
Chapter 6: Hospital

Adara's pov

Disbelieve, is the first emotion that hits me before it is all shrouded away when I feel the wine soaking through my dress.

"HOW DARE YOU" He thunders, his voice loud and sharp as he marches towards me but pauses before wincing.

I knew I hit him pretty hard and got a very good angle at that huge ass head of his.

"No, how dare you ruin my dress" I bellow glaring at him.

At first my glare is harsh and all until he starts sinking to the floor and blood starts gushing out.

"Now you want to pretend" I say walking over to him with a roll of my eyes.

Squatting closer to him, I pat him gently but he doesn't buldge.

Just when I raise my hand in panic to touch his face, I feel his hand shoot up to grab mine.

Stopping my hand just inches away from his face.

"Don't touch me you grey eyed witch" he spites with so much venom, I control myself from rolling my eyes

I watch how his eyes close and I sigh before pulling out my phone

Even in death the bastard is attractive but mean and rude.

That just confirms he is not dying.

Some moments later.

After calling for help from the guards outside, they help in picking him up and he is rushed to a hospital.

He was immediately taken into the emergency ward and here I am waiting for the doctor to step out.

I hope he has memory loss

I silently pray and maybe atleast then he'll be nicer to me.

"Are you the patient's wife" The doctor who steps out asks and I quickly shake my head in denial.

"I am a family friend" more like frenemy I tell the doctor who starts briefing me about his condition and asking questions.

"How did this happen miss" He asks reffering to the wound.

I burst out crying immediately, the sympathetic look on the doctor's face almost causing me to laugh.

"H-he got into a fight" I say while hiccuping and hoping he believes.

I had lied about our names and everything else and thank goodness nobody here knows us.

I dont plan on appearing on the papers.

After sometime the doctor gives the clear that Hermes is awake and I thank him before stepping into the room.

"Thought the world was being spared of an asshole" I say while grinning from ear to ear.

The dracula monster is currently glarring at me and I could swear he is about to develop lasers.

"You witch" He spits all the while still glaring.

"Relax I was just helping you shape that ugly shaped head of yours so in the future your kids will look nice, all thanks to me" I say doing a mock bow at the end of my speech and that seems to infuriate him the more.

His head did have a nice shape

But I think it's better.

I mean Adara knows best.

"Just wait till I get out of here and stop talking about my kids and talk about the ones who will unfortunately have those jinxed eyes of yours" He replies while pointing at me.

"Oh please" I scoff "These eyes are priceless, besides better having beautiful grey orbs than an empty brain filled with nothing but insulting women" I tell him and he seems to have had enough as he removes the drip from his hand harshly before standing up.

"It seems I have been too lenient thinking you are a lady but turns out you are just a male alien" Hermes says and starts marching towards me while I run to grab an iron short pole to point at him.

"You think I am an alien" I say with a mock laugh angry at the blonde in front of me.

"Come closer and I'll teach you some manners" I say while swinging the pole towards him, ready to inflict yet another round.

He starts advancing but not before grabbing a huge pair of scissors kept on the table in the room.

Adreline pumps through me as I imagine different ways to deal with pretty faced blonde.

"The fuck is going on here" I hear a voice say and that has the both of us turning towards the door and the weapons in our hands fall.

"He-she started it" We say in unison while pointing at each other.

His grandfather piles into the room with a frown on his face.

"You landed in the hospital and instead of sitting and waiting like adults, you guys are busy fighting" He says with a raised brow and I just glare at hermes.

"Is this how you will live after you are wedded to each other" He asks and immefiately my eyes widen at his wotds.

"I am not marrying this shameless, blonde haired sissy" I say while glaring at him and he flips me off.

"Oh and I am so eager to marry you" He says in a sarcastic baby voice and I smirk.

"Trust me asshole I know you are" I say to which his glare just intensifies.