
Married to the General's son

"I've already known that you are the most arrogant and pompous being I've ever seen nor met but now I would add being senseless and unreasonable to the list -what did you take me for kelvin Morgan? a cheap slut? ". Claire said glaring at him trying to pour out all her frustration and pent up anger through her words. It's been four years since she had started working with the Morgan's beauty world and she barely got to see the so called hier of the company. though their parts barely crossed, she would not denie the fact that she's familiar with the CEO of the company, not that she wants anything in return but because he's a kind and simple man. a retired General. And here his arrogant and pompous (of course I know he's pompous) son wants me to marry him or I lose my job. Claire thought as she rolled her eyes. "Who gave him the right?.. me..marry him because he's the heir?.. no way ".

ken_marvellous · 都市
32 Chs

Chapter 1

Claire was still looking through the comments on her phone when she perceived  the odor of burnt potatoes in the oven.

     "Oh my God "

Quickly dropping the phone on the sofa, she ran to the kitchen and open the oven.

     "F*cking hell ". she muttered at the sight of the burnt potatoes.

   " where has my brain gone to ".  she murmured to herself while taking out some plates to dish out the potatoes.

    Of course , she had to eat it that way. that was the price for getting too engrossed with her phone and forgetting that she was preparing food in the kitchen.

   After careful selection, she left the kitchen with the  food in her hands and sat back  on the sofa taking het phone. looking through it again, she sneered at the comments people were making concerning the latest movie on Netflix.

     "Hump, these people are bunch of idiots "... the ringing of her phone cut short her moment of irritation, recognizing the caller ID, she picked it.

    " pumpkin "... a nickname she gave her one and only close friend Carole

    " Claire what have you been doing since -did you see the current news? ". she rushed out.

   " oh is it about the current movie on Netflix, yeah I saw it. people are sometimes hard to figure, you know, you can't please them. actually -"..

      "Not that Claire, not that ". her friend cut in impatiently. she couldn't understand why her friend was so obsessed with movies at this time that she did not notice the latest news on board.

     " Actually Claire, the big news now is that the CEO's son, the heir of Morgan's beauty world is coming back but I heard its temporary.. maybe a year or two".

    "huh " Claire paused. they we're talking about her CEO's son.

     " How does it concern me ?" Claire shrugged. its his right to return to his father's business anytime he wants, it has nothing to do with her.

   " Haiz Claire,"her friend rolled her eyes. sometimes Claire does act childish.

    " I'm actually telling you this for you to be careful at work and not to get on his bad side. you know he's the type that doesn't care if you die or live ".  Carole still press on. she wants her to get the message.

       " Alright ", Claire said as she bit down on the potatoes, realizing it was burnt she spat it our and cluck her tongue.

    " my special advisor, I would listen to you ".

   " silly girl ". Carole on the other side of the phone laughed as she finally calmed down knowing her friend had gotten the message.

    They went back to discussing about the movie on Netflix and why people where giving comments like that. they were both movie lovers but it was clearly written that Claire would become the one that would be greatly obsessed with movies.

    After speaking for about an hour, Claire gathered the crumbs of potatoes unto her plate and took them to the kitchen. afterwards she went into her room to prepare her things for work tomorrow. she had rested enough for the weekend, its now time to resume work for this new week.

     She actually started working with Morgan's beauty world when she was twenty one, a fresh graduate who studied finance in school. Her mom passed away when she was fifteen and she never knew if she had a dad or not because she had never met him and also he was not around when she was born.

    So she pretty much lived on her own since her mom passed away. as fate would have it, she escape the hands of a cruel uncle who wanted to take advantage of her while offering his help. luckily she ran away with the already deposited money in her bank and sever all ties with him. that was how she scale through the school and graduate.

    And now she has been working with Morgan's beauty world for over four years living off the salary she was getting every month to start life anew.

    " Ohh " yawning Claire closed her laptop and checked the time. she need to go to bed right now as she would be jumping out early the next morning to beat the traffic.



      "Good morning sir "...  ' good morning sir "...

   Greetings filled the air as Ben Morgan , the owner of Morgan's beauty world passed by.

    " good morning ". he replied cheerfully. he has been like that with his staffs even though he was a retired general but today was exceptional because his son would be returning finally to settle down and take over the company.

     "Mr Ben,"Claire who spotted him from the doorway ran to his side.

    "Mr Ben have a look at this " she handed him a file.

   looking through the content, he poked her nose and said " thoughtful as always,  don't worry I would go through it ".

     Claire smiled cheeky as she left for her office. 

     After sitting impatiently for some time in his office,  Mr Ben helplessly glanced at the wall clock by his left.  its been six hours , his son ought to have landed at the airport by now.

    It was as if his son heard him, he put a call through to his father announcing his arrival.

    quickly jumping off his seat, he took some files with him reaching the front door, he  told his secretary to tidy his table he then left with his assistant.

     Meanwhile his son Kelvin Morgan had actually arrived thirty minutes before calling his father. he thought it was right if he stayed a little bit and get to know people before leaving.

    Spotting his father's car entering the airport from afar, he rushed forward with his bags and waved his hands as a signal.

     "dad ". he cupped his mouth .

   Squinting his eyes, Mr Ben saw someone waving his hands frantically.

     " That's my son over there ". 

   Confirming it was his son,the assistant drove towards that direction.

      "Dad " Kelvin smiled as soon as his father alight from the car.

    " Kelvin my son " Mr Ben hugged him as if it has been ages since he last saw him.

    The father and son stayed like that for some minutes before  separating as Mr Ben scan his eyes over his son proudly and said

     " my son is finally home "

    " Dad I'm no longer a kid and you should stop treating me this way in public ".  Kelvin chuckled.

   " haiz, your old man misses you  "

     Kelvin ran his hands through his hair as he stared at his father. truly it has been a while since he last saw him and he wouldn't deny he did not miss his father too.

   boarding the car they left the airport and head home.


     " How was your stay over there? "

  Turning sideways to his father he answered " it was fine and awesome ".

     " How about little sis?  " he asked.

      " ha ", Mr Ben expressed,  " she's fine she would be coming back in a couple of months ".

     " hmm ".  Kelvin  murmured as he closed his eyes and slept off. seeing this Mr Ben gestured to  his assistant  to drive faster as he looked at his son realizing that he  was indeed tired from his journey.