
Married To My Sister-in-laws Husband

"Wanted revenge, huh" he asked me. "I will help you in that" Mayra asked him, " But , what are your conditions?" "That depends on my mood" "But how can I trust you?" Mayra replied. "Because you have no choice, Mayra. I am your only hope."

Rinku_Singh_1663 · 都市
15 Chs


Mayra didn't know why her mother-in-law called George for but she got worried what could have happened.

While waiting for him, she couldn't go to sleep anymore and decided to freshen up. She changed herself in bright coloured knee length dress and had done light makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked decent and youthful in the dress. She smiled at herself and decided to go down to prepare the breakfast.

When she entered the hallway, she noticed that every one was still sleeping except one or two maids.

She decided to ask the maids about their wake up time. She entered the kitchen and saw they're busy in their own world. They had not noticed her and continued their talk.

One of them said, " Did you get to see the new mistress of house".

Another one replied, " Yes, I saw her last night.She looks like a decent lady. I sympathies with her."

Mayra thought, " What's there to sympathies."

Then first one replied, "Yes, you are right. I also feel pity for her. You know what, at around five o'clock in the morning, old madam asked me to call master George. I felt so embarassed to go to their room so early in the morning. I mean yesterday was their wedding night and I didn't want to be first one to face them. But old madam urged me to call him urgently. She said that there was extreme pain in her joints and she couldn't walk at all but when I came back to inform about master, she ran upto me to ask about him. Then I understood she clearly wanted to ruin their first night. She is a very terrifying person."

Then the other maid said, " It's none of our business so try to stay away from them as much as possible. They are not the person to be trusted."

Mayra heard all their conversation and her heart sank to bottom. But she needed to control her emotions and trust her new family . So she composed herself and walked in.

When the two maids noticed her, they got terrified but Mayra said they need not to fear her and it's not a good habit to gossip about someone behind their back.

After that she turned to ask about breakfast from them. Mayra wanted to impress everyone by her cooking. Therefore, she asked about everyone's favourite food.

Then she started to prepare for the breakfast. When the maids saw what she is trying to do, they got scared and tried to warn her. They told her that old madam wouldn't like if she would work in the kitchen.

But, Mayra being a docile daughter-in-law, ignored every warning of them.