
Married in Vegas

"It says here you are married", Were the words that made Candice Beckford believe that the ring she found on her finger when she woke up was no decoration or trinket. What would you do if you woke up in Las Vegas and you are married to a man you don't know? Shocked? Candice Beckford, 18 years old fresh out of high school and her friends decided to relax in Las Vegas from the UK. When she unexpectantly married a stranger and woke up with a ring on her finger. Stunned and surprised, she can't find her husband and she had a plane to catch. Watch as she navigates her life, hiding the truth from her parents, struggling to get the scholarship, going to school, graduating, and a series of strange occurrences like strange money deposits to her account that make her wonder who is Nicholas Stone, what does he look like? Why doesn't he annul since that's what normal people do? When she met him again after a few years, her life tumbled out of control, love and fame, reputation and all she holds dear are at stake. "Give me a year ", he said to her. Can she hold on to her principles and not be swayed by a dangerously handsome business mogul, not to mention blue blood? Who will win in this wager of virtues? Will she remain true to herself, or fall for his charms and the allure of his grey eyes?

Mbali_Moreki · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 3

I was doing a nursing course . Enjoying school.

I almost forgot that I got married four months ago and so far my husband is a no show and all my letters I have to hide strategically. Either cut off my name at the top or have a coffee incident .

I was unable to get the scholarship,.

But what was weird was the €10000 deposit I get every month these two months. I lied and said my scholarship is paying me well. I only used a €1000 for my expenses . School fees and the rest I saved.

I went to bank to ask about the money.

".Well Mrs Stone ,says here Mr Stone is the one depositing the money".he said.

"I was right. Can you tell me the location of deposition?"I asked.

"Sorry. He uses online transfers so the location is not transfixed."he said.

I nodded. Then proceeded to pay the mortgage and all other bills . Then I bought coupons for my mom's grocery shopping.

I took a taxi home. When I entered I saw my parents waiting for me in the living room with serious faces on.

I sat down opposite them.

"You have been keeping secrets from us ever since you came back from the Americas."my father said seriously.

"What ?".I asked feeling my hands go clammy.

"Your letters came today and they say Mrs Candice Stone. Our bills are also lowered significantly. And I noticed you do not talk to boys or go on a date . It's been three months still you don't date. Are you lesbian?".my mother asked.

",No. I am not . I am just not interested. And I told you my scholarship pays good. As for the Stone surname. I am working on it. The secretary said I was registered as Candice Stone. To change it will be costly. That's why only my graduation certificate will come by Beckford."I lied expectedly . I never knew I could lie like this.

I had to. I had to divorce Mr stone as quickly as possible.

Three years later.

I am nervous . I still haven't found him . I still get the money but he is no where to be found.

I am graduating . My parents are there on the seats . They expect me to be called Beckford not Stone. And I couldn't cone up with a way to distract them.

Tanya said she'll handle it. You wouldn't believe that she is still my only friend . And she is five months pregnant for her boyfriend.

She said she'll come up with something.

",Next is with a Diploma in Nursing . The top of her class ,Mrs Candice Elizsbeth -",when he was to say my surname all the students erupted into a loud cheer. This is Tanya's work.

I took my certificate took a picture and smiled at the professors and wait to Tanya . I hugged her .

"Thank you ."I said.

"Anything for you babe. But you have to tell them."she emphasised.


we threw our caps.

I felt someone looking at me. I turned to look at them to find a grey suit disappearing. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I went to mom and dad.

They had tears in their eyes.

"Congratulations sweetheart",mom cried.

"Thank you".I said.

"I am proud of you".dad said kissing my forehead.

I smiled.

"Let us see the certifi-".mom said reaching for the diploma certificate.

"Can we go to a graduation after party. Don't worry . She won't drink anything bad cause I cant either."Tanya begged . Saving me . Yet again.

"Okay. But come back early . Grandma is coming ".

My mother said.

"I am coming home soon . I promise."I said walking away.

"Sweety leave your certificate . You'll get it at home ".my father said.

I gave it to him and left .

Well I am crossing fingers.

When I returned home around five in the evening after Tanya's encouraging words to tell the truth I saw an unfamiliar Mercedes in the drive way. A very fancy car next to my father's pick up truck.

I entered the house to find everyone in the living room. I tried to smile but all I saw were solemn faces.

Grandma with a sad smile and a guy around mid twenties in a suit. A grey suit.

With dark black hair and startling grey eyes . He seemed tall with a cleanly shaven face.

I stopped ogling him when I realised they were all looking at me.

"Why won't you sit down Candice."my mother said softly.

I sat down on the only couch that was available. Next to the suited man.

As far away from him as I could get.

"Honey do you know this man?".my father asked pointing to the man who gave me a small smile. I feel like I should remember but I don't .

"I am sorry. I feel like I should but I don't."

I said shaking my head.

My family looked at him expectantly.

He sighed.

"Candice dear . My name is Shawn Nikolas Stone. We have been married for three years . Tomorrow would be our third wedding anniversary. We got married in Vegas in Lagu's Chapel by Vicar Leandro".he said.

I stood up in shock placing my hand over my heart.

He looked at my hand and smiled ",You are still wearing my ring. Well it belonged to my late grandma."he said.

"Sorry".I said working to take it off.

"No no . Please keep it on. Its yours now. My grandma told me to give it to my first wife. So no matter the circumstance we married in ,our marriage is legal in the law and even more so in the eyes of God."he said.

"you are MARRIED?".my mother screamed. It seems this whole time she did not believe it.

"Yes. I am sorry . I was hammered. I don't remember anything of my wedding day .I am sorry. You didn't take my first Kiss did you?".he asked.

He smiled widely and looked handsome about.

"That was your Kiss?"he asked incredulously and amused.

"You took it?".I almost screamed.

He laughed a little then said",No . I couldn't take it. I was hammered but less than you . None the less I kissed your cheek my dear."he said.

"Why?how sure are you . You said you were hammered?".I argued.

"I happen to have our wedding day video."He smirked.

I froze . My eyes widened.

"You gave me this wedding band ,said it was your cousin's , Edvard".he said looking at me and showing me the black band around his slim finger.

I took a deep breath.

"Why now. I know you always knew about me when you deposited €10000 per month for three years. Don't worry I didn't use all of it. I will pay you back."I said.

"Sit down love I don't bite."he said somewhat seriously.

I did.

"To be honest I did know you existed but It was only until I received a phone call from my mother about the lawyers visit. Our lawyer told us I was married to Candice Elizsbeth Beckford who is now a Stone that I started to remember everything.I had just returned home from USA and got my moter's enraged call when it all came back to me. So you were inserted in our family plan. Also I found out that you were on the scholarship list . They wrote you off because they wanted single students and you and you were married. So I deposited the money so you can continue with schooling without my surname being an inconvenience. So today I was coming as a sponsor for 40% of the students there. I didn't know you attended this particular university. I was surprised to see you on the podium and very proud you chose this career path. Not many young women chose these gruesome careers. Anyways I decided to stop by and introduce myself. Hi I am Shawn Stone, your husband." he smiled holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Hi. I am Candice. But I was hoping to have met you all those years ago so we could have this marriage annulled."I said.

His face hardened a bit.

"I do not believe in divorce. If you want freedom. I can grant it. I will not interfere in your personal life but I apologize. I made an oath. I said for better or for worse. In sickness and in health. And what God put together no man shall path. I made an oath. I intend to keep it. Even from a distance. If you need my help or more clarity on something call me." he gave me his phone then stood up and said goodbye to everyone.

"Farewell Mrs. Stone".he bid me bye and left.

I was shocked.

"What have you to say for yourself?".my father asked softly.

"I just met my husband. He is different from what I imagined".I said more to myself than anyone else.

But they heard. Very well.

He was so handsome. His voice his grey eyes. His hair gave him a royal aura. He is so tall too. Almost six feet three. Lean but not lanky. Built but not bulgy. He is the perfect size. I cannot believe he is that good-looking.

I am not that pretty, why would he not want to divorce?

"Sweety?".my mother called gently. I looked at her.

"Mommy. I am sorry I lied all this time. I was scared of what you'd say about me being married you know. I wanted to find Mr. Stone quickly and convince him to annul the marriage. And I couldn't tell you that my scholarship was canceled because I was married. It was a stupid mistake and I was not thinking well. Well, I was intoxicated. I cannot believe Mr. Stone would rather stay married than be a bachelor. How unsettling".I said.

"Honey we are not sad you are married," Dad said with a smile.

"You are not?".I asked surprised.

"No. We are sad we were not there to celebrate it. I didn't walk you down the aisle. Your mother did not dress you up. Your grandma was not on the front row weeping." he said.

"Well if it makes you feel better I don't remember my wedding either,"I said.

"Sweety. Be glad it is a handsome gentleman like Stone who did not take advantage of you. Why don't you invite him over for dinner to celebrate your third anniversary."

My eyes bulged.

"No. Please. I'd like to keep my distance from him if you don't mind". I said seriously.

"Sweety when a cute guy like that refuses to divorce there are only two options. One he is gay or two he is in love with you"Mom said expectedly.

"Well then I am sure he is gay. He probably wants people to think him normal".I said.

"Why. I think this is a way to show that if not for him, you were probably never getting married at the rate you were going. Tanya told me you turned down every offer made to you. Saying you were married." Mom said.

"But I am married!".I whined.

"But you don't want to acknowledge your husband either".grandma argued.

"I was not in my right mind to get married. Him neither. It is not supposed to be considered legal".I huffed.

"Well he does . Did you see how defensive he became you mentioned divorce?".grandma asked.

"Yeah, probably because normal females would never divorce him ".I snorted.

"What do you mean normal?".my mom asked amused.

"Mom".I warned.

She laughed", Ow you are acknowledging that you are attracted to your husband."

"No. I am admitting that he definitely looks better than I imagined."I said seriously.

"How did you imagine him sweety?".grandma asked.

"Worst". I said.

"How worse?".dad asked.

"Like beefy hands, swollen tummy round face red-cheeked, beedy eyes, and balding head, and Santa's beared "I said with a shudder of disgust.

"Honey that guy is the epitome of handsomeness." Mum gushed.

I stood up.

"I am going to sleep. Wake me up later. I am hungry." I said.

"Why didn't you tell your husband? He could have taken you to dinner." my father mused.

"You are all happy about this aren't you ?".I asked incredulously.

"Hey, not many of my friends can say their daughter has never dated or kissed a guy but has been married for three years. This is fantastic. Call your husband. I'd like to get to know him since I didn't get my opportunity to terrorize him." Dad said laughing.
