
Marriage Contract With My Rich Ex-Boyfriend

When Diane Brown discovered that her husband of two years had been cheating on her because she was unable to have sex with him, she filed for a divorce, falling for her husband’s trap— a prenup to split half of her assets with him. Diane would rather give up all her properties to charity than to that bastard, but at her lowest, she discovered an unexpected ticket out— Christian Knowles, her ex, the new hot shot of NYC. Left with no choice, she shows up at Christian’s doorstep in tears, seeking his help while drenched in the rain. What would it be like for Diane to go begging the man she had been trying so hard to forget, the one she dumped to marry that jerk of a husband? As for Christian, whose heart should've steeled against the woman who broke it years ago, would he help her? But at what conditions? And what would happen once he finally learned the true reason Diane broke up with him? Will he still keep her by his side despite his beloved mother’s resistance?

Paschalinelily · 都市
101 Chs

A Bloody Mess

Phillip woke up the next morning with a pounding head and a disoriented mindset.

His entire vision was cloudy and he could barely make out his surroundings or recall anything from the previous night.

Bells rang in his ears consistently, forcing him to cover his ears with his palms.

It was a struggle to sit up on the bed. He had to grab his head with his hands in other to sit up, but then, as his gaze moved around to take in his surroundings, he saw a big patch of red stain on the sheets and literally jumped down from the bed in fright.

Just as he got off the bed with a pounding head, he tripped over something that caused him to fall face flat on the floor.

"Fuck!" he cursed through gritted teeth as he felt the forceful impact of his fall on his head. Phillip felt that his head was about to burst open but most importantly, he wanted to see what he stumbled over.