
Married to a What?!

Uchiha Sasuke, younger brother of the last Uchiha heirs to a billion-dollar empire, is a normal University student. By a stroke of luck, he winds up saving an injured animal of what he thought was a dog. Meet Naruto, the youngest son of Hagoromo Gitsune. In debt to his saviour, Naruto offers to pay back the debt through one request. A misunderstanding occurs when Sasuke says "Be my lover." What happens when the naïve fox takes it literally? Warning: Boys love and ratings may go up (if not already). Don't like don't read.

Destiny_Aitsuji · アニメ·コミックス
66 Chs

Fortune Bunny

Mei Terumi, who was better known as Lady Bunny, was highly amused. It felt good to know that their natural predators were coming over in peace and begging for a favour. She didn't have anything against the fox clan but old grudges die hard. The Bunny Clan Head just enjoyed the conflicted expression on Kurama's face and decided to drag it out for a little longer.

"How can I trust a fox's words?" she smiled behind her fan.

The hunter wanted to skin this bunny before him but he knew that if he did so, Itachi would probably be in more danger without the luck blessing.

"What do you want me to do?"

Mei blinked. It must be really important for Kurama to lower his head so quickly. This made the Lady Bunny curious. "I want to meet the person you want me to give Luck Blessings to. This isn't about your kid brother, is it? I heard he's newly accepted the position of clan leader but he's still frolicking around with his newly married mate."

Kurama didn't want to give details. Mei Terumi was known to be a huge love for drama and had been the mastermind for some of demon history's greatest wars. Other than being extremely beautiful and talented with the enviable ability to give Luck Blessings, Mei Terumi was also a very good fighter who single-handedly defended her clan for thousands of years. It was once said that Hagoromo Gistune and Mei fought it out over a man and resulted in a tie.

"It's not for Naruto. That kid has all the dumb luck he needs."

Mei grinned. "So, who is this for? I can't give Luck Blessings if I don't know who they are for... my gifts don't work magically."

Kurama chewed the insides of his cheeks till he tasted blood. While having Mei as an ally was a good thing, exposing Itachi to more demons while he was still a vulnerable human made Kurama extremely reluctant. Sadly, the hunter fox didn't have much of an option. He looked at Mei's maids and frowned.

The Lady Bunny got the cue and dismissed everyone in the room before enveloping the space in soundproof barriers.

"Now speak."

Kurama sighed. "It's for the older Uchiha brother, my chosen mate. There are snakes slithering around territories that do not belong to them. The wolves cannot make their move against them openly and Danzo has already made contact with Itachi once. My mate turned him away and I know that old snake wouldn't let it rest."

Mei looked serious when she heard about Danzo. "Alright. I'll help you only if you help me. That old snake has been kidnapping several of my people but I have no evidence to prove so. Even if I did, the bunny clan isn't going to win in an all-out war with the snakes."

Kurama was shocked to hear that Danzo has been messing around in the Bunny Territory. "Do you have any idea why he would do that?"

Mei grimaced. "Not really... he chose to kidnap bunnies who were weak and near death doors so nobody would really bother about them. The oldest was a two-year-old bunny and the youngest was an abandoned newborn. It happened a few months ago but nobody else has complained about similar things happening to them so I couldn't say a thing."

Kurama took that information in with new prospect. "Thank you, at least now we have more clues about Danzo's motive. The wolves reported that Danzo didn't bring a very strong attack force to Earth but he has been rapidly trying to spread influence and has with him a powerful mage. His reason to approach Itachi was purely for business but he must have realised the protective spells and barriers around Itachi's office when he arrived. I might have put him in more danger than I thought it would..."

Mei was surprised. To go as far as to protect his mate's workplace... was this really Kurama the infamous Hunter? It was hard to believe that this was the same fox responsible for convincing thousands of people to commit suicide while he danced on top of their graves with their forged wills before running away with their prized possessions. Exactly what made Itachi Uchiha so special?

"Arrange a meeting with Itachi for me and we have a deal. The Bunny Clan doesn't have very good warriors but we have very good scouts and healers. I don't want that snake anywhere near my people."

Kurama smirked, showing his canines. "Don't worry, he won't be going anywhere else apart from the afterlife."

Mei shivered at the bloodlust. Now, this was the infamous Fox Hunter the demon world knew and revered.

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