
Chapter 285 DIVORCE 3

      Alex stared out the window of his car blatantly lost in his thought, he was upset at Kendrick but more upset at his wife. If there's anyone to doubt him, she should be the last person to lose faith in him. He needed her as much as she needed him, especially now.

          He knows their divorce is partly his fault and hers, but no matter who's fault it was, he didn't care anymore. She's right, they're better off alone, he can't endanger the life of the woman he loves and his kids' cause of some choices he should have made long ago. This is not the future he had planned out, but no one can predict the future.

       Ben stared at his boss who had his usual nonchalant expression on, he wondered what or who must have offended the man. It's been so long since Alex acted this way, so cold and distant from everyone. He thought. "The shipments have all arrived sir." He blurted out, hoping a business conversation can maybe lighten the mood.

       "Tell Judith to distribute them to each buyer and the rest to the suppliers." Came Alex's cold reply.

         "Send some guards to be with Hazel and the kids, make sure she knows nothing about this." He ordered coldly "Yes sir." Astonished Ben watched his boss place his head backward closing his eyes as he got into deep meditation. The utterance from his boss's lips was a sigh, they were going to make a deal with the US president, but right now he feels they should postpone the meeting cause of his boss's mood.

        Flashbacks of their quarrel ran through Alex's mind and he sighed, he's quick to always hide his feeling till his heart becomes void of any emotions, at this point Alex was back to himself, the usual cold and heartless man he always has been. He's had his fun lying but didn't think he could continue swimming in the pool of lies anymore. He should have come clean from the beginning, maybe things wouldn't be as bad as they are now.

       Everything that happened is his fault, if he had told her the night he had the chance maybe she wouldn't react the way he did. What Kendrick has said might be different from what he wanted to let her know. Everyone had their secrets, probably those deep secrets that should remain within your heart.

          Staying without his Hazel is not an easy task, she should call like five times now, he just wanted to hear her worried voice from the other end, her caring for him and reciting I love you a couple of times. He was losing it, he was going crazy just at the thought of living without her. He knew how torturous it has always been for him when he travels to different countries for business meetings, but the thought of seeing his happy family has kept him going.

        But just as she's said, they're better off alone. He can't be with someone ready to break their marriage cause of other people's words about him, a man she's asked to stay away from.

         Once again, he's become the monster, everyone and everything was turning against him including the woman he loves with his life. She didn't trust him anymore, he was scared of telling her his truth cause he thought she'd react just the way she did without a second thought. Alex gritted his teeth, he promised to keep Kendrick alive just to watch him suffer, else, he would have chopped that man's head off.

         Alex stepped out of his car once they arrived at the jet terminal and into his jet, he had pressing issues that needed his attention but will be back to handle his family once he was done.


        We were all sitted in the dining room with dinner served to everyone, we haven't said a thing to each other as silence graced the room spreading its venom across the room. I didn't have much appetite, I'd spent the last two days thinking about him, somehow I prayed he was okay and doesn't get into trouble. Mafia lords don't live long cause of their stained hands, I wished there is a way I can make Alex stop.

      "You didn't announce your visit, Hazel." Aunty Grace broke the silence with her unnecessary question. "You don't have to worry, I won't be staying for long, it takes time to set up a new apartment to your taste." I smiled feeding Leah carefully as the maids did to my prince's. She has a great appetite just like her father and might swallow her little spoon with the way she opens that little mouth. Feeding her is just another way to escape eating myself.

         "Apartment? I'm very sure your husband has so many mansions here in New York, why buy another?" She enquired, "Alexander's properties belong to his kids not me, besides we're divorced now." There, she finally heard what she's desperately and always wanted to hear. I could already see a little smile grace Vieve's lips, or I'm I seeing things?

        I stepped back into the room after our dinner, to bathe and freshen up after my long day at work. Alex was all there was on my mind, I couldn't think of anything else. I rebooted my phone many times hoping for a message, maybe to apologize or just ask about the kids but got none. He left upset, maybe he's still upset, maybe just as I predicted, we're really over this time.

        The sudden raps on the door distracted me from my thoughts and I got off the bed to attend to that. It was grandma, she isn't as young and strong as she was a few years back, the year's gap did a turn on her. "Grandma." "Child, I brought snacks cause I know you didn't eat anything tonight." "How sweet of you, please come in."

         "Here start eating, a mother cannot see her child lose weight and do nothing." We both heated another knock on the door, "Come in." Grandma ordered only for a maid to step in with a jar of milk. "Are the kids well rested?" "Yes ma'am." She placed the milk on a table and left.

         "I didn't realize I lost weight, maybe the nature of my job, I've been focused lately." I smiled. "Yes, and we all know you started going to work to get your mind off Alex." I met her gaze, what a cunning woman. "Alex?"

         "I overheard your conversation with your aunt Hazel, don't act like you have amnesia." 'You're supposed to, we all sat at the same table'. I thought in my head, "Yes grandma?" 

         "Hazel, your last separation was cause you were forced into that marraige and was maltreated by the family which was settled the day you both confessed your feeling for each other. What's your excuse this time." Grandma asked. "This is beyond what you think it is, and it's best we keep it to ourselves."

        "We're your family Hazel, even if you grew up without one, you should know the importance of family. You should know we're the only people that can help you." "We should be the first people you'd run to, the only people that will stand with you when the world is against you. Keeping us away from your troubles is not going to help Hazel." She arranged my hair tenderly.

           "Yes, I and Alex broke up, no that's not the word, got separated. He'd be sending a divorce paper in a few days." I told. "What brought about all of these Hazel, thought you two loved each other?" "And I still love Alex's grandma, but we're not compatible with each other. I've lived all this while wallowing in his lies." "Alex is not who he pretends to be, he's a terrible person. I can't live with him."

         "How terrible baby." "He killed his father Grandma and blamed an innocent person for it. He's a mafia Don, that's one of the reasons he has so many bodyguards everywhere. I can't be with such a vile person grandma."

       "But what about the kids, have you considered that? Leah talks about her father since you brought her here, same as junior and Kyle. You can't be with Alex, but cannot change the fact that he's the father of your kids." 

       "Don't take that love away from them." "I can handle my kids with or without a father, Alex is a dead man anyway." "Don't say that dear, you don't want him dead." The things Alex has done are just so uncountable, why didn't I think of these when he took me to that whare house filled with guns. I should have known. 

        "I'll leave you to rest and cool off, remember you can't believe anything that your husband didn't tell especially when it's coming from an enemy." She stepped out of the room. Alex asked me to stay away from them cause they knew his truth, he didn't even deny what he was when I confronted him. My kids cannot be with a man who kills for a living.