
MARRIED with Secret Agent

Hilona Anpuanra is trapped up in a war between Key East special forces and terrorists. Terrorists who threaten the safety of Indonesian and the world. Hilona's life is in danger because she knows a terrorist blacklist. Later to protect Hilona, Kalan as the leader of the special unit marries the girl. Even though at that moment Kalan was engaged with Elektra. After they married, Kalan continued to hunt terrorists. He and his team helped everyone. Supported by the police and state intelligence agencies.

seinseinaa · SF
155 Chs


"You go right, I go left." Elektra shouted at Klea which was followed by a nod of understanding from Klea.

"Your tracking device is active?" Klea asked before they split up.

"Active," replied Elektra and immediately darted to the left of the narrow road.

Elektra walked slowly down the left side of the narrow road. Passed through several foul smelling doors that seemed to be unused barn doors.

The woman ignored her communicator which had been ringing constantly, indicating that the incoming call was definitely Kalan, because the man didn't contact her at lunch, busy with a bunch of meeting schedules like him.

Elektra paused as she passed a door and turned quickly. The woman caught a glimpse of something moving from inside the slightly ajar door of the empty barn. He gently pushed the door open, looked around the dimly lit area and entered when he felt it was safe.