
Chapter 321 FAMILY METTING 2

          "Hello Hazel, I've heard a lot about you, it's nice to finally see the next Mrs. Wilson in person." She said to me with a smile, a weird one at that cause even I could see it was a fake one. "What lovely children you have, good thing they took the quality of their father, hahaha." She chuckled.

            I seriously don't know why everyTHING that comes to the Wilson's mansion gets to pick a fight with me first and thank G*d I'm now used to ignoring their bull**its. "Is that supposed to be a compliment? Anyways thanks, I say the same too but no one agrees thank goodness I've met someone who has my eyes." I smiled at her. "Mother you asked for me, here I am." 

           "Yes since you decided to hoard my grandkids from me for two weeks now." She said kissing the boys who sat on her leg while Leah was busy with the other kid in the lounge. A little handsome boy, he has the same cold aura as Alex and reminds me of everything Alex was before I got to know him. Unfortunately, my Leah was already displaying who she is with him, she said her 'hi' and ran to her brothers.

          "I thought you all needed space at the moment and I wouldn't want the kids to disturb anyone," I explained, obviously lying cause I know what my truth would do. "Well, this is Mr. Gabriel and Mrs. Pamela Valley, they're the Valleys." She introduced. "Nice meeting you, I guess you already know who I am." My confused gaze met mother still wondering the urgent thing she wanted to lecture me on.

           All I'm seeing here are two people I don't know, I have no idea who they are or where they're from. Gabriel's eyes on me were irritating as his eyes roamed all over my body making me uncomfortable, he looked so familiar which had me wondering where I've met him before. "Of course, we know you, how can I forget Xavier's little girl." His words made her heart skip, now I recall who he is and where I've seen him, he is father's younger brother.

           No wonder he appeared to be so familiar, why then did he change his identity? I knew I could find their similarities, he has father's eyes and voice. He used to visit while I was a kid, and was younger than he is now. Thinking of the past I was welcomed by a severe headache that had me sipping the air cause of its sharp pain. "Are you alright Hazel?" Mother asked, "We could postpone the meeting if you want, the Valleys are always ready to wait." Mother stated for me to nod in agreement.

         "I'm sorry for this if you'd excuse me." I turned to the kids and they all followed me up the stairs, it wasn't wise living them to roam around the mansion, especially after the figure I just saw. I had no idea why my past was, and why if had to hunt me at this point of my life, a past I'm unable to remember but from my body's reaction, I knew it'll be deadly.

         Making sure I locked the room door, I laid on the bed and so did the kids quietly, "Stay here and make sure not to step out of the room while I'm sleeping and don't make any sound." "Yes, mama." Kyle kissed my cheek and I knew they were mocking me, but I ignored them, at least he's the eldest he'll control his siblings like always.



        Back in Chicago, after successfully washing the disgusting man Falcon from his own piss and poop, Alex's men dragged him to kneel before their boss who sat on his chair waiting patiently for the man. He already told his wife he has nothing to do with the man's disappearance and if she gets to find out he lied, she'll never forgive him. Alex decided to just kill him once and for all.

         "You will regret this Alex..." "Don't call me that you're not worthy." He cut Falcon's words as his emotionless eyes stared down at the man. He looked nothing more than a devil at the moment, but one thing didn't seem right. His smile, he was not smiling as usual not even a part of his lips pulling up. This fool before him threatened the most precious person to him, he didn't know how much vigor he's given these little toys to play with him thinking they'd win a combat war with him.

            They always tend to forget who he is,' The Mighty Mongrel Mob', cause he's decided to lay low. It felt like the weaker he got, the more enemies he gathered, unlike his former self. Without much thought, he put a bullet through Falcon's head and ordered his men to take him away.

           "Get me on the next flight to NYC." He ordered his boys and they all went to work. Alex decided at this moment not to hoard more enemies, he should clear them so his family can be safe once more. At least now his silly wife will no longer be scared of Falcon's threats as the man's chapter has been closed forever. 



        Kendrick sat in his car staring out the window as they approached a familiar gate quietly, he wanted history to repeat itself again. The past that once hunted that man, he wanted it to happen again, only that this time he'll come in person to reveal it to everyone. He would confess openly before everyone that he was the one who murdered his cousin and family, which he regretted why he spared the little boy's life.

        He led Robert into the mansion that night being the only family member who knew in and out of the mansion. The guards recognized his face that was why they never fought back or raised an alarm, and he's here to do it again. He's here at the Wilson's mansion again to finish what he started years ago. Alex jas humiliated him enough, it was time he let him know who's in charge and has always been in charge. If the first massacre couldn't break him, there was no doubt this second one will do the work. A broken Alex leads to a dead Alex.

        "Who's there?" A guard asked loudly but let the man pass when he saw who it was in the car, Kendrick's car arrived at the entrance of the mansion. As usual, the butler and some maids rushed out to greet the man as he pushed them all from sight and stepped into the mansion.

          Kendrick was ready to kill anyone and anything on sight, he ran to their rooms in search of them but could not find anyone in the mansion, everywhere was dead silent. "Are you alright sir, do you need anything?" Gaius walked up to him confused the man was going crazy. Kendrick said nothing to him and just walked away.