
Mark Him Not

CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING Started: May 22, 2020 I was born in this world having the sex organ of a man. So basically, I'm a man. However, I could get pregnant, too, like female species. Why? Oh, it's because I'm an Omega, specifically a recessive one. That is my second gender. I've never felt troubled with my second gender before like other omegas. I've been in such a protective and loving family. My mother always sheltered me with a lot of loving and care. My father was always there to protect and guide me. I also have two incredible older brothers. They're twins, yet they watch and love me in their own way. I also have my reliable beta best friend. He's my partner in crime, and I'm so thankful to him. Like I'd said, I never felt troubled about my second gender, but that was before I've met my 'fated mate'. The person who was sent by God to love me. And... my fated mate was really unexpected. Because even before I found out that he's my mate... he's already part of my life.

DriewNrocinu · LGBT+
42 Chs

Chapter 6: Mr. Augutus

Chapter 6

My heart couldn't stop pounding. This text message was from him!

I thought I would receive another message but I didn't. I went to the veranda, wishing that he left anything else, unfortunately, I found nothing. It's just this mere key which I don't know where to use.

I sighed and went back to my bed and lay there. I stared at the key, it was an ordinary key, I'm sure of it. However, I don't have any idea how this 'key' is related to my 'real gift' as he stated. "You're playing at me again, my alpha..." I whispered in dismay.

'What do you mean by waiting for me? You don't even tell who you are...' I thought.

Everything seems weird and preposterous ever since my alpha entered my life. He keeps on telling me not to look for him, but he keeps on giving hopes and fallacies. He spends time with me yet in the end he'll leave me. He always saves me yet in the end he's the one who'll hurt me.

I touched my chest, it's still beating enormously. I sighed and just closed my eyes. I want to sleep. Let me sleep. I'm being too weird that even I, can't understand myself anymore.

"Just sleep, for now, Kyle. Forget about it for now..." I thought.

I don't how did I do it, maybe I'm tired of thinking or whatever but I found myself sinking into darkness and fell into deep oblivion.

The next thing I knew, it's morning already. It was Sunday today and also my 18th birthday. I know mother's preparing something in the kitchen. Maybe my father is helping him. Before I went out of my room, I fixed the key that my alpha gave me and turned it into a pendant on a necklace. It was to make sure that it'll never get lost. I bet it holds something important that's why my alpha gave it to me. I also applied the concealer I bought a few days ago to my neck. The mark's now almost invisible from naked eyes.

"Happy Birthday, Kyle!" Both of my parents said in unison as I entered the dining room.

"Thank you mother, thank you, father." They hugged me both and I kissed their cheeks. "Where's my gift?" I jokingly said.

"Here! Ta-da!" Mother said in glee while showing me a small red velvet rectangular box. "Your father and I thought of it for a while so we came up with this gift!" He added as he handed me the box.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Open it for yourself," Father said.

I looked at them strangely then opened the box. "Holy shi---!"

"Kyle! Your mouth!" My mother scolded.

"I'm sorry!" I said. "But wow! Am I dreaming?!" I pinched myself hard. "Ouch! I'm not dreaming! It's real!" I screamed joyfully.

"Silly, of course, you're not dreaming," Father said. "You wanna see it?"

" Of course!" I shouted.

All of us went to our garage where their gift is located. I was wavering in happiness. I know my parents can feel it too.

"Are you ready?" I nodded in glee. "Here it is!" My parents shouted as they pulled the cover of my new car.

Yes, my parents bought me a car for my birthday! The box contains the keys!

"Fuck! Father! Mother! It's gorgeous!" I yelled. I ran on to them and showered them with my kisses.

"Fuck! I'm so happy! Thank you! Thank you! It was the best gift ever!"

"Your welcome, son!" Father said then ruffled hair. I was laughing because of it. I saw my mother tearing up so I hugged him.

"Mother, stop crying."

"How can I stop crying, huh? My baby's not a baby anymore! Soon, you'll leave us like your twin brothers!" He cried harder. Both father and I laughed at him.

"There's no way in hell I'll leave you two. I'm still in high school. I haven't proven myself yet." I said then wiped his tears. "I'll only leave you guys if you ask me to or if I had my own house to stay at. But now, there's no fucking---" Before I finished my words, mother tapped my mouth.

"Kyle, your mouth!" I laughed and hugged them. Both of them hugged me back.

"I love you, mother and father."

"We love you too, son," Father replied. "We are so glad to have you as our son." He added.

After our dramatic gift-giving, the three of us ate the food that our mother cooked. We were talking about my childhood days while eating. Because of it, I even forgot my situation with my alpha.

I helped mother with the dishes and we decided to watch a movie in the living room. While watching, we heard the doorbell rang.

"I'll look at it." I volunteered.

I opened the gate and saw a delivery man. "Good morning, sir! Is this the Garcia residence? Do you know Kyle Eulesis Garcia, sir?" The delivery man asked.

"Yes, it is Garcia's residence. I'm Kyle Eulesis Garcia. What can I do for you?"

"Oh, sir! I'm here to deliver a package from hmm..." he took his notes then continued. "From Mr. Felix Ashton Garcia. It was stated here to give this box to you, Mr. Kyle Eulesis Garcia, and also, please sign here sir for verification. "

I signed the papers and when the delivery man left, I closed the gate. The box wasn't that big. It was covered with a red gift wrap. I walked inside the house, my parents seem to notice and asked me.

"Who's that, Kyle? What's that thing that you're holding?" Mother asked.

"A delivery man, he delivered this. I think it's Felix's gift for me." I said. "I'll go ahead. I'll open this in my room." My parents agreed so I went to my room.

In my room. When I finally opened the box, it has other boxes inside of it, a medium-sized and a small sized. There are also letters attached to both boxes. I read one of those.

'Lil Bro, Happy, happy birthday! I'm sorry if we can't make it again this year. You know, your brothers were super handsome and very busy because of our work. I know you'll understand. You're a big guy now, even if you're still small. Pffffft. LOL. Always remember that your brothers always love you. Always take care. XOXO. Open the bigger box first! <3 Felix the Handsome '

"That bastard!" Even in the letter, Felix is still an asshole!

I followed the letter's instructions, I open the bigger box first. "Holy shit!" I screamed.

It was the limited edition final series of my most favorite video game!

"Fuckkkkkk!" I screamed and jumped in happiness. It's such a rare video game series! I'm trying to find this before but I failed! I never thought that Felix will give this to me. I think this will be the first time I'll be thanking my parents for having him as my brother.

It took me few minutes before I get over with my new game series. Next to that, I open was the smaller one. There's also has a letter attached to it. I read it.

'Happy birthday. Take care. - Calix'

I smiled after reading the note. Unlike Felix, Calix was never a loudmouth. He spoke barely of words. If you'll ask him a question, he'll either nod his head or shrug at you. He seldom leaves his room. He's just inside it, reading some medical-related books. That's why I'm not that surprised that he went to a medical school and be one of the youngest and most successful doctors in town.

I almost died at laughing when I finally open Calix's gift. "Seriously, Calix? A dog keychain?"

My brother is really weird. Last year, he got me a dog stuffed toy, now this? I smiled then put my car keys on my new key chain.

My brothers care for me in their way. If Felix was my buddy, Calix was my savior. Felix was the one who always plays with me, while Calix was the one to save me if someone tries to bully me. I often got bullied before because of my secondary gender. My classmates before said that I don't belong in school, and I should stay away from them. I got no friends because, at that time, John wasn't in this city yet. So every time I want to play outside, I always ask Felix to come with me. If I'm bullied or got into a fight, I'll always come to Calix to beat those bullies. We were the best trio not until they left the house and chose to study in the main city. I was so devastated, good thing that time John moved to this city with his family and lived here.

I sighed and fixed my gifts. Thinking of my brothers made me think about John too. I'm incomplete now that the three of them were away from me.

When I'm done fixing the gifts, I took my new car keys and went outside my room.

"Father, can I use my car? I want to test it." I asked my father. He's still watching movies with mom.

"Sure, but remember don't go too far. Okay?" I nodded and waved them goodbye.

I have nothing in my mind to go to. I just want to stroll and relieve some stress from those shits happened to me these past few weeks.

I went to the garage and hop in my car. I started the engine and drove out. The car was good to drive. It's a good thing, father taught me how to drive before. Since it was Sunday, there are so many people wandering in the streets. I can even some of my schoolmates in the crowd. But one person caught my attention among all of these people. It was my adviser, Mr. Augustus.

It was strange to see him strolling in the street. My classmates said before that Mr. Augustus was an introverted type of guy even if he's a teacher, he seldom joins parties at school or even a teacher's party. We didn't even notice him talking at his co-teachers to pass time. Some students call him 'weirdo' because of it. I wonder what'll they call Calix if ever they get to know him.

'Calix is a robot in human skin.' I laughed at the thought.

Mr. Augustus went inside a bookstore. I pulled over the car and also went in. Strangely, I can't spot Mr. Augustus inside. Since I have no place to go, I decided to look around the book store. There are also few customers looking for some books.

There's a lot of books. They were classified by genres. However, something caught my eye. It was a book but it was cast aside. It's not under any genres, it was just there, in a small cabinet alone. I took the book and read its title.

"The Lone Wolf's Howl..."

I'm a certified bookworm. I got it from Felix. He loves to read books that's why he pursues his dream, to be a literature professor. It was so unlikely for his attitude and personality to be a professor but he has proven his worth in his chosen career because until now, he still teaching in the state college in the main city.

Due to curiosity about the book, I read its synopsis. It was about a male wolf who got everything. He has the power, the strength and even females wolves chase after him. People thought that he'll marry the strongest female wolf and be the leader of their pack. The male alpha wolf doesn't care about it. He doesn't care if he's marrying this female wolf even if he doesn't feel any love for her. Everything seems to fall into their expectations, not until the male wolf met a beautiful female fox.

That's where the synopsis ended. I was about to read the first page when I heard someone talked.

"You like it?" I faced the person who spoke.

"Mr. Augustus!" I shouted due to shock.

"Hahaha! Looks like I startled you!" He said. "So, Kyle, do you find that book amazing?"

"I haven't started it yet. I just read the synopsis." I answered. "And yes, Mr. Augustus. I found this book, hmm, erratic maybe?"

"Really?" He said then sat on the chair at the side. "Tell me your thoughts about it. By the way, stop calling me Mr. Augustus we're not inside the academy, Nimson will do. Take a seat, Kyle." I hesitated at first but I still sit at one of the chairs at the book store. There was a table separating the two of us. He was sitting across me.

"But you are my Teacher. And you're older than me. I think it's disrespectful to call you by your first name. " I said. I heard him laugh.

"I'm not that old, I'm just 24 years old." He said then chuckled. "I don't look like 24, right?" He asked. I nodded in response which made him laugh even more.

Oh, so my brothers were older than him. It's not obvious! Mr. Augustus has shoulder-length hair and a slightly bearded face. He's also wearing eyeglasses which added terror to his look.

'He looked like the teacher in the anime hero series that I'd watched before.' I thought.

"Well, well, I can't blame you. I looked like a hermit in this look. But yeah, as I care." He said. "But, please, call me Nimson. That Mr. Augustus gives me chills." He chuckled.

I noticed something in him. "You seem happy today, Mr.--- I mean, Nimson. "

"Really?" I nodded. "Maybe because I saw you holding that book."

"This book?"

"Yeah. That book holds a lot of pain and hardships. That also depicts how unfair life is. The main character got through a lot in her life." I frowned.

"Her? But the main character is a male wolf."

"You thought it's the wolf?" I nodded. "Then you better read the whole story for you to understand."

"Oh..." I looked at the book one more time. "Maybe this book is so amazing, that's why it was the only one on that shelf."

"No, you're wrong." Huh? "That book is unfinished, that's why it's in that corner. "

"Unfinished? You mean it has a second book?" He shook his head.

"Try to open the last part." I did what I was told. I was surprised when I see the last part.

"It is... empty. The last part is blank pages. Why is that?" I asked. Now, I'm getting more and more curious about this book.

"Hmm... I don't want to spoil you. It's for you to find out why." He said then he stood up. "Anyway, I'm going now. I still have a lesson plan to do." He said then turned his back and waved his hand to me. Damn! We're not done yet!

"Nimson, wait!" I said.

He faced me again. "Hmmm?"

"Have you finished reading this book already? What do you mean it's for me to find out?"

He smiled. "To answer your second question, read the book and do what the character stated. Don't jump into the last part. Read the whole book. " he said. "And to answer your first question..." he stopped.

"What? Tell me."

He shook his head and smiled. "No, because I haven't finished writing it," he said. I was lost for a moment. "I'm going now. See you at school, Kyle. Tell me if you managed to finish it." He walked out of the bookstore.

I don't get what he's talking about. So I looked at the book once again and because of that I finally understood what was the means.

"The Lone Wolf's Howl... written by, N. Augustus..."
