
MARRIED with Secret Agent

Hilona Anpuanra is trapped up in a war between Key East special forces and terrorists. Terrorists who threaten the safety of Indonesian and the world. Hilona's life is in danger because she knows a terrorist blacklist. Later to protect Hilona, Kalan as the leader of the special unit marries the girl. Even though at that moment Kalan was engaged with Elektra. After they married, Kalan continued to hunt terrorists. He and his team helped everyone. Supported by the police and state intelligence agencies.

seinseinaa · SF
155 Chs


1 years later

The sun's rays shone directly through the gaps in the windows which always open automatically every five o'clock in the morning, piercing through the wide windows that replaced the walls, making the room dazzle, flooded with light.

Thin transparent curtains that were not held back by anything fluttered in the gentle spring morning breeze. The grass outside, which was no longer covered in snow, looked green and fresh, damp with the remnants of the early morning dew. The faint sound of birds chirping in the distance and the flower gardens starting to bloom made everything perfect. The magnificent house, along with the scenery around it, began to return to its former best appearance.

Elektra shifted slightly from her side lying position, hitting her head with something followed by a groan that followed.

The girl opened her eyes, realizing that she was no longer hugging the bolster like last night. And he no longer sleeps alone.