
Marrying For Twisted Love In a Fantasy Novel

Paisley the heroine, looked at me with her eyes filled of tears. "Why did you marry him, when you don't even love him?" After betraying me she still has the mind to question me. I had made it clear to her that I no longer regarded her as my sister. "I love his body. I love his wealth. I love his influence. I love his power. So what in the hell, are you talking about?" "Such wicked things...you're so evil!" I smiled and came closer to her, staring dangerously into her eyes. "Being evil is the whole point of being the villainess" ____ This is the story of a villainess who has been betrayed by the heroine. The story of her revenge, and how she stole the male lead!

Queen_Adivonna · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 4

Ronald and Paisley walked into the event hall hand in hand.

Everyone focused their eyes on the entrance of the latest couple in the South.

The murmuring and whispering became louder as they saw my supposed fiancé that I loved, holding my dear sister that I cared for.

"Lord Belv's lover is the other Lady Deor?"

"He broke off his engagement for the bastard lady?"

"Lady Adrianna cared for and always protected Lady Paisley. They seemed so close"

"I used to think Lady Paisley was innocent, but it seems that she's a sly fox"

"Tsk, stealing her sister's fiancé"

"Poor Lady Adrianna...she must be heartbroken"

The nobles watching the drama all sympathized with me and looked at Paisley and Ronald with dislike.

I held back the urge to smile and immediately retreated to a group of the most active gossiping ladies.

Ronald had been able to read the mood, however, Paisley being the stupid bubble head that she was, remained ignorant of the current image she had slowly gained.

Paisley seemed to always have the thought that everyone would love her no matter what she did.

Often times when growing up, she'd break something of mine or offend me and would not apologize and would instead say something along the lines of.

"I know you're not going to be mad"

Or something like.

"You know I'm clumsy so I'm not to be blamed"

It seemed as if she had this perception that she was meant to be forgiven and loved by everybody.

It was my fault for nurturing this behavior. I should have long ago put her in her place.

A lady who seemed to be resltess and could not remain silent anymore, approached me.

"Lady Deor, how are you feeling?"

It was obvious that she did not have pure intentions since she had whispered to her friends around her before approaching me.

She was among one of the gossip mongers.

I did not ignore her, but instead used her as a means to promote the news of Paisley and Ronald.

Pitifully, I held my cheek and spoke in a low tone at first.

"I'm fine"

I dramatically looked over at Paisley and Ronald who were standing next to each other, talking lovingly.

Tears began to brim in my eyes and I spoke to the lady, this time in a louder voice.

"I don't know what I did to deserve this. Hic...it was really surprising when I discovered...hic...the affair between Paisley and Lord Belv.

Hic...hic...I sincerely cared for Paisley...hic...she knew that I loved him. Yet..."

I covered my eyes with both my hands and excused myself from the venue after making such a scene.

I ran out through the door, my hair moving behind me. I looked like a heartbroken girl running away from a sad scene.

My image was imprinted into the minds of the people at the venue that day. The talk about the relationship between Lord Belv and the Ladies of Deor became a very hot topic in the South.

They talked about how I was lonely and heartbroken during the valentine's celebration.

Many pitied me.

Yesterday, Ronald did not expect that I'd show up at the valentine's celebration. He was part of the people who was deceived by my innocent facade.

Ronald thought that I'd be too heartbroken or embarrassed to show up. It was obvious that he had planned to spoil my image to the nobles at the venue.

It came as a surprise to him that I got there and acted before he did anything.

Well, my act yesterday is just the beginning my payback. A mere act to start up some rumors.

Paisley had not been in the Deor mansion since the day before yesterday, and had just come back today.

The servants have been actively gossiping about Paisley. Many seem to support me.

The day quickly went by and dinner time arrived. I then went downstairs.

I was the second to arrive as only one chair was occupied. Seeing the first person to arrive, a fun thought appeared in my mind.

"Hello brother Cardin!"

Cardin Deor was Olivia's older brother and my cousin. He was the one that was made the heir of the Deor family.

As I got down from the steps, I tripped on purpose making myself fall close to him.

Hearing my greetings, Cardin looked up at me. Seeing that I was about to fall, he quickly stood up in an attempt to catch me.

I fell on the chair next to him, and my body brushed passed his. I could see the faint hint of red creep up on his cheek. He gazed at me shyly.

Internally, I felt disgusted by his gaze. But I masked this feeling and bowed my head shyly then moved over to the seat I usually occupied.

The next moment, mother came down the stairs, with Olivia and Paisley following behind.

Since father was not around, mother occupied the chair at the head of the table.

I looked over to the seat that was at the left hand side of the table. It was the seat were Paisley's mother usually occupied.

Ever since father left for the capital, five months ago, she hadn't been coming down for any meals and didn't leave her part of the mansion.

I rarely ever saw her.

The moment mother sat down in her chair, a servant wheeled in the cart which contained our plates of food.

The dishes that each person usually liked was placed in front them.

Silently, everyone began to dig into their meal. But of course there was never a meal in the Deor household that was observed in complete quietness.

Olivia just had to open her annoying mouth.

"Marchioness, will Lord Belv's engagement with Paisley be officiated soon?"

Mother paused her hand that had been raising her spoon. She looked over at Olivia then glanced at me.

"The Belv Duchy haven't said anything about an engagement with Paisley"

Mother put it simply at that then continued eating.

The silence did not remain, as I spoke up with my head tilted while looking at Paisley.

"What? Ronald hasn't proposed an engagement yet? Paisley, is there trouble in your new relationship? "

Paisley's expression seemed to become paler after hearing my question.

"N-no. Of course not! Ronald said we'd get engaged soon..."

Paisley seemed to be disheartened about the news. Her expression became dim throughout the whole dinner while I ate my food happily.

I had purposefully ignored Olivia and she seemed to be displeased about this.

"Adrianna, didn't it take sometime before yout engagement with Lord Belv becane official?"

Olivia asked while blinking her eyes innocently.

I was about to refute when Cardin spoke up. "Don't speak about such unimportant matters, Olivia. Don't you care about how Adrianna feels!"

He said in a scolding tone to Olivia.

Olivia seemed surprised by her brothers protection towards me. She narrowed her eyes and looked from me to Cardin.

My expression was innocent as I held Cardin's hand in a soothing manner. I spoke in an understanding tone.

"Brother Cardin, you don't need to be mad! Maybe Olivia was just trying to look out for Paisley. She didn't mean to hurt me. You knew she usually doesn't think that far..."

Olivia's smile cracked as I said that she doesn't think far. When no one was looking, I looked at her with a grin but quickly switched back to my innocent expression.

Cardin seemed to blush as I had held his hand.

Olivia couldn't contain her hateful expression as she looked at me.

Paisley seemed to still be thinking about the talk about her engagement with Ronald since she seemed dispirited.

I smiled, feeling satisfied.

While mother, ignored the mix of emotions that appeared from each side of the table and only continued to silently eat her food.

'There's something up with the Doer household' Each servant thought while watching the family dinner.


It was time to retire for the night.

Nathan had sent me a letter that he wouldn't be able to visit tonight, so I decided to preoccupy myself with something else.

Henry and Harper came into my room.

I turned to them, dressed up in my all black clothes. They too wore all black.

"Henry, what did you say Ronald is doing now?"

Henry spoke up. "He's invested lots of the Belv Duchy's wealth into the establishment of a farm.

Also into the refinement of the newly discovered chemical known as petrol.

Why don't you sue him since he stole your idea?"

I had thought about it but it didn't seem good enough.

"Sueing him isn't going to bring the desired effect"

I had discovered the existence of petrol in this world. The chemical was plentiful in the Belv territory so I proposed doing a business with Ronald.

However he stole my idea and went to establish a farm along with a refinery. I had forgiven him and had decided to look past it, but now...

"I've prepared the grenades and fire"Harper said while raising up a bag then putting it on back.


Two hours later, Harper, Henry and I were on top of a building in the Belv territory.

Henry handed me my crossbow. I mounted an arrow unto the weapon. Harper set the ends of the arrow on fire, and almost immediately, I released the arrow, aiming for a window that was open.

Boosh. An explosion happened and a fire began.

I moved to another replace and aimed for another open window. Harper once again set the next arrow on fire, then I released it.

Boosh. Another explosion happened.

Again and again, I accurately shot an arrow through a window. A blazing fire began to burn most of the buildings in the area.

As the fire began to spread dangerously, we left the top of the building and walked to a safe distance were we would not be seen by anybody and still be able to watch the fire.

Harper and Henry stood by my side, watching the fire along with me.

Suddenly I couldn't contain it anymore and broke down into a series of hysterical laughter.

"Hahaha hahaha!"

The flames of fire reflected into my eyes because of my intense stare on it.

I looked like a maniac as I continued to laugh.

When Ronald would see the scene, he'd probably go crazy...almost as much as I am right now.

I could have sued Ronald for stealing my idea for the establishment of this business, but I didn't have that much proof about it being my idea.

And even if I did, it wouldn't hit him that hard.

Compare being sued because of your business or having your business burnt into ashes!

I wanted to see that pain on his expression. The dark circles under his eyes after sleepless nights. Wanted to watch him crumble

Paisley would also be affected because Ronald would often do actions filled with transferred aggression.

I admit that my actions are a bit too much. But who cares? Certainly not me.

Besides, isn't a villainess supposed to be cruel?


I continued to laugh, like the psychopath that I was.