
Married to the General's son

"I've already known that you are the most arrogant and pompous being I've ever seen nor met but now I would add being senseless and unreasonable to the list -what did you take me for kelvin Morgan? a cheap slut? ". Claire said glaring at him trying to pour out all her frustration and pent up anger through her words. It's been four years since she had started working with the Morgan's beauty world and she barely got to see the so called hier of the company. though their parts barely crossed, she would not denie the fact that she's familiar with the CEO of the company, not that she wants anything in return but because he's a kind and simple man. a retired General. And here his arrogant and pompous (of course I know he's pompous) son wants me to marry him or I lose my job. Claire thought as she rolled her eyes. "Who gave him the right?.. me..marry him because he's the heir?.. no way ".

ken_marvellous · 都市
32 Chs

Chapter 21

The birds chirp and sang and the sky glow with its Glory indicating a new day . Claire's eye fluttered open as she breath in the fresh morning air and smiled . she stretched and yawned on the bed as she rolled over and got up. she was glad it was not a work day ,it was weekend and she could finally jump around .

     Entering the bathroom,she picked up her tooth brush and start cleaning her mouth.

    "Should I have coffee before bathing or ...." she murmured to herself as she contemplated on what to do .

       "urghh..." she dropped the tooth brush on the sink and rinsed a mouth and left the room .

     "Azra.." she called as she entered the kitchen.

      "Good morning ma'am ," Azra smiled ," your coffee is ready ." she handed her the cup .

      "Thank you ,"Claire returned the smile ," as if you know what I am thinking ." she blew on the coffee and took a sip .

   "Hmm ...this is better than the previous ones you make ."

      "really ," Azra giggled," com'on ma'am ,I just added a little more milk for more strength as you would continue your swimming lesson today ."

     "you said ..." Claire's eyes rounded," oh my God." she pouted . Azra was surprised," Don't  you want to continue ?, don't worry I can cancel it so that -"

    "Ah ," Claire pursed her lips as she looked at Azra," I would attend ."

    Azra smiled and pat her shoulders . "don't worry ma'am it's just for a few hours ."

     she finished  her coffee and went back to her room to bathe. after that she went to the pool side as she had received a message that her coach had come .

      "Good to see you Miss Scott ." Mrs Dorris smiled at her .

     "Are you ready for today ?".

    Claire puffed and said ," Yes." her coach laughed and pulled her towards the pool .

     They resumed their training and she was applauded because she got all the questions she was asked .

     "it's good that you haven't forgotten your lessons ." her coach beamed .

     "Ah Mrs Dorris ,how can I forget ." she wriggled her brows .

    They continued their lesson and when it was finally over for the day ,Claire left for her room after badeing her coach good bye .

     "Ma'am do you want your lunch now ?" Azra asked as she tagged along with her mistress.

     "No azra," Claire looked at her sternly," you saw that I just finished my lesson and I am Famished and you're asked if I'm hungry."

     "I'm so sorry ." she quickly bowed .

     Claire placed her hand on her forehead and drew a breath ," it's okay ." she breathed out .

     "thank you ma'am ." Azra grinned .

     Claire had her lunch and went inside the study room .she scanned the books laid there and picked out one . it seems like it was a record book of one of the members of the Morgan family. curiously she sat down and opened it.

     "oh my ..." Claire gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand . shock filled her entire being as she realized it was a diary of the late wife of Mr Morgan . but what was it doing here ? . she asked her self .

     Looking around the room to see if there's a CC camera, she hide the book under her dress and brought out a random book to read .

    "ma'am ." Azra knocked on the door of the study room .

     " come in ." Claire looked up from the book she was reading to her .

     "Miss Morgan asked for your presence.she says she wants you to join her in her evening tea ."

   Claire paused for a minute to digest the information. wasn't this going too far ? . she asked herself. she felt scared that all this kindness and generosity would crumble like Ash if she was to find out that she marring her brother was a sham .

    Claire took a deep breath and closed her eyes . "No ..it's just a tea ..." she whispered to her self.

     "okay tell her that I would be there in a moment." she smiled and nod her head in response to Azra .

     "okay ." Azra left .

    Claire stood up and went to her room with the book she hide and the one she was reading . she placed the one she was reading on her table and the one she hide in her bag . she promised herself to read it later . going to the mirror ,she checked her appearance, satisfied with it she left.

      " I'm sorry if I've disturbed your rest ." Daisy stood up im mediately Claire got closer to her .

     "oh no Miss Morgan ,"  Claire held her from getting up completely," I don't really mind. moreover I could spend the evening with you." she laughed.

    Daisy nodded and called a servant standing by . " bring a cup for Miss Claire ." the servant left.

      " I'm sorry about what happened the other day with my friends ." Daisy broke the awkward silence.

   Claire looked at her in wonder and chuckled "No you don't have to . well .. I've forgotten about it and also it's fine ." she smiled and nod to the maid when she came back with a cup .

     "Thank you." she picked up the kettle of tea .

     "let me help ." Daisy took it from her and poured it into the cup .

    "How is your new post - sorry for not congrating you on time . congratulation ." she smiled.

     "Thank you ," Claire returned the smile," and I'm doing well in this new post ."

   " I'm happy for you." Daisy grinned.

      The two of them continued with their chat. they try to catch up with each other's day to day activities.

     "Can you really swim now ?" Daisy asked curiously.

      "Hum ... yes but not for long ." Claire took a sip from her cup .

     They were still talking when Daisy's maid came to inform her that someone was looking for her .

     "Who's that?". Daisy asked with a deep frown . she wondered who it was as none of her acquittance were in town at that moment.

       "Same  your breath Miss ." Linda laughed as she walked in .

   " long time ." she smiled .

   Daisy's eyes went wide when she realized who it was and she looked from Linda to Claire and back to her .

    " What...?, aren't I welcomed? " Linda arched a brow .

   " No no ," Daisy schooled her expression, "you are welcome. I was just surprised as I didn't know of your coming - my brother's not in ." Daisy added .

   Linda slowly shifted her gaze from her to Claire and a slight frown appeared on her face . wasn't she the Secretary from the company? .she asked herself.

    "Hum ..," Daisy cleared her throat to get her attention and gestured towards the chair that a maid just brought.

   "She's my relative. a distant cousin from my mother's side ." she said to Linda smiling when she had already sat down .

     " Really..." Linda arched a brow as she gauge Claire from top to bottom. then turn to Daisy and said.

     " I came to meet you ," she pouted ," I'm sorry that I didn't came to visit you as soon as I came back. I had so many things to catch up with and you know ..," she winked at her, "your brother wouldn't let me be any little time I got ."

she laughed.