
MARRIED with Secret Agent

Hilona Anpuanra is trapped up in a war between Key East special forces and terrorists. Terrorists who threaten the safety of Indonesian and the world. Hilona's life is in danger because she knows a terrorist blacklist. Later to protect Hilona, Kalan as the leader of the special unit marries the girl. Even though at that moment Kalan was engaged with Elektra. After they married, Kalan continued to hunt terrorists. He and his team helped everyone. Supported by the police and state intelligence agencies.

seinseinaa · SF
155 Chs


Elektra leaned against the wall, crossed her arms in front of her chest, watching the interaction between father and son—though her eyes were more focused on her husband. The man who currently only wears a light gray T-shirt, casual home pants, messy hair from waking up in the middle of a deep sleep, with a baby in his arms and a bonus smile on his handsome face. With all that simplicity, the man still seemed unreachable. It looks human, down to earth, but at the same time exudes a charm so abundant that it is almost untouchable.

Unknowingly he stepped closer, with a hand then outstretched, reaching for the hem of the man's shirt, tugging at him, as if calling for attention.