

With the evidence thoroughly examined and verified to be authentic, the magistrate turned to Alex. His tone was firm yet impartial.

"Do you have anything else to say?" the magistrate inquired.

Alex opened his mouth, perhaps to plead for leniency, but before he could utter a word, Bevis Walton intervened.

"Your Honor, this man has forfeited his right to further remarks. He has shown no fairness or filial duty toward my client and has repeatedly exploited her. Justice demands action, not excuses."

The magistrate nodded, his expression stern.

"Based on the evidence presented, I hereby dismiss this case. Alex is to compensate his ex-wife with the sum of three hundred million talents. If the amount cannot be paid in full, his assets shall be liquidated to fulfill the compensation. His conduct as a husband was not only neglectful but ruthless. This order takes effect immediately."

The gavel struck with finality, signaling the end of the case.