Yang Kai could still see the face of the grandmaster Sande with one glance.

To his surprise, this master looks like an ordinary old man, all over the body can not see a bit of strange place, but Yang Kai can still vaguely perceive that this old man is not easy to mess with, he sat there like a silent volcano, with huge energy hidden within his body.

In addition to being an impressive refiner, his own strength is definitely not low.

" Greetings, Grandmaster!" Yang Kai clasped his fist at him.

"Sit!" Sande raised his eyes and pointed to a futon in front of him and spoke.

Yang Kai obediently sat down.

" what do you want it to be refined? Bring out the materials and state your requirements." Sande spoke.

Yang Kai hastily took out the set of advanced purification spirit array and handed it to Sande and said, "I would like to ask grandmaster to repair this formation"

Sang De took it, carefully examined it for a while, nodded his head, and said, " Since this formation was refined by this old man, it is not difficult to repair it."

Yang Kai was overjoyed when he heard this, he guessed before that this advanced purification spirit array was from the hand of Sande, and now his guess was really right.

Since he could refine it, it would be no problem to repair it, he said: "I don't know what materials are needed, so I didn't prepare anything, master if there are suitable materials, I can buy them, source crystals are not a problem."

Sande reached out towards the refining furnace, the lid immediately flew up, he directly threw all the formation base formation flags in, then looked at Yang Kai indifferently and said, "Do you see me as someone who is short of source crystals?"

Yang Kai did not know what he meant by asking this, and for a while did not know how to answer.

"I don't want source crystals!" Xander then said.

"Then what does Master want?" Yang Kai's heart thumped, thinking to himself that before asking for compensation, he threw my Advanced purification spirit array into the refining furnace, and then told me that he did not want source crystals?

What if I can't afford to pay what you want?

If this purification array is his own, it does not matter, but this spirit array is Ling Yinqin's and is of great importance to Ling Yinqin, otherwise, Yang Kai would not have gone to such trouble to repair it. he would have spent a high price to buy a new one for her.

It is because this Pure Spirit Formation holds Ling Yinqin's remembrance of her partner that Yang Kai went to the trouble of coming here to find Sande to fix it.

"That depends on what you can give me," Sande said indifferently.

Yang Kai can't help but be a little exasperated, thinking if you want my life can I still give you? It's true that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, that boy's behavior and handling are not pleasant and this Sande is the same.

Apparently the name is correct, Sande Sande, funeral virtue ah!

He held back the displeasure in his heart and said in a deep voice: "What does the master want? If I can do it, I will do my best."

Implying that if you can't do it, then don't do it.

Sande smiled faintly, the smile looked a little sly.

Just as Yang Kai's mind was focused and was about to listen, a pure and surging spiritual energy suddenly came from Sande's side, converging into the shape of a spear, stabbing straight towards his knowledge sea.

Although Yang Kai was sneak attacked, but the reaction was not slow, and quickly urged the power of the divine soul to confront.

Boom ...

With the silent collision, both Yang Kai and Sande were slightly shaken.

The original bland eyes burst out with an appalling light, staring at Yang Kai with a gaze that wanted to eat him as if he had found some treasure.

Yang Kai, however, rose abruptly, he was hastily attacked, the power of the divine consciousness was not fully exerted, not because he did not want to exert, but for fear of hurting Sande. If his soul is seriously injured, there will be no one to repair the purification spirit array for him.

But Sanders sneaked up on him without saying a word, so Yang Kai was extremely annoyed and secretly decided that if this old man didn't give him a satisfactory explanation, he would put a knife on his neck and force him to repair the Pure Spirit Formation for himself. (To be continued.)