

Kiara Reynolds' life was shattered at sixteen when her mother tragically passed away, leaving her looking for answers from her father's cold silence. As she blossomed into a young woman, her father's new wife, Lucy, turned her world upside down. In her hour of need, Enzo emerged as Kiara’s knight in shining armor, freeing her from the shackles of a forced marriage. She saw him as her savior, and in the heat of passion, she decided to marry him in secret. It was a decision made with the best of intentions, but one that would soon leave her heart shattered in ways she couldn’t have foreseen. For Enzo had a hidden agenda, cloaked in a vendetta as dark and twisted as the web of secrets surrounding her mother. What heinous crime had her mother committed to warrant such retribution? Enduring Enzo's torment alone, Kiara accidentally gets pregnant, but Enzo demands she abort the child. She fled away, but Enzo tracked her down, and their child's arrival softened his heart shortly. Yet, their happiness was short-lived as Enzo's past entanglements, including an obsessive childhood friend and a scheming stepmother, threatened their weak peace. Betrayed once again, Kiara found herself unceremoniously cast out of Enzo’s life, her heart a shattered shell of its former self. And in the darkness, something new took root, a twisted seed of vengeance that grew to consume her. Years passed, and Kiara returned, not as the broken, trembling woman Enzo had known, but a formidable force to be reckoned with.

DaoistTiA6ig · 都市
120 Chs


Chapter 48: An Eye for an Eye

The bus came to a halt, and the passengers who had come from near and far to take part in the bustling Drewbrook International Market began disembarking one by one. Moth and his fellow hunters, sitting at the back of the bus, waited patiently as the other passengers disembarked. Dressed in animal skins and carrying large sacks of bush meat, they stood out among the more modernly-dressed locals.

Moth took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air as they stood on the bustling market street. "Finally! I thought we'd never make it, but here we are," he said, relieved to have finally arrived. His fellow hunter chimed in, "Two hours on a bus, can you believe it? This market is so far from our village. The other markets we go to are much closer." They both stood for a moment, taking in the scene around them, aware that they had a long day ahead.