
You Are Now My Queen

"I was shocked. I asked my wife to tell me if she had gone... "

Naska noticed the silent in between us and he started talking about his life experiences. This tour is the worst tour ever.

We haven't left the premises of the Castle yet, no matter how fast we are. I stare at Naska's back as he blabs out his experiences and ordeals in the past.

Magnus head is on his palm and his elbow is on his knee. He don't seem to notice the stupid elaboration of this guy and that is what is making me get infuriated right now.

"Everything was going just fine until..."

"Until you tell your mouth to shut up! You have been talking for almost an hour now! I know how to ride a horse you know,... And I bet my wife does too"

He... He... called me his wife.

I glance over at Naska and a smile appear on his face. He nodded slightly and I look at Magnus back.

He is fuming but that isn't necessary.

"No... It's okay actually I... "

"Don't try to make him start" He objected and I kept shut.


Forget about me being a Princess, I have a madness of my own that you do not want to see!

I furrow my brows in anger and scoff silently. It wouldn't gain me anything if I shout at him so what's the use?

I say nothing but keep quiet and quietly stare out the window.

I fumed terribly. I don't like the type of anger he possesses. It creeps me out and also infuriates me.

"Naska, have a break. We will continue shortly"

Naska pulled the ropes and the horses stopped. He stepped down the controllers seat and announce his whereabouts.

"Call if you need anything" he said

We don't reply, but he moves on. Walking about as the sun shines bright on him.

"I was trying to make him stop talking" I hear Magnus say.

"I didn't complain" I say

"I know I hurt you. By the way I reacted" he said.

I stare into his eyes and all I see is sincerity of the heart.

"You didn't... "

"Stop lying" he hushed at me softly and my gaze fell on my hands in between my legs.

"I'm sorry if I did" he says and I look up at him.

"Why do you get angry easily" I ask.

He sulks up with the question but he answers anyway.

"That's how I am"

His white hair ceases my attention and I raise my head high.

"That's not true. You have a very good side when relating with people... "

His eyes widens and he straightens a little.

"Are you happy encouraging people you know nothing about?" he asks

"As far the encouragement makes them know who they are, yes. Yes, I am"

He smiles widely and takes my hand and kiss it. I feel welcomed and warm under his touch.

Slowly, he pulls me to him and kiss my forehead. I snuggle under his embrace and smile. This is what I call "My Life".

"Let's go for a tour"


"And then he smiled. I have never seen him smile like that"

I explain everything to Madeline as she brush my hair, getting me ready for a goodnight sleep.

She smiles seeing me happily explaining it to her.

"I love to see you smile my lady. The experience must be an unforgettable one"

"No need to say it twice"

Just as I said that, a knock erupted on the door.

"Yes? Come in"

Kahn's head poked through the opening of the door and I don't miss the way Madeline hid her face when she saw him.

"Your highness... The King has asked me to let you know that the announcement of the arrival of the New Queen of Rokha to the people of Rokha will be tommorow"

Madeline stares at me and I open my mouth wide.

This is good news!

"Tell him I will start the preparation tonight" I say and he nods.

Kahn smiles at Madeline before exiting the door and she blushes profusely.

Huh... I can't imagine how I blush.

"What's going on between the both of you?" I ask and Madeline's cheek turns pink immediately.

Just as she is about to answer, another knock came up.


The door opens up and Magnus walks in. Madeline immediately exit the room and I sit on the same spot.

The lamp that beholds a deemed light makes Magnus look agile and ready to work.

"Is everything alright?" I ask and Magnus nods with a tired smile.

"Yes. The announcement of the new Queen of Rokha is tomorrow, I hope you know the rule"

What ru-?

Oh my God...

Anytime a Queen is announced, she will have to sleep with her spouse the night before the ceremony. It is a law known to every Kingdom.

"Yes... I do" I say, a little nervous.

The robe he is wearing is exposing his broad chest and I can't really get my attention on what is really important.

"We will have to go to our chamber"

It is finally happening!

I look around my room, probably there's something I'll need.

Well... There's nothing.

"Let us go" I say and he make a way for me to pass.

I lead the way out of the room but he leads me to our chamber.

I don't know what it feels like to have a male sleep beside me so... I won't panic...

At least, not just yet.

The chamber is a large one with one big bed at the farther end. It has ointments on the cupboards, hair brushing combs and improver for men...

I don't even know what they improve in men.

"This is a big one" I say silently and he looks down at me.

"You don't like it?"

"It's beautiful. I love it" I say with a smile and he nods sharply.

Suddenly, the door bursted open and his parents and an old woman entered the room.

Magnus expression changed and he fumed at this. I can feel the urge to calm him down, but I just remain put.

"Oh good you're here... "

"What's the matter?" Magnus asks aggressively and his parents stops in their tracks.

"She... " the Queen gestured at the old woman.

"Has come to proclaim you a good King and Queen"

"And you think walking in like that will serve us both, at being good?"

I stare at Magnus as he made his way to them.

What should I do?

His gaze diverted to the old woman and he nodded.

The woman grabbed a bottle and walked upto our bed. She pours little oil on one side of the bed and then on the other.

"Thank you, Dale. You can leave now" Magnus said and she exited the room.

Now he faced his parents.

"Anything else?"

"Magnus, I don't like the way you react with anger" Louis tried to talk but Magnus raged.

"And I don't like the way you act like a fool. I and Lyla are trying to make this work and here you are, making it worst for us by getting involved in something that really doesn't concerns you, argh!" He yells and I see his eyes turning red.

What caused this one, now?

"Magnus... " I whisper

"What?!" he yells

I am not scared of you. I know that you can still calm down when I am here.

"Please leave" I tell his parents and Louis leaves with his wife hesitantly.

They are gone now and it's only I and Magnus.

"Please stop... "

"Stay away!" he yells and I walk closer to him.

"Magnus listen to me... "

"I said back off!" he yelled again.

He doesn't turn to face me and I walk closer but slowly towards him.

What is wrong with him?

"Magnus... "

Before I finish my sentence, he turns to me with red eyes, and grabs me by the neck.

I... I can't... B... Breathe...

I stare at him as he pinned me to the wall above him.

We stare at each other as I slowly lose my breath. Tears erupt in my eyes as I stare down at him.

"L...Look a... at me... " I stutter

His head that is down, rises up and he stare into my eyes. His hands are loosening. He lets me go but his palm still circulates round my neck.

Slowly, he ran a hand down my collar bone into my robe and unto my abdomen, but I don't resist.

A tear escapes my eye and he wipes it off. Why does he have this type of anger? It is not satisfying, he should know that.

"I am sorry... " he whisper

"Why ar... "

Before I finish my sentence, he crash his lips unto mine and...



I try to shrug him off but I just remain there with close eyes. His tongue surveys my mouth, scanning all through. It sends heat that radiates round my body and into my bones.

Goosebumps and kissing fever hits me hard as I take it in. Is he that desperate that he don't want to hold back again?

Slowly, he pulls me closer to him and I release a moan.

Finally, he release me and we both catch some air.

I stare at him and he does the same to me.

A smirk arranged on his face and I stare at him with wide eyes.

"You should know the marriage is just a day from now... But as from now on... "

He stared at me with a smirk on his face; "You are now my Queen"

Sorry for keeping you waiting!!!!


mercy_J_8creators' thoughts