
MARRIED with Secret Agent

Hilona Anpuanra is trapped up in a war between Key East special forces and terrorists. Terrorists who threaten the safety of Indonesian and the world. Hilona's life is in danger because she knows a terrorist blacklist. Later to protect Hilona, Kalan as the leader of the special unit marries the girl. Even though at that moment Kalan was engaged with Elektra. After they married, Kalan continued to hunt terrorists. He and his team helped everyone. Supported by the police and state intelligence agencies.

seinseinaa · SF
155 Chs


Central Hospital

01.07 PM

"Be patient," Kalan said, patting the back of the girl's hand lightly, still with a big smile on his face. "Wait until tonight. At home. I'll show it to you."

"Tch! Get rid of that perverted mind of yours!" said the girl sarcastically.

Kalan smiled and stroked the back of Elektra's hand.

"Mrs. Adhyasta," a doctor's assistant called Elektra's name with a friendly smile. His hand moved to signal Elektra to follow him into the examination room.

"You don't mind waiting here for a while, right, Klea-ssi?" Kalan asked turning his gaze to Klea.

"Well . . . Not at all," said Kleariang.

Elektra and Kalan walked into the examination room, following the doctor's assistant who had already entered the room.

"Oh! Sir? Please come in," a female doctor greeted Kalan in her soft and friendly voice.