
Be With You

Theo knew that enemies wouldn't stop until Blake was dead. He was confused about which Blake's enemy to be since he had enemies almost everywhere.

"So, where are we going now?" Cassie asked as they take the stairs.

Theo won't risk taking the elevator. Because he was sure his dumbasses enemies would take that.

"I know a place. Just walk faster," he said as he looked at his back.

Cassie scoffed. "If I get a wound because of you, I will never forgive you—"

"Trust me, babe, you will not have any single scratch," he said and smirked, which made the Cassie roll her eyes.

Cassie could feel the warmth surrounding her face. She's blushing. She knows it's not the right time to screeve. But she can't help it. She might look fearless, but she's a human who has feelings too.