
Married to the Vampire King.

Princess Arabella's dream of a fairy tale is broken, when she is forced to marry the mysterious Prince of Auria. When things finally start getting into place, she discovers something different about him... **** Sneak Peek **** My eyes were stuck to him, so did my legs, but my heart was racing like storm' His horse. My precious husband, had his normal deep blue eyes, red with rage, and his normally sized finger nails, were as long as that of a beast. They were stained with blood, the blood of the thugs he was saving me from. I watched as he jumped on trees like a monkey, and dashed like a cheetah. He removed their Hyoid bones from their necks. He forced his hands into their stomach, and removed any organ his hands could lay on. He bit their necks, and when he hung the last thug on a tree, blood dripping from the thug's neck, he stopped and glanced at me. He was quite far away from me, but in a second, he was right in front of me. How? I had no answer. " Arabella. " He said murderously, and I stuttered. " Ai...Ai..Aiden. " He brought his nails close to my Jugular vein, and I felt blood circulating around my body. His blood stained fangs, emerged widely from his pink lips, and he came closer to me, and before anything happened, I saw a staff hit his head, and he turned around. It was an old man. " Run. " He said confidently, like it was a cat he was taming, and I obeyed him. I ran away as fast as I could, and when I could see the castle, I kept running, but then I felt a dash of wind passed me, and Aiden was right in front of me, looking... normal. I trued running, but he flicked my forehead, and everything went black.

KingMuna · ファンタジー
1 Chs



" Check if this dress fits her. " my step mother — Queen Lorelei, said putting the golden dress in front of me, and then threw it asides.

" The dress is too loose. I need a gown that is tight from her shoulder to her waist, then loose downward. This is too loose. Next ! " She called excitedly, like it was her own wedding.

Presently, my step mother was helping me get my wedding dress, and don't make the mistake of taking her as a nice step mother, she was happy about the wedding, because she was successful in taking the love of my life, and fixing my alliance to some Prince.

" Arabella! Smile, you don't get married twice you know. " she said, and I forced the best smile I could muster.

" Much better. Your wedding is going to be the most grand... "

" Mum! " Her daughter ' Annabelle, called jealousy poisoning her heart. She didn't want me to have the most grand wedding.

" You didn't let me finish... Arabella, your wedding is going to be the most grand, after Annabelle, and some other princesses. " she said, and they cackled.

" Arabella, better don't get used to mother's love. It won't last. " Annabelle said mockingly, while I got up but Queen Lorelei had held my wrist, and threw me to the chair.

" I am only being nice to you because you won't stay with me any longer. So better watch that attitude of yours, or else I will bulge your brown eyes out ! " she said, and forced a smile when father walked in.

" My king, help your daughter choose a fine dress for her wedding, she has poor taste. "

She said, and father came and sat beside me.

" My Pearl! I know you are not happy with this marriage, but it was for the best. " He said, and I glared at him.

" Best, you say. "

" What do you mean? " He asked me, and I stood up and replied to him.

" I mean, best means what Annabelle wants, Best means taking away what I love most, and giving it to your daughter ' Annabelle. I am also your daughter, father. "

" Arabella! Don't talk about your sister like that. She is younger than you. " She said feigning hurt, while Annabelle forced tears down her eyes.

" Younger, you say ? Stop pretending Queen Lorelei. You just warned me, and now you are being so innocent. "

" Arabella. What have I ever done to you ? " she creid, and I rolled my eyes.

" Apologize. " Dad said, but I wasn't hearing any of it.

" I said, Apologize! " He yelled, and I tried to dare him.

" When Annabelle burnt my hand with a hot spoon, she never apologized. When I was deprived food just because I scolded Annabelle for a crime she committed, she never told me sorry. When your wife, and daughter insulted my mother, you didn't Apologize, then why should I ? "

" You are growing bold, and I hate that. " He said, and I threw my face away.

" I also hate this marriage. "

" This marriage is compulsory upon you! " He said, and I replied.

" I could run away. " I began, and his fist clenched, his veins bulging out.

" I could elope. " I said again, and he clenched his jaw together so hard, I could see it through his beard.

" I could commit suicide. " He gritted his teeth, and I said the last straw that broke the camel's back.

" I could get pregnant for a gaurd. "

I didn't know when a slap came through my face. " How dare you ! " He yelled, and the cloth vendor shook in fear, while Annabelle and her shrewd mother chuckled amongst themselves.

" You dare say such offensive words to the king! You have lost your respect. "

" I never respected you. Not after you replaced me with these two! " I said in tears, holding the spot he had slapped me.

" You are getting married to him, and that is final. Go to your room, now! " He said, and O turned on my heels, as I put my right foot on the first step, he said.

" The wedding is in tomorrow, your dress, shoes, and jewelry will be sent to you soon."

I swallowed my tears, and ran for my room.

I sat on my bed, crying my heart's out, as I remembered the last moment I had shared with Edward.

I and Sir Edward, the royal warrior had been in love since my childhood, but little did I know that Annabelle had her eyes on him, and with the help of her mother, her wedding was fixed with him. Being the ' loyal ' person he was, he didn't object, but agreed.

He was loyal to the king, and his kingdom, but wasn't loyal to the love we shared.

Like that wasn't enough, she instigated father to propose my alliance with the Crown Prince of Auria. Unfortunately, they were in need of a bride, and they accepted.

I was disturbed, and one thing I did when I was down was to stuff my face with my favourite — Peacock Pie!

I rang my bell, and after a while, my hand maid ' Elena, walked in with a tray of Peacock Pie.

" How did you know? " I asked, and she replied.

" I saw you were disturbed, so I asked the cook to make it for you. "

I collected the tray, and kept it on a stool, and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug.

" You are the best, Elena. Thank you so much! "

" You are welcome my Lady. "

" Why don't you eat with me? " I asked, and she refused politely.

" You know it is forbidden for a royalty to eat with a comkoner. To make matters worse, a maid like me. "

" You are much more than maid to me, and besides, I value you more than those people I call family. Get a plate, a fork, spoon, and knife. Let's eat. I am Famished! "