
Married On The Run!

24 year old Aeon Bakar is the rebellious, reckless and distrusted black sheep of the powerful Elrods family. His family are the strongest and most prominent in the city and beyond. The problem though is that they were utterly perfect. But Aeon was not. He wanted to gain approval from his family like his twin brother but that seemed impossible because he was always getting into trouble. He even got Ivin killed. This bad boy gets into a mess with someone he really shouldn't have offended and his life is threatened. However, what he doesn't plan is crashing a marriage ceremony and getting married to a complete stranger while trying to hide from the men after him. When 22 year old Mira Dhar of the Das family, his new wife refuses to leave him and joins him on the run, she does not see the new world she has been married into. Nor does she expect the tempests that are fated to come.

EstherJacobsII · 都市
23 Chs

The Party

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Shut up!" His voice sends chills down my spine. He swipes a glass to the floor and it shatters with a crisp sound.


"I warned you not to follow me. You had the chance to stay back, have a normal life and maybe get a divorce a year later but you chose to follow me. Hun, you have bought your death ticket and now, we are bonded."


His eyes are like icy tips of a mountain. I can see pure hatred in their depths as he speaks and fear engulfs me.

I fight back hot tears as they surge up my throat.


" And don't forget dear wife, this union is till death." He adds with a devilish smile, his face too close to mine.


When he finally slams the door in my face, I am shivering with feelings I can't describe. I feel fear, excitement and anger wage a war in my heart. But there's another feeling that I am too scared to admit.


A feeling that death is close.



* * * *



It is night and I have no intention of sleeping with the pillows pilled up like a fence between us both. I will not sleep on the bed at all. I have already made a comfortable bed of the sofa when he comes in. I stiffen as his eyes land on me. They are dark with anger and I can see his rage seething.


" What are you doing here undressed?"


" What do you mean?" I ask puzzled.


" Hah wife. You are very naive for the wife of a distinguished guest. Our host is having a party today and I was invited. Of course as my wife, you are obliged to come." He sneers, mockery dripping from his words.


" But I was not informed. I'm only-"


" Five minutes, that's all you get." He interrupts, a sweet smile on his lips.

I don't understand this guy. How can he be so rude but yet appear very sweet?

He stands at the door, staring at me as I rush into the closet. What do I wear?


This should do.



* * * *



I watch milk girl rush into the closet and scoff at her make shift bed. I intentionally did not tell her about the

party today.

She's annoying.

Merely seeing her makes me so filled with rage I want to strangle her. How can she not understand that she can't ever go home now?


And now she's making me loose out on a big party.


Damn Ronald!


He had already gotten wind that I was married and he wouldn't let me unwind without my "wife". He even deliberately put us both in one room!


" Mister, I'm ready."


I snap out of my thoughts to see milk girl standing in front of me. I burst out laughing. I laugh so hard that tears trickles down my eyes.


" Why are you laughing? " she asks, her ears pink with shame.


" Wait. What, you're wearing a ball gown to a club party? Hah wifey, you have just the perfect upbringing!" I mock, enjoying the angry stare she shoots me.


" You never said it was a club party!" she retorts angrily but I can hear the words she didn't say.


She has never been to a club.

Great! This one has been living under a rock.

Before I know it, I'm dragging her by the arm into the closet. I scan through the vast array of clothes, looking for what would suit her best.


" What are you doing?"


"Picking clothes for my wife. Isn't that romantic? " I ask.


Why am I so prickly?


I pick out a gown I think would look great. She's my wife for now so she has to look the part.


" Put this on. May, come in."

A girl comes in and bows slightly.


" Make her look presentable." I order, walking out of the room. I stand just outside the door, checking my wrist watch.


Can this get any harder?

In exactly 2 minutes, May steps out with someone behind her.

Hell! I smile inwardly, thinking how much of a good job I've done.


Milk girl looks hot!


The red dress I picked for her exposes most of her thighs just above the knees. Her back and neck are elegantly visible. Around her neck is a thin necklace with a diamond pendant that matches with the sparkles in her gown. Her hair is loose and the long strands look silky to the touch.


" I don't like this outfit." She pouts, the light makeup making her look innocently seductive.


Wow! Have I been sleeping in the same room with this beauty?


" Wifey, you look just fine."

I reply, faking indifference.


" Let's go." I say leading the way to the party hall.



* * * *



I did not know clubs could be this loud. At first, I was disoriented by lights of different colors the large crystal like chandelier was emitting but when my eyes adjusted, I was glad Rude guy made me change.


There are people everywhere. Especially girls. Some are even barely dressed. I look around me with awe. I bet my mouth is hanging open now.


" Wifey, are you overwhelmed? Come, he chuckles, let us greet our host."


I follow him, watching people dance, drink and smooch.


They would spit on me if they knew I was here back at home.

We approach an elevated platform, crowded with girls, booze and smoke. When the smoke clears, I see the jovial man from last time.


Our host.


" Hah! Brother, you're here with your wife." He says, letting out a thick trail of smoke after dragging a pipe.


" You wouldn't let me stay if she wasn't here." Rude guy grumbles, his face as stiff as ice.


" Don't be bitter. I threw this party for you both." He fondles a girl's exposed bust, grabbing a nipple swiftly in his mouth.


I look away, ashamed for her as she makes strange sounds.


" You didn't get to celebrate your union I hear." He smirks, giving Rude guy a knowing look.


" Bastard!" Rude guy mutters, giving him an icy stare. He bursts into laughter angering Rude guy more.

He knows Rude guy hates me around and he forced him to bring me along as a form of friendly torture.

Wow. At least I won't be fondled.


" Go along now. You two have fun." He says, waving and Rude guy drags me out of his presence.


" Go. Do anything you want. I have urgent business to attend to." He snaps, pushing me away.


Rude! To think he brought me here...

As I sit at the bar sipping fruit juice, I see my "husband" surrounded by numerous girls. I look away, heat rushing to my face. Tears sting my eyes. This is far from the life I imagined after marriage.


" Hey pretty, why are you sitting here all alone?"


I look up. There is a man giving me lewd looks. I frown.


This looks like trouble.