
Married to the Demon Prince

Who knew that a tiny cut to the finger would hook her to the dark lord? * Hell broke loose when the bloodthirsty demon prince and conquerer of the underworld was bonded to a brainless underling by a ring. For generations his ancestors ruled the world with the powerful ring. One day, it vanished from the surface of earth and their power slowly diminished. After searching for it for so long to reclaim what was rightfully theirs, it finally appeared... bonded to a human girl.... and being the direct decendant of the great king and the righful owner of the ring, it enslaved him. ******* Frustrated, Que felt like screaming and punching him, but sadly she couldn't do either. Wiggling her butt, she slid down from his midriff when his hand left her butt briefly only to land back sharply with a smack. Silence. Silence More silence. "Did...did you just spank me?" "Stay still." "That gave you no right to hit me!" "I'll do it again." "Get your paws off me!" "You are the one straddling me." "It was an accident! What were you trying to do?" "That's what they all say." "You... unbelievable!" With a swift motion, he shifted until she was underneath him, his weight crushing her. "Silence I said..." He growled into her ears a large paw covering her mouth. With his free hand he switched off the light. ******* As a famous doom bringer, Que was avoided by everyone. If her childhood sweetheart could abandon her, who wouldn't? Something definitely smells fishy when she got a marriage proposal out of the blue right after her engagement was called off. What's more, its to be signed in three days! . ***** Hi... Yours Truly here, Cover not mine,credit goes to the owner.

Blooming_Safflower · ファンタジー
155 Chs

16. Underground Tunnel.


So hot.

Glaring red flames licked out it's forked tongues threatening to consume everything in its path whenever an unwelcomed person approached the gigantic golden throne in the middle of the fire ring in an outlandish red hall.

Burned corpses where scattered around in heaps, some burnt to crisp making a horrifying path to the throne.

𝘙𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦.

A disembodied gurgling voice emerged with the flaring of the fire. Concealed by the flames, a black cladded figure was crunching on the throne.

𝘙𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦.

It raised its head and two burning orbs of sun stared back at her.

𝘕𝘰𝘸. It lunged straight at her with threatening speed.

"Argh!!" Que sat up hastily breaking a sweat.

Ah, she clutched her head groaning.

It was just a dream, a nightmare. She was cocooned inside the blanket suffocating her which was why she felt hot. Through the little windows up above sun rays lit up the room.

It was morning already. Que got up from bed and went to the bathroom cleaning herself up. She had changed into a black pant and a white shirt. They were clean, that's all that matters. Size and condition aside.

Maya, the pixie girl that brought her in was no where to be found and the door was locked, Bubu was busy dragging something behind the cupboard by the wall. The cat is growing restless.

"Caught anything yet? " Que patted her stomach which growled in sync.


"I know, I'm hungry too."

It went back to whatever it was clawing at. It'll bite and thug at a piece of cloth behind the cupboard, when stretched to its limit, it'll compress knocking the cat on the floor. It repeat that thrice and when she could not take it anymore, she got up and joined the cat.

The white piece of cloth was stuck in something. Que tried pushing the cupboard with her back digging her heels into the ground but the cupboard refused to budge.

Tsk, change position.

Pushing it with both hands, laying on her back with legs pushing, she even tried sticking her butt against it but it was all useless.

"Bubu, just give up. It won't come off. The cupboard refused to move." She leaned against the cupboard.

"Meow?" It curled its tail around its legs tilting its head to the side.

"What? Can't you see it's not moving? I'm tired. I can't keep up like this. Lets look for something to eat, I'm hungry." she smacked her hand across the cupboard.

"Eyah" as she was craddling her hand the cupboard shifted to the side sending both of them down a dark tunnel of stairs.

"Oow, argh, umph, tdhcsx.." She cried swallowing a mouthful of dust along the way. They finally came to an end of the ride at the base of the stairs.

"Blast." The cupboard shifted back to its original position locking them in, along with all the light coming from above leaving them in total darkness.

"What the hell."

"How are we supposed to find something to eat here?"


"We are trapped indeed bubblegum."

The long maze of stairs they had gracefully rolled down led a sharply bend tunnel they were currently facing. It was thankfully dry, a little bit dusty with cobwebs hanging around.

Que rubbed her sore joint, dusting her pants, she hobbled down the tunnel with bubblegum on tow trying to find an outlet. Using the wall as support and guide she went farther inside, maybe the tunnel was getting brighter or her eyes was adjusting to the darkness, she now could see the two outlet looming up ahead.

Who would dig a tunnel in an abandoned were house? Real life isn't a Harry Potter movie, people need to know that. She stopped by the junction debating which way to go.

"Should we split up and see if we could meet at the end?" The cat meowed in negative a tone.

"Okay, then left or right? You take the lead," the cat walked toward the left with the girl now in tow and they soon arrived at a light passage. It was empty with a light bulb up ahead.

"Good job Bubblegum, I knew I should trust your gut."

Sometimes during their journey, voices came up ahead as they got closer. It sounded like an argument. Did people live here? She felt a glimmer of hope and walked faster.

"Our people are dying! How much more would we lose if this goes on like this ? Half of our men are injured." A femine voice came muffled from the wall. Looking closer, she realised there was a door in the wall.

Wait, did she mention death? This doesn't sound good. What if they took her for an intruder?

"Calm down. We can't do anything without the master's order." Are they talking about Zeus? Are they Zeus's people.

She suddenly recalled the previous event of last night and how she was running from an attack on lauched at their home. Zeus had protected her and had send her away. Is he alright?

She hobbled to the door and paused listening in.

"The master isn't here. He hasn't come..."

The voices seized and the door was soon opened from within.


"Hi.."she waved at the people now looking at her. What lie to come up with?


She was yanked forward and slammed to the wall.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? Speak! Are you a spy?" The female person held her in a death grip. She was wearing black leather pants and a grey vest exposing the vicious snake tattoos on her arms.

"I.....Can't... breathe,"

"Release her Jay." "Jay" loosened the grip around the poor girls neck whose face was red when the other person speak. He has a calm domineer but his eyes held dangerous glint.

"Speak,"He said.

"I.. I'm...Was tending to the injured." Smooth.

"Huh" Jay scoffed and leaned closer to her sniffing her clothes. Wasn't that familiar?

𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘡𝘦𝘶𝘴'𝘴 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦.

"The infirmary is on the opposite tunnel, what brought you all the way here?"

"I..it was dark and I was lost."

Bubu who had been silently observing by the door walked forward and stood in front of the man.

"Meow," he quirked a brow.

"She must be among the new batch sent in last night, show her back, Jay." He said seizing up the cat.

"I'm not a baby sitter."

"Quit that will you? The patient needs tending."

"Whatever, let's go." Jay grabbed her arm dragging her along.

"Do your job and stop sticking your nose into other people's business." She jabbed at her.

Why do they hide in an underground channel? Can't they just live in a were house like ordinary mafia gangs?

The farther they went, the noisier it got and the air reeked of dust, blood and death.

Crap, what had she got herself into? She is cursed, if she touch an already dying person wouldn't she just end up speeding their way to the afterlife?

They rounded a corner coming to an open space filled with beds and injured men. Her stomach turned and she closed her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Move, get back to your work. Quick." Jay turned around and left. Que seriously wished she could do the same but her feet moved forward on its own taking her inside the room. She could have came up with a better lie.

"Quick, bandage the cuts before they bleed to death." Someone stuffed a white gauze in her hand and pushed her towards a bed. There was a bowl of clean water on the table and a bottle of alcohol. The patient was shirtless and laying on his back.

Her mouth went sour looking at the gash on the person's back. This is just better than nothing but these people will need more than just bandages. She folded the sleeves of her shirt and started cleaning his back. When the blood was gone, she stared in horror at the cuts on his back.

They were two deep scratches of an animal's claws.

No matter how she tried to imagine it as a cut made by blade, she couldn't. It was a claw print. Huge claw prints.

Were they attacked by the beasts last night? These people went up against mysterious creatures? Are they crazy!? How did expect to win such a battle, they were clearly at a disadvantage! The more she think about it the more anxious she get and she panicked.

What about Zeus? Is he alright? Why isn't he back upto now. Is he dead?

By the time she was done her face was green and she wasn't feeling fine herself. She carried the bloodied water in the bowl and excused herself. She cannot do this anymore, she need a break before she faint.

At the opposite end of the space was a passage that leads farther away, hopefully to a source fresh air. With Bubu in front they walked down the passage farther away from the infirmary when a voice came from behind.

"Stop right there."

Please, how can she explain to these people that she is one of them and she doesn't mean any harm to them? Turning around she came face to face with Maya, the girl that brought her in.

"Thank God it's you." She was preparing for a very long explanation because she is not going back to that place. It was only lucky that the guy she treated didn't die, yet.

"Where have you been? I've been looking all around for you. You can't wander around, it dangerous." She took the bowl from her hand, entered a room and returned empty handed.

"Come," She tugged her along.

"What happened last night?;There are so many victims,"

"They'll be alright."

"Too much blood."

"Happens all the time."

"Where is boss, is he back yet?" She said after some time.

"He'll be back soon, don't worry about him."

"I'm not worried."


She opened a door to a wide room. It was filled with bunk beds to left and a training area to the right. They were punch bags hanging close to the walls, weight lifts and a vacant space with a mat in the middle; a spar area. She pointed to a door and asked her to get rid of the blood. Que had to take another shower and returned back to the room.

"I've brought your breakfast but you were nowhere in sight." She tossed a takeaway to her. "Eat this, hope it'll do."

"Thank you." Que took out a can of coke and a large bun and bit into it. It was not bad. She's not a picky eater, afterall begers can't be choosers. She shared the food with her cat and when they were done, she found an empty bed and sat down. It was hard and narrow but oh well. The little work she had done had exhausted her and soon she dozed off while leaning on the wall.

The next time she wake up, it was already close to the evening. A wet object licked her face and she blinked her eyes.

"Bubu how many times do I need to tell you to stop licking me, you are not a dog for Christ's sake." She pushed the cat's head and stretched but ended wobbling off the narrow mattress she had laid on.

She cranked her sore body as her brain wakes up. The sounds of people duelling registered in her brain and she looked up. In the middle of the room, Maya and Jay were in the middle of an intense sparring and she could only gape at how amazing they were.

These women were damn strong.

Both of them were at least more than 5'ft 6 inches tall and had toned bodies. As she watched them strike and evade each other's attack, she recalled how Zed had to carry her on his shoulders and fled because she was a burden. How each time she was bullied at school Kevin had to come to her aid, sometimes sustaining injuries himself.

That needs to change, right now she only have herself to rely on. She was only lucky Zeus had saved her, he won't always be there. Even if he was she can't always rely on him. There's only an a limit to how much he could do for her.

Bowing at each other, they came to an end of their training. Que took that as an opportunity and walked up to Maya.

"You are awake."

"Yes.. Umm, about the other day, would you teach me?"

"This is not a child's play Que, just because you were fasinated doesn't mean you can do it. Karate needs dedication.."

"I'm serious, I'm dedicated."

Jay who was standing by the side scoffed muttering something under her breath. Her approach towards her have changed, though still not in a good way. She was sure Maya had told her something which only triggered her dislike for her.

"I told you before and I'll tell you again. I'm not the one in charge here. Don't come to me again unless the Master have approved."

They left the room after that.

Zeus's had refused to let her learn martial arts, she had asked him before. Probably because he was tired of her burden but as she said, there is only so much one can take. If they are not willing to teach her she'll keep looking untill she finds a master. She is not going to back out.

Frustrated she felt like screaming, instead she eyed the punch bag hanging by the corner. Maybe she was too weak that was why they thought she is not dedicated. She is not some pampered girl while growing up so she could whatever stones life throws at her. It would not be easy but she would not give up.

She walked up to the punch bag chanting a mantra with each punch she threw at the bag.


"A burden..."

Her hand was hurting but she carried on anyways.

"Not.." Punch.

"A burden." Punch.

If things continued this way, she'll end up dead in the shortest span of time. She refused to rely on anyone else to protect her. Back then she never stood up for herself, she only learned to cope and not care about what others said or did to her, but that needs to change if she want to live.

"No longer..."

"A burden..."

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

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Love you xxx

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