
MARRIED with Secret Agent

Hilona Anpuanra is trapped up in a war between Key East special forces and terrorists. Terrorists who threaten the safety of Indonesian and the world. Hilona's life is in danger because she knows a terrorist blacklist. Later to protect Hilona, Kalan as the leader of the special unit marries the girl. Even though at that moment Kalan was engaged with Elektra. After they married, Kalan continued to hunt terrorists. He and his team helped everyone. Supported by the police and state intelligence agencies.

seinseinaa · SF
155 Chs


Elektra grabbed Kalan's arm, exerting all his strength to pull the man out, but the man seemed calm, unaffected. "I'm not going to wear that loose, flowing dress, okay?"

Kalan glanced at the rows of dresses and then turned to his wife. "I was curious to see you wearing all that. You must look like… a real woman," he decided after he couldn't find a suitable term.

"Oh come on, it's not time for me to wear tassels like that. Can't you see that my stomach is still flat? Even when it's big, I won't wear it."

Kalan rolled his eyes, but finally followed the woman's request. Only, today he was in the mood to buy her something, so he would make sure that they didn't go home empty-handed.

"If it's not maternity clothes, you have to be willing to buy me a dress. Hmm? And it's up to you which one you choose."

"Should I be happy?" quipped Elektra sarcastically.

"Normally the other women would jump up and down."