
Mark of the Moon

After his alpha father's death, Dhruv stays away from the pack and lets his step brother take over. His parents broken marriage stole away the joys of his childhood. When he decided to stay away from love, he meets his mate Poornima - their deemed enemy. Poornima who lived her entire life in a sheltered cocoon. What will she do when she finds the mystery of her birth? Does she have the courage to shoulder the responsibility of being selected by Goddess Moon? Above all, do Dhruv and Poornima have it in them to fight against all odds and go against their entire clan to live a happily ever after life?

anusha_alla · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 2

For a moment, she looked like a deer caught in headlights. Despite constantly reminding herself to evade his gaze, she found herself ensnared once more by his piercing eyes.. Those eyes that resembled a predator's. Yet, there was a subtle gentleness about the way he looked at her. As if prodding her for something, stirring up uncontrollable desires from within. A swift blush crept onto her cheeks by the mere thought of him. Just like that, Dhruv shifted his gaze, adopting a casual stance and presided over the meeting.

"You can do better than looking desperate for him." she criticized herself, jotting down the minutes.

As Dhruv proceeded to outline the specifications for the office's new food vendor, he detected their collective attention fixed upon him, excluding Poornima. She was too busy taking notes, seemingly unaffected by his presence. He was disappointed by her lack of interest in him. Though he seemed indifferent, he couldn't help casting furtive glances in her direction.

Lisa, who was seated beside Dhruv couldn't take her eyes off him though her neck ached to watch his towering figure talk incessantly. She literally drooled over him and was his biggest admirer who even stalked him if the rumors were to be believed.

Once done speaking, Dhruv got up to leave. "I want the MOM at my desk in another five minutes." he was already at the door with his back to the team. He addressed no one in particular but Poornima knew the task was directed to her.

With a sigh, she exited the room. "You're capable. Just avoid direct eye contact," she motivated herself. Seeking refuge in the restroom, she splashed water on her face, determined to dispel irrelevant thoughts clouding her mind. Suddenly, Lisa materialized behind her, brandishing an overly friendly smile. "Are you okay?" she inquired, feigning concern. Poornima regarded her reflection in the mirror, puzzled. Before she could reply, Lisa continued, "You seem a bit pale. I understand being new here can be challenging."

"N-No, you've got it wrong. I'm genuinely enjoying my time here," Poornima replied, taken aback by Lisa's abrupt display of solicitude.

"Let me assist you. I can take the meeting minutes to Dhruv for you," Lisa offered, a statement that finally unveiled the true intentions behind her sweetened words. She was aiming for an opportunity to spend time with Dhruv alone. "So be it." she thought. A sense of contentment washed over her at the idea of momentarily escaping the sight of him.

Dhruv was working on his laptop, when he heard a soft knock on his door. "Come in" he said not taking his eyes off the screen. Deeply engrossed, he failed to immediately register her scent. He waited for sometime to hear someone speak, but noticing the strange silence, he looked up. To his surprise, Lisa stood by the doorway, her unwavering gaze directed squarely at him. According to him, Lisa was the most shameless woman he had ever seen. She openly flirted with him seemingly unperturbed by his indirect indications of disinterest.

Dhruv cleared his throat, "Yes?" there was no missing the irritation in his voice. But it was Lisa at the receiving end and she could ignore any length of unpleasantries just to be in the same room as Dhruv. Lisa smiled coquettishly, slowly moving towards Dhruv. She slid the papers into his hands, intentionally scraping the back of his hand and said, "I am here to give you the minutes of the meeting."

"Okay. You may leave." He dismissed her. He remembered Poornima taking the minutes and wondered why Lisa was here instead? He looked up to find Lisa still lingering. It annoyed him further. "Care to join me for coffee?" Lisa asked with an enticing smile which was seductive to some extent.

"No." came his curt reply.

"When will you be free to have coffee with me?" She inquired, not giving up.

"I don't drink coffee."

Lisa knew he was lying. Before she could come up with another retort, the door opened and Poornima peeked her head, "May I come in?" she asked. Dhruv's expression visibly relaxed as he sighed in relief. "You may go now. I have something important to discuss with Poornima." Dhruv informed, effectively dismissing her.

Lisa left eyeing Poornima suspiciously, "What can a newbie have something of importance to discuss?"

"Last week's expense report is pending approval from finance team. With only 4 days left for the quarter end, we need the approval ASAP. Should I send a reminder mail? But that would sound like escalation, which I don't want. I came for your opinion." Poornima explained earnestly.

"Why didn't you give me the minutes?" Dhruv questioned, furrowing his brows and rubbing his fingers across his temple. Poornima was taken aback. "I assumed Lisa brought the minutes. Let me check with her." she replied apologetically, casting a confused look toward the door.

"Next time, make sure you don't neglect your responsibilities. I don't like people slacking at work." he said coldly, gritting between his teeth, his voice barely a whisper.

Why does this sound like a threatening? Poornima couldn't help wonder. "I am really sorry about that. Let me fetch the minutes." she turned to leave when Dhruv spoke. "There's no need. I have them." he waved the papers left by Lisa before tossing them onto his desk.

"When he already has the minutes, why is he getting all worked up over nothing? Gosh! I didn't think he could be so scary." she thought. Especially when he peered at her with his predatory eyes, glowering at her as if she were his prey. She wanted to make a run for the door. But she was tethered by her unfinished task.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat, mustering some courage, "Regarding the expense report..."

"Schedule a meeting with the Finance team's head. Talk to him in person. I want it approved by tomorrow."

"Sure thing." she said scurrying out.