

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Chu Yi, who had just parked her car and rushed back to the entrance of the apartment building where she saw a mess. She then noticed Xu Yin's angry expression and knew that someone had probably thrown something down from a high place again.

"Xu Yin, are you okay?" Chu Yi hurried over.

"Don't let me find out who did this, or else they're going to regret it!" Xu Yin said angrily as she hung her bag on Chu Yi's neck.

"Chu Yi, are you serious? You put such a big power bank in such a small bag? It's so heavy." She rubbed her sore shoulder. "Oh, by the way, someone named Wan Yan called you earlier. Do you know him?"

Chu Yi checked her phone and didn't recognize the number.

She shook her head indifferently. "Probably the person calls the wrong number. You know everyone I know, right?"

"That's true." Xu Yin thought about it and agreed. She then picked up the shopping bags from the ground. "Let's hurry back home. I'm starving!"

Chu Yi's cooking skills were the best, so Xu Yin and Tian Peng helped out at her side, and soon the food was ready.

Xu Yin happily raised her glass of red wine. "Cheers! I wish our studio will always be able to make money so quickly! May we become millionaires! I also wish that we can all find a handsome man and a beautiful woman to fall in love with!"

Chu Yi was inspired by her friend's words and raised her glass. "Cheers!"

Tian Peng looked at the two of them speechlessly. "Chu Yi, you're married. Xu Yin, other than me, the man you interact with the most is your father."

"So, what if she's married?" Xu Yin was a little dissatisfied. "Our Chu Yi has a great figure and a pretty face. She's also the CEO's secretary and the boss of our studio. Her future is limitless. Why should she be stuck with a deadbeat husband who never shows up? Today, let's get drunk and forget about it!"

Chu Yi drank a glass of wine and felt a little dizzy. "Yes, I don't care if I married or not. I want to enjoy a beautiful relationship!"

At this moment, Chu Yi, who was reveling, had not thought about what would happen the next day.

Although she had drunk, Chu Yi's alarm still rang at six o'clock sharp.

She wanted to continue sleeping in, but suddenly she imagined Song Ting's scrutinizing gaze. She was so frightened that she immediately jumped out of bed to freshen up.

Chu Yi thought that it was already early for her to arrive at the company at 7:15 am, but she did not expect to run into Song Ting as soon as she stepped inside the company.

"Good morning, CEO Song," Chu Yi greeted him and quickly pressed the elevator button.

However, Song Ting only nodded. His face was cold, and his entire demeanor was filled with the words, "Don't provoke me."

Chu Yi also sensed his displeasure. When there were only two of them in the elevator, the low pressure made her feel suffocated.

Wang Lin, who probably hadn't had a normal day off in a long time, also arrived early.

When she saw Song Ting's angry expression, she silently asked Chu Yi with her eyes. Chu Yi could only reply with an "I don't know" look.

Wang Lin saw the necklace box on Song Ting's office windowsill and suddenly understood something.

She asked tentatively, "Madam really doesn't like sapphire necklaces?"

Song Ting raised his head and swept a cold glance at Wang Lin and Chu Yi. Chu Yi was so frightened that she took a step back.

Song Ting then threw the necklace box worth fifty million into the glove box beside him.

Not only did Chu Yi not dare to speak, but Wang Lin was also a little surprised. Was there really a woman who didn't like such an expensive piece of jewelry?

Even if she didn't like it, she should have shown some happiness at the sight of such a valuable item, right? It seemed that this CEO's wife had truly high standards!

However, she had no idea that Song Ting was so angry when he saw his "wife" behaving intimately with another man yesterday.

Especially when the two of them were talking about "darling" and "our home". He had been away for just one year, and this woman couldn't even stand loneliness and had immediately found another man?

After working in the low-pressure area for the whole morning, Chu Yi felt like she was about to die. She was afraid of accidentally provoking the CEO.

Finally, when lunchtime came, Chu Yi delivered the CEO's lunch and quickly left the room.

"Do you think Madam made him unhappy yesterday? Maybe she kicked him out of bed because she didn't like the necklace?" Wang Lin whispered as she sat down beside Chu Yi with the lunch box.

"It shouldn't be, right?" Chu Yi replied and her eyes twitched. The CEO did not seem like someone who could be controlled by others.

Wang Lin had a wicked smile on her face. "Heh, you're still young and don't understand. Men can easily act like that when they're not satisfied."