
Mansion of Time: Watching Season 1

The UA family find themselves in a mansion after they agreed to watch a show about their lives. But they don't know what they will see.

Parvez_Kanok · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 4: Roaring Muscles

The timer was one minute until the start of episode three. Everyone returned to their seats except Izuku who was in the bathroom.

"Wait, where's Deku?" Ochako asked. Everyone turned to the seat where she and Izuku were seated and noticed that a certain green haired boy was missing.

"Me and Ojiro saw Midobro in the bathroom looking in the mirror." Eijiro said. "We were calling his name but I don't think he heard us."

"Yeah. He looked kind of angry. It was almost like he didn't recognize himself in the mirror. I have never seen him like that before." Mashirao admitted.

All Might's eyes widened. 'Is it because of that preview of me revealing One For All? I should go check on Young Midoriya.' He was about to stand up from his seat.

"As the class rep, I shall go check on him." Tenya stated. He got up from his seat. "Midoriya must be feeling a lot of pressure seeing his past so I shall try to help him the best I can."

Tenya walked out of the theater with a concerned look. 'Midoriya, stay strong.'

Izuku splashed water on his face after he wiped his tears. 'Dammit Izuku. Why would you leave the theater like that? Now they're gonna wonder if something's wrong with you. Maybe you should just stay here for the whole episode.' Izuku glared into the mirror. 'What am I doing? I'm the next symbol of peace. The world's next greatest hero. I should be happy seeing All Might tell me those words again. Mr. Sinclair was right when he said that secrets were going to be revealed. But I was not expecting One For All to be revealed like that. Now I just feel regret.'

Izuku chuckled softly. Regret. That's a strong word. He didn't feel regret when he saved someone in need. He was willing to give up everything when he saved Ochako and Shoto. He was willing to give up his life for Katsuki, Kota, Eri and All Might just like the said hero wanted to give up his life to make him a better hero. He was willing to save Tenya from making a mistake that would end his dream as a hero. He looked at his right malformed hand and clenched a fist.

One punch. That's what started his dream to be a hero in UA, saving Ochako. One punch. He saved Kota from getting killed by that monster of a villain. One punch. He saved Eri from that bastard. 'Kacchan, Ochako, All Might, Todoroki, Iida, Kota and Eri.' Five of the people he saved ended up saving him as well. Even with all the pain he caused himself with this power, it was his ability to save people that made him a hero.

Izuku grit his teeth. Pain. All he knew was pain. Eleven years of pain getting bullied by his childhood friend because of his kindness and not having a quirk. The pain of being rejected by society and his classmates throughout the years for being quirkless. Now fifteen plus months of pain perfecting One For All, he broke his arms to the point where they could end up as ticking timebombs. How much more pain would he have to endure in his life?

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" Tenya's voice interrupted Izuku's thoughts.

Izuku turned to see Tenya, who had his hand on his shoulder. He unclenched his fist and put it down. "Iida. Yeah I'm okay. I was just getting my thoughts straight."

"You do realize you've been in here for fifteen minutes?" Tenya questioned, taking his hand off Izuku's shoulder.

"What?! It's been fifteen minutes?" Izuku asked in shock.

"We were one minute from starting the show when Uraraka saw that you were not in your seat. Ojiro and Kirishima were here and saw you looking into the mirror earlier. They tried to get your attention with no success, saying you looked angry. Now I find you here clenching your hand. Midoriya, what is going on? Don't lie to me." Tenya said sternly.

"There's nothing you can do even if I tell you."

"I'm not just the class rep, Midoriya. I am your best friend." Tenya said calmly.

"What do you want me to say, Iida?!" Izuku asked, his body shaking with anger and frustration. "Am I supposed to be happy after seeing my past?"

Tenya crossed his arms. "I know this is about part of your past. You're upset about us seeing you get your quirk from All Might. You're afraid that you're going to get hurt once more because we're going to find out the truth of your quirk since you were not born with it."

Izuku looked at Tenya with wide eyes. His body stopped shaking and he nodded.

Tenya sighed. "Midoriya, we're your friends and we now know how much you've been through. Do you think that knowing the truth about your quirk will change anything?"

"I'm still debating that." Izuku grumbled.

"Midoriya, your power is not just your quirk but the many skills that you acquire. In fact, one of them is your resilience to save people. You saved Bakugou from that Sludge villain, Uraraka from the Zero pointer and me from the Hero Killer without hesitation. You're a hero before you got into UA and All Might did the right thing choosing you. If not for you and Todoroki, I would not have taken my brother's hero name."

"Really?" Izuku asked.

Tenya nodded. "Yes. Now let's go."

Izuku sighed. "Fine. Thanks Iida."

"You're welcome." The two boys left the bathroom and headed toward the theater. "But remember, tardiness isn't good."

"You'll never change, Iida." Izuku said with a smile. They walked into the theater.

Once they walked into the theater, all eyes were on them. All Might gave Izuku a worried look.

"I know what you all are thinking but I am sure Midoriya will answer your questions later. Let us watch the show for now." Tenya said, chopping the air intensely.

The two of them went to their seats. Izuku avoided the looks in his direction as he sat down. Ochako put a hand on his shoulder. She didn't say anything but he could see the worry in her eyes. Izuku gave her a small smile and nodded. She smiled back and turned toward the screen.

Aleister pressed play on the remote.

The episode started with a bright light illuminating All Might's form. "The world's most popular hero, All Might. Age: Unknown. Quirk: Unidentified. He broke onto the hero scene and was an immediate hit thanks to his abilities." Narrator Izuku began his narration as the screen showed the many merchandise that represented his popularity.

Midnight giggled. "Really, All Might? Not letting anyone know your age?"

All Might coughed.

"I guess we never really knew All Might like we thought we did." Eijiro said.

"Yeah. Hearing this from ultimate fanboy Midori, we took All Might for granted." Mina stated, which got a few chuckles.

"Ultimate fanboy Midori?" Izuku asked, his face turning beet red.

A bar graph appeared, showing a decrease of crime. "Ever since he appeared, crime rates have drastically decreased. His very existence, a deterrent for many would-be villains. The world is a safer place."

"I see. I never thought the effect of All Might's presence would cause crime to decrease that much. We must do everything in our power to be like All Might." Tenya said with his fist clenched.

"You're pumped up with intensity, Iida." Itsuka said.

"Our class rep saw a graph. It has that effect on him." Denki said jokingly.

The students laughed as Tenya blushed in embarrassment.

The scene changed to people looking up at a statue of All Might. "They don't just call him the Symbol of Peace. It's what he is." Narrator Izuku praised All Might as a flock of doves flew past the statue. "And this pillar of justice said to me…"

"Imagine a few years from now and Midori has his own statue." Toru said.

"Not happening. I'm taking the number one spot." Katsuki said.

"Keep dreaming, Bakugou. Deku has more drive to be a hero than you." Ochako said.

"Thanks Uraraka." Izuku said.

"Plus nobody wants to see that ugly smirk of yours on a statue." Kyoka said.

Katsuki had a vein bulging out of his forehead. The majority of the audience tried to hold back their laughter but failed.

The scene transitioned to All Might in his true form standing over a kneeling, sobbing Izuku in an artistic depiction. "Young man, you too can become a hero."

Ochako squeezed Izuku's hand as his onscreen self wept while all the negative comments replayed in his mind.

"I needed someone to tell me that." Narrator Izuku said. "And then, the person that I admired most in this world did. Honestly, part of me never thought I'd hear those words. Much less from him."

'Here it comes.' Izuku thought.

All Might held out his arms and announced, "I deem you worthy of my power. My quirk is yours to inherit."

Aldera Izuku stopped crying. He looked up at All Might in confusion.

The opening plays.

"What does that mean? Did All Might just say you'll inherit his quirk?" Momo asked, looking at Izuku.

Izuku sighed. "Yes Yaoyorozu. All Might said I'll inherit his quirk."

"But how, Midori?" Mina asked.

"It's complicated. This is why I said I'll let the show explain."

"How is it possible? I understand a name or title being passed down. But a quirk that can be passed down, it seems impossible." Eijiro said.

"You can't just be given a quirk." Neito said then smirked. 'Now that I know the truth of Midoriya's quirk, I can use it against him and prove why Class B is far more superior than Class A.'

"It may sound impossible. But it kind of makes sense since Midoriya has a quirk after seeing his past." Tetsutetsu said.

Izuku looked up in surprise and confusion. His face was a mess from crying. "Wait, what do you mean inherit? Inherit what?"

"I have a sudden urge to hand that Midoriya a tissue." Itsuka said.

Most of the students and adults laughed while Izuku covered his face in embarrassment.

All Might threw his head back and laughed. "You should see your face right now. Don't worry, I'm not gonna force this thing on you." All Might walked up to Aldera Izuku.

"When you say you won't force it on him, you're not trying to say that your quirk can be passed on like that, right?" Shoto asked.

Izuku and All Might didn't say anything, which worried everyone else in the theater except the Sinclairs and Nezu.

All Might lifted his index finger pointed to the sky. "Listen well young man. This is your choice. Do you want to accept my awesome power or not?!" All Might asked as blood spewed out of his mouth.

The majority of the audience winced. All Might sighed. If all of them react like this to seeing him spew out blood after two episodes, how well are they going to react to what's coming next?

Izuku looked at All Might in confusion. 'What is he talking about? What is this?' The middle schooler thought as All Might wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Yes All Might, what are you talking about?" Aizawa asked the retired hero.

All Might drank from his cup of water, avoiding eye contact with the underground hero.

"There are a couple things you should know about my abilities." The scene changed to a black and white newspaper with a picture of All Might in his Silver Age costume. "Journalists always guess my quirk as super strength or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question."

"All Might does that quite a lot." Momo said as she took notes in her notebook.

"That's because the world needs to believe that their Symbol of Peace is a natural born hero like any of them. But I'm not. There's nothing natural about my ability." All Might said as Izuku stared at him in disbelief. He held out his arms to his sides in dramatic flair. "I wasn't born with this power. It's a sacred torch that was passed on to me from someone else."

"All Might wasn't born with his quirk?! That's unreal!" Denki exclaimed.

"Someone gave you this quirk? No way." Izuku said in shock.

"Yes way. And you're next. I can give you my abilities."

"What?!" The majority of the students yell out in unison.

"So I was right. Your quirk is not just like All Might's. It is his quirk." Tsuyu said.

"You almost give your life to save Bakubro and All Might rewards you with his quirk? What the hell, man?!" Eijiro asked in shock.

"This is completely new to me," Momo said, shaking her head in disbelief. "All Might, the Number One Hero, had a quirk that can be given from person to person. That's why he's in this form all the time now after Kamino. He has no power left in him because he gave you his quirk, Midoriya."

Izuku gave Momo a small smile. "You're right on the dot as usual, Yaoyorozu."

"Wait. Hold on. This is a lot to process." Izuku said as he sat up slightly on his knees.

"Yeah no kidding. I'm surprised you didn't go insane hearing all that from All Might." Kyoka said.

Izuku chuckled. "You'll see."

The scene changed to a phone being scrolled down in an online community page. The topic was 'Summary of what's known about All Might's quirk'. "It's true there's a lot of debate as to what your quirk actually is. Nobody's ever figured it out. It's the world's greatest mystery. People are constantly talking about it online." Izuku stated.

"That's true. People have no idea what to consider as All Might's quirk to this day." Setsuna said.

"But well the idea of passing on a quirk or inheriting it just doesn't make any sense to me. I've never heard anything like that before. Powers are supposed to be unique to each individual. I mean since the first superpowers nobody's ever been able to just give someone else their power like a present. That's crazy! If this is true, it causes us to rethink …" Izuku started to mumble.

"There's the Midoriya muttering again." Itsuka said in wonder.

"What on earth goes on in that head of yours, Deku?" Ochako giggled as she poked Izuku on the forehead.

Inko had to stifle her laugh seeing her son mutter his heart out.

"It's like he's taking the words that he's thinking and putting them into actual words. It's surprising that we can understand most of what he's saying." Mashirao said.

"His mind truly is a wonder." Fumikage says quietly, making Tsuyu giggle.

"Sounds like you're overthinking this whole inheriting thing." Kanjis started surrounding All Might and Izuku.

"Stop nerding out!" All Might blurted out, getting Izuku's attention.

"Yeah Midori, stop nerding out." Mina said, making Izuku jump.

All Might did a dramatic showing with his hands. "You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth. I can transfer my quirk to someone else and that's one facet of my secret abilities." The screen got a close up of his face and extended hand, light seeming to form in it as his hair and shirt became illuminated and were billowed by it. "The true name of my power is…"

"Superpower!" Ashido declared.

"…One For All."

"One… For… All," Izuku repeated.

"One… For… All…" the students and the adults echoed.

"It's half of the motto of 'The Three Musketeers''." Midnight said. "Interesting."

"Yes!" All Might spoke, the camera zooming into the black sclera of his eyes. Dramatic music began to play as a star of white light streaked forward, striking a star of blue light. "One person improves the power, then hands it off to another person. It continues to grow as it's passed along." All Might's words facilitated this depiction of his quirk, growing with every new holder as the streak of light impacted a red star, then green, orange, purple, and magenta, before surging forward and finally connecting with a bright yellow light with a great flash. "It is this cultivated power that allows me to save those who are in need of a hero. The truth behind my strength."

"Hold on, how many lights was that?" Mina asked.

Momo looked at her notebook before answering. "If I'm correct, the colored light depicts the holder of One For All. All Might was the yellow light at the end, which means that he is the eighth holder of One For All. That makes Midoriya the ninth holder."

"Good eye, Yaoyorozu. You're right. I'm the ninth holder of One For All." Izuku said with a nod.

"So what I'm getting from this is that One For All is basically a stockpile quirk that is transferable, which means that it got stronger than it was originally due to the many times it was passed down." Mei said.

"Correct, young Hatsume." All Might said.

'A stockpiling quirk?! That's useless to me!' Neito thought in frustration.

"But if you had this power, why would you keep it a secret from us, problem child?" Aizawa asked with a scowl. Aleister paused the show.

"Isn't it obvious, Mr. Aizawa? You saw what my life was like back then." Izuku said with his head down. "I thought none of you would accept me if you knew the truth about me."

"Midoriya, did we seem so shallow to you?" Momo asked softly.

"I didn't want to take the chance, Yaoyorozu." Izuku said sadly. "Imagine the greatest hero in all of Japan giving a quirkless boy his quirk. It seems like a good laugh."

There were a few minutes of silence.

"Deku." Ochako's soft voice broke the silence. "Even if you told us about this power, it would not change anything. You mean a lot to us and we will always be there for you."

"Yeah Midobro. You're an inspiration to our class. Now you're a bigger inspiration." Denki said.

Class A nodded in agreement and gave him words of encouragement.

Izuku smiled. "Thanks. You guys are taking this better than I expected."

"Oh no, we're still in shock." Hanta admitted. "We just want you to know that you're not alone in this."

"But we should be careful about this!" Tenya said, standing up and chopping his hand down. "I can understand why we were all kept in the dark about it. Since we now know that Midoriya could transfer his power to another, we must be careful with this information."

"That means…" Koji asked worriedly.

"If word that All Might's quirk can be passed on gets out, Midoriya would be targeted by All Might's enemies. They may also target anyone close to him." Momo stated.

"You guys. I don't want to see you hurt because of me." Izuku said sadly. "I don't want to be a burden to you all."

"Deku, don't say that. You're not a burden to us." Ochako said.

"Yeah Midobro. We're with you to the end. If you think you're doing this alone, you're wrong." Eijiro said.

All Might cleared his throat. He didn't dare to speak because of the angry homeroom teacher. But he needed to reassure his successor because of his self-doubt. "Young Midoriya, your friends are right. You are not alone in this."

"Thank you, All Might." Izuku smiled at his mentor.

"I believe we can continue now, darling." Giselle said.

"Very well." Aleister unpaused the show.

"But why would you choose to give me a gift like that? What if I can't live up to it?" Aldera Izuku asked.

"Come on, Deku. Is that even a question?" Ochako asked rhetorically.

"I was on a long hunt for a worthy successor. And then, I watched you jump into action as the rest of us watched idly by. You may just be a quirkless fanboy but you tried to save that kid. You acted like a hero." All Might praised the boy.

"You see, Midobro, All Might gets it. Even without a quirk, you didn't hesitate to save Bakubro. That was manly of you." Eijiro said with a toothy grin.

"Damn straight." Tetsutetsu said. "You showed guts there, man."

Izuku realized that All Might praised him. He blinked and his eyes were glistening as tears threatened to fall from them.

"Seriously. You got to stop crying so much if you want my quirk. Come on kid."

Inko laughed. "Sorry Mr. All Might, but he's a Midoriya. It's not happening anytime soon."

"Mom! You're embarrassing me." Izuku covered his face as laughter was heard around the theater.

"It's my job as your mother to embarrass you, Izuku." Inko said with a smile.

Izuku clenched his pants. 'He said so much to encourage me. He even told me the secret behind his powers.' He rubbed his eyes with his sleeve. 'Is this.. Is this what I've been waiting for all these years? How can I turn him down?'

Izuku stood up and gave All Might a determined look. "Okay. I'll do it. Yes!"

All Might grinned. "No reluctance. That's exactly how I figured you'd respond."

"Wait a minute." Ochako turned to Giselle, who paused the show. "Mrs. Sinclair, you knew about this part?!"

"Well of course we knew about this part. We watched the show many times. Izuku's story is inspiring. He went from being a quirkless boy on his path to being the greatest hero." Giselle said, smiling at the brown-haired girl.

"Wait Ochako, what do you mean she knew All Might said that?" Mina asked the brunette, cocking her head to the left.

"When Mrs. Sinclair came to my room with the intention of showing us this, she said to me and Deku once we agreed that 'he' was right about Deku having no reluctance and that 'he' turned out to be All Might." Ochako said, internally cursing herself for mentioning Izuku in her room.

Everyone's eyebrows perked up when she mentioned Izuku being in her room. Minoru's face scrunched in jealousy.

"Midoriya," Izuku turned to look at the class rep, who looked baffled. "What were you doing in Uraraka's room?"

Izuku sighed. "Uraraka was not feeling well so she called me and I immediately went to her room."

"But she could have called Asui or …"

"I told you to call me Tsu." Tsuyu corrected Tenya.

"My mistake. She could have called Tsu or another girl to help her. Why did she call you instead of them?"

"Iida. Please don't start this now," Ochako pleaded with Tenya. "I don't want to talk about it."

Minoru made this the perfect moment to start a fight with Izuku. He was going to regret it when Izuku got angry but he didn't care.

"Midoriya's lying, class rep! He's totally been boning Uraraka under our noses this whole time!" Minoru exclaimed.

Everyone except Ochako turned to Izuku. The brunette was trying to fight the tears, but her body was trembling. The show kept her distracted from her recent nightmare, but to be accused of having sex in the dorms by the class pervert? No words could describe what she was feeling.

'Ochako and Midori would never do that. They're too pure.' Mina thought.

Ochako was trying to hide it, but Izuku knew that the nightmare was still fresh in her mind. He turned to glare at Minoru. "Mineta, that's enough. You don't know what you're talking about. Keep this up and you'll regret it." Izuku gave Minoru a look of disdain.

Minoru was on a roll now.

"Don't lie, Midoriya." Minoru said with a smirk. "You act like you're all pure and innocent but deep down, you're just like me. First, you boned that hottie from Shiketsu and now one of the hottest girls in our class."

"Mineta, I said that's ENOUGH!" Izuku stood up. Everyone could feel this aura of rage coming off Izuku. They could see that sparks were emanating from his body like he activated his quirk even though the majority of their quirks were not working. Everyone in the back two rows could see his eyes glowing with anger. Izuku felt the blood rushing to his head.

'SCARY!' Everyone thought.

"Let's get a few things straight, you damn filth. First, I'm nothing even close to you. Second, if you think I'm going to do something like being with another girl to hurt the girl I love, you are dead wrong. Third, Ochako is a strong, beautiful girl and as pure as can be. Don't you dare tarnish that or I will destroy you. Apologize to Ochako right now." Izuku growled.

"But Midoriya."


"Just admit it."



Izuku's aura of rage disappeared and the sparks stopped emanating. He sat down and took a deep breath. He turned to look at his best friend/crush. "Are you okay, Ochako?"

The persona completely shifted from scary to kind and caring, his eyes showing concern for her. Ochako's heart melted as she looked at Izuku with adoration and tears in her eyes. He stood up for her from the class pervert. But more importantly, 'He loves me.' Ochako said in her head. She tackled her hero into a hug, burying her face against his chest. Izuku blushed deeply but he smiled and held Ochako. He picked the blanket off the floor, brushed it off and put it around the two of them. Everyone else looked shocked at the sudden eruption. They also noticed that Izuku didn't even realize that he confessed his love to Ochako.

Momo felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out and saw a message from Mina in a group chat with the class A girls except Ochako.

Alien Queen: Meeting outside the theater after the episode ends ASAP. I already told Hatsume. Yaomomo, bring Kendo.

Momo read the message and smiled. She typed her message and pressed send.

Creati: I have a feeling I know what this is about.

She messaged Itsuka and pressed send.

Creati: Meeting outside after the episode ends.

Her phone vibrated.

Battle Fist: Okay.

Aizawa and All Might knew why Izuku was in Ochako's room but that was a conversation for later.

"Mineta, you pull something like that again, I won't hesitate to have you expelled. Do I make myself clear?" Aizawa scowled at Minoru, who nodded.

"I think we can continue with the show, Mr. Sinclair." Nezu said.

"You're positive that other than the people we gave privileges to, quirks don't work here right?" Giselle whispered to Aleister in English.

"I activated One For All temporarily so that Izuku could teach Minoru a proper lesson in respecting women." Aleister whispered back.

"It definitely worked, darling. Good job."

"Thank you, love."

Aleister pressed play.

'But it wasn't that simple. Receiving All Might's power turned out to be no easy task as I'd soon find out.'

Episode 3: Roaring Muscles

"Are we going to get a training montage?" Eijiro asked. He clenched his fist in anticipation. "This is going to be intense."

"Heck yeah, man." Tetsutetsu clenched his fist as well.

The scene changed to a large rock with the words 'Dagoba Municipal Beach Park' on it. A caption appeared with the words 'Two days later- Early Morning'. Izuku was heard grunting. The scene transitioned to Izuku in a white t-shirt and track pants, trying to pull a fridge with All Might sitting on top of it.

"That's not the beach." Mina said. "It looks nothing like that."

"It used to be a mess a few years back. It's a good thing the city finally cleaned it." Toru said.

The area around them was surrounded by piles of junk. "Hey hey hey. It's pretty comfy on this fridge. How are you doing down there?" All Might called down to Izuku, sounding far too amused. The boy slumped forward in the sand in defeat.

Eijiro and Tetsutetsu put down their fists. "Midobro, my expectations for this training montage are low right now. What were you thinking?" Eijiro asked.

"Let's just say I was a little too eager." Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"People move these everyday, you know and most of them don't even have any super strength."

Aizawa turned to give All Might a deadpan stare and had his hands on his capture scarf. "I take it this is your idea of training?" He said it a little louder than expected.

Everyone turned to look at All Might except Izuku who was covering his face in embarrassment.

All Might held out his hands in surrender. "That was all young Midoriya. He wanted to start big. But look at him. So I sat on it to, uh, encourage him to go back to something more his speed."

"He's got a point, Midoriya. You were a twig back then." Rikido said, fighting back laughter.

"Well yeah but there's an extra six hundred pounds with you sitting on top of it."

"That didn't change a thing." Izuku grumbled. Ochako giggled as she watched her hero complain about the forty pound difference onscreen.

The camera zoomed out to reveal how much trash surrounded them. "Why do you have me dragging trash anyway?"

All Might laughed and took out a red smartphone. "Take a look at yourself." The number one hero took pictures of him. "You're not ready for my power."

Izuku turned to look at All Might, tears in his eyes. "But I thought you said I was worthy?" He put his head down while on his hands and knees, wailing in betrayal.

Laughter was heard around the theater. "Damn muscles, you were high-strung." Mei teased.

"It's not everyday your favorite hero tells you that he would give you his power and then want to train you." Izuku said with a weak chuckle.

"I'm talking about your weak body." All Might said he kept taking pictures of Izuku.

"They're not compatible." Yuga said.

"Aoyama!" Tenya exclaimed.

Izuku stopped wailing and turned to look at All Might. "My quirk One For All is a whole lot to handle. The combined physical abilities of everyone who used it creates a hurricane of pure force. An unprepared body can't fully inherit it."

Everyone in the theater winced as they watched a disturbing visual of Izuku's head, arms and legs exploding from his body. The word 'KABOOM' was stylized around his body.

"Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried to."

'My arms and legs would explode if I even could copy this power?' Neito gulped.

"Voila. Not compatible." Yuga stated.

"Midoriya." Aizawa shook his head. Now he knows why the problem child was always breaking his bones. His body couldn't handle the power it was given at full power.

"So All Might was training you to be a proper vessel for One For All." Momo stated.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah."

"But you still broke your bones." Denki said.

"Picture One For All as a light switch. It was either keep it off, where I do it quirkless or turn it on, where I use it at full power. There was no knob where I could change the power until the internships." Izuku said.

Aizawa glared at All Might, making him flinch and hide behind Midnight, who giggled.

'Young Midoriya is going to be the death of me.' All Might thought.

"But you broke your arms again during the Training Camp, Midori." Mina said.

Izuku tensed up. "I can't talk about that now, Ashido. I know you have questions on what happened but can we wait when we get to that point?"

Mina sighed. "Fine."

"Seriously?!" Izuku shook his head to get the visual out. "Okay. So this whole trash thing is really some kind of hardcore gym workout and you're my trainer."

All Might gave Izuku a thumbs up. "You got it! But there's another reason too."

"What's the other reason?" Denki said.

"It's right in front of you, you idiot." Kyoka said. "Shut up and watch."

"I did a little online research yesterday. It turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful." All Might walked toward the fridge. He gave it a light tap with his knuckle causing it to cave in a little. "But it's been a total mess for the last few years."

Mei yelped in surprise. "He just tapped it and it broke. How powerful are you guys?"

Izuku and All Might chuckled.

"Because of the ocean currents, anything that's dropped in the water ends up here. People take advantage of that when they're illegally dumping their trash. Now all the locals avoid this place."

"How disgraceful!" Tenya exclaimed. "Do people not know that it's bad to litter and that they should throw out their trash in their designated disposal bins?"

"But it's still a mess during All Might and Midoriya's training." Setsuna said. She gasped in realization. "No way."

"Heroes these days are all about showing off and capturing flashy villains." All Might said, putting his hand on top of the fridge.

"That's your future in a nutshell, Bakugou." Kyoka sarcastically snarked.

"Shut it Ears!" Katsuki yelled out.

"Things were different before quirks. Service is what matters." All Might pressed down on the fridge, crunching it down. "Back then, heroes were those who helped the community even if it was kind of boring."

Aizawa's eyebrows perked up. The number one hero, the flashiest hero in Japan, All Might was teaching his successor the values of community service. The man didn't simply give Midoriya his quirk and run with it. He had a plan set for how he was going to do all this. Maybe he had All Might figured out all wrong. The man wasn't as shallow and self-centered as Aizawa thought he was.

All Might crunched the fridge into a compressed state. The air pressure caused the garbage behind All Might to blow away. "You will restore the coastline for this entire section of the beach. That is the first step on your path, young man towards being a hero."

"So it wasn't the city that cleaned the beach!" Mina exclaimed. "We have Midori to thank for the beach being cleaned up."

"That's so cool, Deku." Ochako praised Izuku.

"Izuku." Inko said in shock.

Izuku turned to look at his mom.

"Y-you were cleaning the beach when you started dieting all of a sudden?" Inko asked.

"Yeah." Izuku said as confidently as he could.

The camera zoomed out to show the giant pile of garbage behind Izuku. He looked around at the trash. "Um.. all this? But… there's so much!" Izuku exclaimed. The camera zoomed back even more, showing even more huge piles of trash devastating the beach. "That's impossible!"

"That's crazy, Midobro!" Eijiro exclaimed. "You cleaned the entire beach by yourself?!"

"Just how plus ultra did you go?!" Denki exclaimed in disbelief.

"More than you probably did, Jamming-yay." Kyoka smirked at her couchmate.

All Might stood up with his hand on his hip. "Young Midoriya, you want to go to UA, right?"

Izuku turned to All Might. "Well yeah. Of course. You went there so it must be the best school around right?" Izuku clenched his fist. "It's a long shot. But still, I'm gonna shoot for the moon. UA."

"You got a lot of spirit, fanboy! But as I mentioned before, hero-ing isn't easy to do without a quirk. It's not fair but that's the reality and UA is the hardest hero course to get into."

"It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness. If I wanted to get into UA, I had to go beyond, plus ultra style." Izuku clenched his fist. He turned to Aizawa. "Isn't that right, Mr. Aizawa?"

Aizawa nodded at the problem child. Despite his hardships, Izuku never gave up. He fought tooth and nail to get into UA. The first day he met the boy, Aizawa was ready to expel him because of the lack of control of his quirk. But Izuku showed him that he has the heart to improve. He has the drive to be the best hero he can be, no doubt about it. He saw that when Izuku saved Eri from Chisaki.

"So that means…"

"That I have to prepare my body for your quirk really fast. UA's exam is in ten months." Izuku said, walking over to All Might.

"Dang Midoriya. You had ten months to prepare your body for All Might's quirk? That's hardcore, man." Tetsutetsu said.

"Not to worry, kid." All Might said as he held a pack of papers in his hand. "I got you covered with the help of my 'Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan'. Follow this to the letter and the beach will be cleaned just in time. I also detailed every other aspect of your life while I was at it."

"Your training started at 4 in the morning?" Denki asked as the onscreen Izuku went through the plan. "

"That is one thorough schedule. Did you manage to stay on track, Midoriya?" Tenya asked, looking at Izuku.

"For the most part, yeah." Izuku admitted.

"If I'm being honest, this is going to be super hard." All Might whispered to Izuku. "Think you're up to it?"

"Why is All Might whispering to Midoriya if they're the only ones there?" Minoru asked.

"It's for dramatic effect." Yuga said, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Sure I am. I have to work harder than anyone else to get in. So what choice do I have right?"

All Might nodded in approval. "Just like that, I began ten months of absolute hell."

"Alright. The real training montage begins." Eijiro said, his fist clenched in anticipation.

The training montage of Midoriya's 'ten months of absolute hell' began, set to a funky musical score that kicked off with a drum beat that had most of the students pumped up. The other students watched as the scene changed to Izuku pulling a storage locker while All Might shouted words of motivation.

'I'm using different muscle groups depending on the size and shape of the trash I'm hauling.' Izuku thought as he ran with a tire in his arm.

"That's actually an effective way to train," Itsuka said. "All the trash would have different sizes and mass, so it would be a great full-body workout."

"Let's go! Let's go! The clock is ticking and ten months will be over before you know it!" All Might shouted. Izuku fell on the ground but he got up and kept running. "Don't you give up! It's time to go beyond!"

"It must have been cool to have All Might as your personal trainer, huh Midoriya?" Koji asked.

Izuku nodded. "So cool." He said.

The scene transitioned to Aldera Middle School.

"So you see, with the appearance of quirks, the building standard act in place had to be…" Izuku's teacher said.

'So tired but I gotta focus.' Aldera Izuku thought as he looked exhausted in class. The scene showed a blank page with the above caption 'Proposed Independent Training Menu'.

Aizawa rolled his eyes. Of course the problem child would make a secret routine behind his mentor's back. He turned to All Might. "I'm guessing you were not aware that he pulled something like this."

All Might nodded. "He managed to keep it hidden from me but not until his body gave out one day that I noticed."

"You managed to get him back on track, right?" Present Mic asked worriedly.

"Of course. What kind of mentor would I be?" All Might asked jokingly.

"The incompetent kind." Aizawa grumbled.

Present Mic and Midnight laughed.

"Shota." Midnight said, shaking her head.

'It'd be better if I could finish clean-up a week before the exam. That means I have only got two hundred and ninety-four days left. If I take recovery periods into account, assuming I'll be resting two days between each hard workout then…'

"That's not going to end well." Eijiro said.

"But isn't our school motto about pushing yourself?" Mina asked, looking at Eijiro.

Eijiro shook his head. "Pushing yourself is one thing. But Midobro is going over his limit if he doesn't follow the plan the right way."

"That gives me about ninety-eight days of actual training even at my most efficient. I can get in around five hours every morning and night. So that's four hundred ninety hours. Also I'll need to make sure I'm hitting every muscle group which means I need to pay attention to the type of work I'm doing on the beach every day. I could start sneaking in extra workouts and lifting weights in my home, I suppose. Yeah yeah, that would help me focus my workouts and isolate specific muscles. It would cost me time. Lots of time. I'll need to cut back on the hours of sleep All Might scheduled for me. But independent training could help me catch up a little bit more. Excellent." Izuku began to mutter as everyone in the class turned to look at him except Katsuki.

The audience in the theater was dying of laughter as they were listening to Izuku's muttering. Most of them were holding their sides as they were laughing while others were trying to wipe the tears from their eyes. The only ones not laughing were Aizawa, All Might, Izuku, Fumikage, Yui, Reiko and Shoto. Aizawa was ready to strangle Izuku with his scarf. All Might was shaking his head profusely. Izuku was covering his face in embarrassment. Fumikage did not laugh but he had a small smile on his face. Shoto, Reiko and Yui were not laughing but they were internally amused by the greennette's muttering.

The teacher put the book down and used his quirk to extend his hand to hit Izuku on the head. "Hey Midoriya." Izuku covered his mouth, realizing he was muttering.

The onscreen gesture made the laughing audience members snap back to reality as most of them leveled their glares at the screen.

Aizawa growled at the screen and wanted to strangle the teacher for hitting one of his best students.

"That was highly unprofessional. There were other ways to get Midoriya's attention." Tenya said, narrowing his eyes.

"Even more reason to have that school shut down." Nezu glared at the screen.

"Your middle school sucked, Midoriya." Kyoka said with a scowl.

"Yeah, it really did." Izuku admitted.

Ochako gave Izuku a sad look.

"I know you had a run-in with a villain but pull yourself together, kid. If you really want to get into UA, you might actually have to know something." The teacher said as the Aldera students laughed at Izuku's humiliation.

'Oh right, I've gotta study too." Izuku thought.

"You hear him? Nuts."


"It must suck to be them because Midobro got into UA in the end. I bet they're probably eating their words now." Denki said.

Aldera Katsuki was looking away from Izuku while the two were talking to each other.

"Looks like Bakugo is actually ignoring Midori for once in his life." Mina smirked.

Katsuki glared at Mina, who giggled.

The scene changed to Izuku with All Might at the beach. Running. Pushing a tire. All Might telling Izuku to put his back into pushing the tire. Izuku showed his mom the menu in the training plan.

"You were actually okay with Izuku's meal plan, Inko?" Mitsuki asked.

"I was surprised when he first showed it to me. But he told me that he wanted to get into UA, so I gave him my full support." Inko said.

The scene showed Izuku eating the food that Inko cooked for him.

"That's a lot of food, Midoriya." Tenya said.

"With the intense training I was doing, I barely paid attention to how much I was eating. Plus I think my mom was a little surprised most of the time that I finished all of it in one go." Izuku said with a smile.

The scene changed to Izuku studying at home. Then pushing a locker at the beach. Doing push-ups in his house. He was in class the next day trying not to fall asleep.

"You look tired, man." Tetsutetsu said.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah."

"Were you getting enough sleep?" Itsuka asked.

"Most of the time." Izuku admitted.

Izuku gobbled his food down while his mom blinked at him in surprise. He asked for another serving of food.

"You were right about Mamadoriya being surprised how much you were eating." Toru said.

Izuku was running outside at night. He was so exhausted that he would end up throwing up or All Might looking like he was done with the whole thing.

Inko looked a little concerned as she watched her son throw up. How much was he pushing himself just to get into UA?

The scene changed to Izuku swimming while All Might was watching him. Four fangirls came over seeing All Might and he posed for them.

That got chuckles from the students while Minoru was imagining himself in that moment with the girls.

Aizawa gave All Might a deadpan stare. "Really All Might?"

All Might chuckled. "I had to make sure people didn't know that I was training Young Midoriya."

Aizawa shook his head. This is another of the many reasons he chose to be an underground hero.

Izuku was lifting weights at home. He was lifting garbage into All Might's truck. He was working out in class.

'The nerd was working out this in class. Maybe I should've done the same.' Katsuki glared at the screen.

The sun was setting and Izuku was shown, giving All Might a piggyback ride.

"I'm jealous. Now I want a Midori piggyback ride." Mina pouted.

"Get in line, Mina. I want to be the first one here to get a piggyback ride from Deku." Ochako argued.

"If anyone's getting a piggyback ride from greenie, it's gonna be me." Setsuna said.

'Greenie?' Izuku thought.

Pretty soon, all the girls in the theater wanted a piggyback ride and Izuku promised he would give them piggyback rides while his onscreen self was carrying a heavy container running alongside All Might on a segway.

Izuku's vision started to blur in multiple colors and the sound of him falling was heard. All Might stopped the Segway.

"This is what I meant." Eijiro said.

"I see." Mina said.

"Hey hey kid. Look alive now. You've only got three months left. What, are you gonna give up after all this work? Wanna flush it all down in the toilet and take it easy?" All Might berated Izuku as the boy tried to keep going.

"Was overdoing it really worth it, Midoriya?" Mezo asked.

"You guys were steps ahead of me in terms of quirks. I needed at least some kind of momentum to keep up with everyone else or at least get my foot in the door." Izuku said.

"Well when you put it that way," Denki said.

"It kind of makes sense." Rikido said.

All Might realized what's going on. "You're overworked. The 'Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan' was created with your body in mind. It was fine tuned to ensure your progress was swift but manageable. Which means you haven't been sticking to it. You're overdoing things. That's gonna have the opposite effect of what we want."

"I'm guessing that this is the day that you said his body tanked from overdoing what you had planned for him?" Nezu asked.

"Yes sir." All Might said.

"I have to work harder or I won't stand a chance against the other applicants. I don't want just into UA. I want to excel. I want to be like you! I want to be the greatest hero in the world so I'll keep on trying until I've got what it takes to do that!"

"You gotta love that kind of spirit in a kid, though." Present Mic said with a laugh.

"The young boy has such ambition." Midnight purred.

All Might looked on in realization. He flashbacked to the day on the roof. "I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe and be just like you!" Aldera Izuku said.

Ochako watched as the onscreen boy dragged himself through the ground to keep going. She has a strong admiration for how determined Izuku is. She turned to the hero in training next to her and smiled. He was right. That smile of his. That smile made her feel safe and gave her hope. It was also inviting and gave a warm feeling in her heart.

'A warm feeling? I haven't felt this way since Mina thought I was in love. Is it? Am I? No, I can't be.' Ochako thought.

'Gotta hand it to the kid. He's given a lot of thought to the future.' All Might bulked up.

"That fighting spirit's what I like about you, fanboy." All Might said, pulling Izuku up and down as the camera zoomed in.

"You didn't have to shake the boy like that, All Might." Midnight shook her head.

"I was so moved by his perseverance." All Might countered.

"It serves you well." The camera zoomed in closer to All Might. "I do get your concerns. That's it. Now's not the time to go and rush progress."

The camera zoomed in even closer to All Might's face. "Fear not! I can get you back on track."

"I feel bad for Midori. He's so out of it but the camera keeps zooming into All Might's face." Mina giggled.

"Leave it to this old man to adjust your plan." All Might said as the camera shifted ro leaves were falling from the trees.

"You're not an old man. You're All Might." Izuku said in a strained voice as All Might's laughter boomed.

"How old are you exactly, All Might?" Denki asked.

"My age is confidential, young Kaminari." All Might said.

"Really old." Izuku said jokingly getting laughs from his classmates.

'My boy." All Might said in mock betrayal. "I expected this from Gran Torino, but not from you."

"Consider it as payback." Izuku said while laughing.

"Payback for what?" Momo asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Izuku said, finally stopping his laughter.

"February 26"

"You gotta be kidding me." Aizawa said. He glared at the retired hero, who looked away.

"And suddenly, it was the day of the exam." Narrator Izuku said. All Might walked from his truck towards the beach. He heard Izuku screaming.

Everyone in the audience except Izuku and All Might looked at the screen in worry.

"Izuku, is everything okay?" Inko asked.

All Might looked up to see Izuku on top of a pile of garbage shirtless, as he screamed in success at completing the ten month enduring task.

"Hey hey holy crap, kid." All Might said as his music started to play. "You even cleaned up outside the area I told you to. Seriously. There's not one speck of trash left on this beach."

"It was Midori that cleaned up the whole beach!" Mina exclaimed.

Class A and Class B gave their thanks and congratulations to Izuku, who was blushing from all of the attention.

"Only a few minutes to spare, but you exceeded my expectations. Holy, Stinking SUPER CRAP!" All Might said as he buffed up.

"Super crap is right, Midobro! You showed that ocean who's boss!" Eijiro exclaimed as he cried manly tears.

Izuku swayed on top of the pile and fell toward the beach. All Might caught him as he smiled at his successor. "Excellent work!" All Might said in pride.

A tired Izuku smiled at All Might. "I finished everything, All Might. I did it. Do you think I'm ready now?"

"Heck yeah he's ready!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

"Yeah Deku. You're going to be a hero." Ochako beamed at him.

"Yeah you did good, kid. I've got to say. I'm impressed. I knew you had it in you but this is beyond." All Might said as he put Izuku down.

"Look at this." All Might said, putting his phone in front of Izuku. Izuku opened his eyes and looked at the phone. "It's you crying ten months ago."

"Look at how far you've come." All Might said as the camera panned down to show his muscular body.

Ochako wasn't the only girl who was blushing seeing Izuku's muscles and defined body. Eijiro and Tetsutetsu cheered for his manly body. Tenya offered his congratulations and the rest of the students praised Izuku for his hard work, even Katsuki. But his words of praise were just nods of the head.

"Such improvement. There's still a long road ahead of you before you can inherit my full power set. But it's starting to look like you can do it." All Might admitted.

"All Might, do I deserve this? Are you sure?" Izuku asked.

"Clearly we need to work on your self-doubt, problem child." Aizawa said, despite the glare he was giving the former number one hero.

"You put so much time and energy into helping me. How did I end up so lucky?" Izuku asked as tears were running down his eyes.

"Come on Midobro. Did you think it was just luck that you were able to do this?" Denki asked.

"Yeah man. This shows how much drive you have to be a hero." Mashirao said.

"Yeah Deku. Don't you dare say you got lucky. You worked hard all those months. You pushed yourself harder than All Might told you to because you're that determined to get into UA." Ochako said with a warm smile.

"I guess you're right." Izuku said.

All Might laughed at Izuku's answer. 'He really worried about that after all these months?' All Might put his hand on Izuku's back. "It was your hard work that did this, not mine."

Ochako pointed to the screen. "See?" She asked with a smirk.

"Alright you got me." Izuku laughed.

"Now for your reward, Izuku Midoriya."

"Yes sir." Izuku said while sniffling.

'Here we go.' Izuku thought.

All Might plucked a hair from his head. "Someone told me this once. There's a difference between being lucky and deserving. One's an accident, the other, a reward. Never get the two confused. Take that to heart, young man."

"This gift, you earned it with your own valiant efforts."

Izuku gave All Might a determined look.

"And so, I held out my weak quirkless hands and grabbed the future." Narrator Izuku said.

"This is so intense." Setsuna said.

All Might held out the hair in his hand and said, "Eat this" with a bluish pyro background behind him as Izuku stared at the hair in disbelief that he had to eat it.

Anyone who was taking a sip of their drink spit it out immediately in disgust while the rest were simply staring at the screen.

"What did All Might just say?" Momo said, covering her mouth in disgust.

"To inherit my power, you have to swallow some of my DNA." All Might explained.

Katsuki was the only one who didn't react. Instead he burst out in laughter. "You had to eat All Might's hair to get his power!"

"You don't seem surprised by this, Bakubro." Eijiro said.

"Why do you think me and the nerd got house arrest?" Katsuki asked sarcastically.

"This isn't exactly how I imagined it!" Izuku said.

"Wait, DNA transfer?" Shoto asked in sudden shock.

Tenya turned to Izuku. "Midoriya! The Hero Killer?!"

Everyone except the Sinclairs, Nezu and All Might turned to Izuku.

"Don't worry. I have to will One For All to be transferred. It can't be taken by force." Izuku reassured them.

'Guess we don't have to worry about Ochako's limbs exploding off when you kiss, huh Midori?' Mina smirked.

Izuku flinched at the same moment.

Everyone sighed in relief as All Might was telling Izuku to eat the hair and they heard the successor screaming while his red high tops and backpack were shown.

"8:40 a.m. - The same day"

The scene changed to the Entrance of UA. Izuku is shown running to the entrance. "Made it just in time." He said. 'I was so worried about missing the exam that I didn't have the chance to test out my new power.'

"Thank god he didn't." Aizawa grumbled.

Izuku flashbacked to All Might giving him the hair. "Eat this."

Izuku covered his mouth. "I may have swallowed the hair but I don't feel like anything great has happened to me yet."

The majority of the students shuddered seeing the hair.

"How did the hair even taste?" Denki asked.

Izuku shuddered once more. "Disgusting."

"Stupid Deku." Katsuki's voice was heard.


"Get out of my way now before I set you on fire." Katsuki threatened.

Everyone turned to glare at Katsuki.

"Katsuki." Mitsuki growled from her seat.

"Seriously Bakugou. You can't go one minute without threatening him?" Tetsutetsu asked.

"Shut it, Steelshima." Katsuki glared at the Steel user.

"Normally that would be funny, but this is something serious. What if a UA teacher heard you say that?"

"Yes Bakugou. What would you have done?" Aizawa asked.

Katsuki didn't say anything as two teenagers onscreen were talking about the sludge villain attack. Aizawa narrowed his eyes at the boy.

'The Sludge Villain incident made Bakugou respect Midoriya for a little bit despite the constant enmity.'

'Ever since that day, Kacchan had been taking it easier on me.' Aldera Izuku thought as Katsuki was walking toward the UA building. He sighed. 'I guess I was scared out of habit.'

'Deku.' Ochako thought sadly. She sighed and squeezed Izuku's hand.

Izuku shook his head. 'But I'm not defenseless anymore. Yeah I have to remember all the work I've put in. Thanks to All Might, I'm actually going to be a hero.' His legs were shaking with nervousness. Izuku tripped over his own foot. 'Or I'll just die.'

"No, Midori." Mina said, trying not to giggle.

"Just like that, Midobro's dream of being a hero started with a face plant on the ground." Denki said jokingly.

Instead of hitting the floor, he was frozen in the same spot when he was about to fall. He looked and saw that he was floating in mid-air. A brown-haired girl was shown standing next to the frozen, her hand outstretched to touch him.

"Ochako, it's you!" Mina exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" Ochako asked. Izuku was freaking out seeing himself float in mid-air. She helped him stand up properly. "I stopped you with my quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask first. But I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you." Izuku looked at her in shock that she was actually talking to him.

"So Ochako is the first person in our class that you got to meet, Midoriya?" Kyoka asked.

"What about me?!" Katsuki asked.

Izuku's face was beet red but he nodded.

"Isn't this all like way nerve-wracking?" Ochako asked. Izuku didn't know what to say. "Well guess I'll see you inside. Bye." Izuku stood there in stunned silence.

'Dammit. My thoughts. Crap crap crap.'

'Holy whoa. I just talked to a girl.' A caption appeared. "Didn't actually talk"

The laughter of his classmates was loud enough to block out his onscreen insane laughter. Izuku covered his face and leaned back in his seat.

Ochako blushed but she gave Izuku a confused look. "Deku, you make it sound like I was the first girl to ever talk to you."

Izuku sat up and put his hands down, giving Ochako an embarrassed look. "You actually were the first girl to ever talk to me. Being quirkless, I was a laughingstock and being a fanboy made it worse, especially with girls. I was too nervous at the time to actually say something but thank you for saving me from getting my face planted on the ground. I'm glad that you were the first person in our class I got to meet."

Ochako's heart melted and she tackled Izuku into a hug. "It's no longer going to be like that, Deku and you're welcome for the save." She said with a smile.

"I know. I'm grateful that everything changed in my life and for all the blessings." Izuku said, smiling back at her.

'I feel the same, Izuku.' Ochako thought. 'Wait, Izuku? But I always call him Deku. There's that feeling again. Hold on. Am I actually in love? I'm so conflicted right now.'

'I feel like I want to melt in happiness from her hugs.' Izuku thought.

Midnight purred as she watched the genuine smiles on the two young heroes in training. "Isn't love such a fascinating thing, Shota?"

Aizawa was totally not hiding a smile under his scarf. "No comment." He said.

"Come on, Shota. You know something we don't know about the two listeners." Present Mic said.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Aizawa answered.

"Speaking of love, how are things going with Fukukado?" Midnight asked teasingly.

"What I do in my free time is not your concern, Kayama." Aizawa deflected.

"Very well, Shota." Midnight rolled her eyes.

"UA High School Hero Course" "Exam Orientation"

A guitar riff started to play.

"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tuning into me, your school DJ." Present Mic says on a large stage. "Come on and let me hear ya!" He put his hand to his ear but was met with silence.

Most of the students snickered. "Really Hizashi. You tried to get an audience of nervous kids…" Midnight laughed.

"Do you little listeners know how hard it is to do a call and response and not get a response? Present Mic asked in a mock stern voice.

"Sorry about that, sir. I think we were too nervous to get into it." Izuku apologized.

"Fair enough, listener." Present Mic said.

"Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine. I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is going to go down, okay? Are you ready?" He was met with silence again.

Izuku had an idea. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and opened up the screen to his class group chat.

Deku: Hey, guys! The next time Present Mic tries to make everyone on the screen yell something, we should totally yell it. It would make him so happy!

Creati: Midoriya, that's a great idea! Let's do it!

Red Riot: That sounds great, Midobro! I'm in!

Earphone Jack: Let's do it!

Alien Queen: So am I!

Chargebolt: Me too!

Most of the class agreed with the plan.

Ingenium: Midoriya, as much as I don't approve of the use of phones while we are watching this, I agree with your plan. I will get Hatsume in on the idea.

Izuku told Ochako the plan.

'I wish that Ochako had a phone so that she can participate in the group chats. I mean, make it a surprise like put it in our room tomorrow after I confess to her. Great. I sound like I'm making a wish to a genie.' Izuku thought with a sigh.

Aleister and Giselle smiled at the greenette's wish. Thank god that he is the class cinnamon roll. One of the perks of being time spirits is that the house told them the wishes that their guests make. That was also one of the downsides of being time spirits. Giselle was tempted to bring out the holy water when she heard Minoru's requests.

Izuku had his hands over his mouth. "Oh my goodness, it's the voice hero: Present Mic. So cool." He gushed as he was sitting next to Katsuki, surrounded by a pink dreamy aura. "I listen to his radio show every day of the week. It's so crazy nuts that all the UA teachers are pro heroes."

"Will you shut up?" Katsuki asked

Aizawa elbowed Present Mic. "Looks like you have a fan, Hizashi." The voice hero chuckled and smiled.

"I didn't know you were a regular listener, Midoriya. We should do a collab sometimes. We can do one on your take of being the world's greatest hero."

Izuku turned and smiled at Present Mic. "Really? That would be great, sir. It would be an honor."

"So manly." Eijiro smiled.

"Like your application says, today you rocking boys and girls will be out there conducting ten minute mock battles in superhit suburban settings. Gird your loins, my friends." Present Mic said as the screen behind him changes to show the different battle centers. "After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center. Sound good? Okay?" He was met with silence once more as no one in the room replied to him.

"Yeah!" Most of Class A and Mei yelled in response to the onscreen Present Mic, scaring the adults, Class B and Hitoshi.

"Your students are amazing, Shota." Present Mic said with a wide grin.

"Yeah they have that effect." Aizawa said.

"I see. They're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends." Katsuki said.

"Yeah you're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other. But we're assigned to different battle centers."

"Wow. I never thought I would see the two of you have a casual conversation." Denki said.

"Get your eyes off my card." Katsuki glared at Izuku. "Damn I was really looking forward to crushing you." Izuku laughed nervously.

"And he's back." Denki said.

"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely." The screen behind him changed to show the three robots, and then a mini present mic figure crushing the robots.

"Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo. But check it! Make sure you're keeping things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, ya dig?" Present Mic said.

"Excuse me, sir, but I have a question," Tenya said, raising his hand.

"Hit me!" Present Mic yelled.

A spotlight shone on Tenya. "On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do."

"Geez Iida. Dial it back a few notches." Hanta said.

"Additionally, you with the unkempt hair," Tenya said, pointing to Izuku. "You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

Izuku covered his mouth and apologized while the teenagers were laughing at him.

"You're a real stick in the mud, you know that Glasses." Katsuki said, glaring in Tenya's direction. "Putting Deku on the spot like that."

Everyone was shocked to hear Katsuki defend Izuku.

"Geez Tenya. Seriousness is in your blood huh?" Mei asked teasingly, smacking the boy next to her gently on the arm.

'Tenya?' Class A thought, looking at the class rep.

Tenya surprisingly blushed at the light hit. He stood up and bowed to Izuku. "I apologize, Midoriya. I was nervous at the time but it was wrong of me to call you out in front of everyone like that."

"It's all good, Iida." Izuku said.

"All right, all right. Examinee number 7111. Thanks for calling in with your request. The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten," Present Mic said, as the screen behind him showed the mini Present Mic figure running away from the zero pointer. "But there's... kinda no point. I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus in the lines toppin' the charts,"

"Thank you very much. Please, continue." Tenya said, bowing, before sitting down. The spotlight turned off.

"Really Iida? Telling a teacher that he can continue?" Itsuka asked jokingly.

"Oh, I get it. So they're kinda like traps you have to get by in games."

"The whole thing's kinda like a video game, huh?"

"It really was like a video game, wasn't it?" Mashirao pointed out.

"It was designed that way for a reason," Nezu piped up. "We wanted all of the students to understand it and making it like a video game seemed the easiest way for that to be possible."

"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As general Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, 'A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes.' Mm-hm. Now that's a tasty soundbite. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a plus ultra! Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books," Present Mic said. No one in the theater said plus ultra.

"PLUS ULTRA!" The students yelled. Midnight and All Might even joined in.

"You guys are the best!" Present Mic yelled, a giant smile on his face.

The screen now showed the battle center where Izuku's group would take the practical exam.

'Well. This is it. Time to put the ten months of training with All Might to the test. Time to give it my all. I will become a hero. Just like I always dreamed. I won't let myself down!' Izuku thought, shaking. He slapped both of his cheeks to calm his nerves.

The ending began to play.

"Hey Deku." Ochako said softly. Thank you for defending me against Mineta. It means a lot."

"Of course, Och- Uraraka. I didn't want you to get blamed for something you didn't do." Izuku reassured her.

"Were you about to call me by my name, Deku?" Ochako gave the boy a smile.

"Uh, um no I wasn't. I mean maybe. S-Sorry I don't know what came over me." Izuku stuttered.

Ochako laughed. "It's okay, I don't mind. You did call me by my first name a few times."

"Thanks O-O-Ochak-ko. I almost forgot that I did that." The poor boy was nearly neon.

Her smile widened into a grin as she had the same feeling in her chest from earlier. She giggled and hugged him.

'He's too cute for his own good.'

"If you want, you can call me Izuku." Izuku said confidently.

"I'm sticking with Deku." Ochako said. 'For now.'

"Ok Ochako." Izuku said.

"Look at them. They deserve each other. It's so sweet." Mina whispered.

"Yeah. I guess whatever happened in Ochako's room brought them a little closer." Kyoka whispered.

"Yeah. I'm happy for them especially after everything Midobro went through." Eijiro whispered.

'Uraraka needs you too, Midobro.' Eijiro thought.

All Might's music begins to play.

"UA High's Entrance Exam is here and every one of us wants a spot at this prestigious school. The question is, will I be able to get through the practical with the power I only just received from All Might?" Izuku asked.

"Let's do our best on the exam today." Ochako encouraged Izuku.

"Huh? Who are you? Holy crap, it's that girl I talked to!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Next time: Start Line!" The two of them exclaimed.

"I, Ochako, will try hard not to puke during the test." Ochako stated.

"Go beyond…"

"Plus Ultra!" The students and teachers yell out.

The timer starts.

Everyone started to get up and stretch or use the bathroom.

"Ochako, I didn't know that you did a preview with Midori!" Mina exclaimed.

"But I don't remember doing a preview with Deku." Ochako admitted.

"I don't remember either. But after that last episode, I think it's best not to question the previews and to be cautious with the information they may give." Izuku said.

"Aww." Mina pouted. "I guess I have to wait to find out if I do a preview with Midori."

"That's cool, Mina. But you and I have to talk." Kyoka said. "Toru, can you also come with me? Tsu too."

"Sure!" Toru said happily.

"Ribbit." Tsuyu said.

The three of them left the theater. Momo approached Itsuka's row and they left the theater as well. Mei whispered something to Tenya and he nodded before she also left. The class rep approached Izuku and Ochako.

"I want to speak to the two of you. I apologize if I said anything earlier that hurt you. Please forgive me." He bowed.

"It's okay, Iida." Ochako reassured him. "We're still going through some things but we have you guys. I hope you guys won't judge me and Deku for keeping this from all of you."

"It's fine. Take all the time you need." Tenya said.

"Thanks Iida." Izuku said. "I think it's obvious because Mr. Sinclair said it when we came into the theater but we're sharing a room."

"Yes I am aware. Hatsume and I are also sharing a room." Tenya said.

"Hatsume huh?" Ochako suddenly had a mischievous smirk on her face. "Is there something going on with the two of you?"

"N-No. Of course not. Hatsume is a friend and nothing more." Tenya said. "You're starting to sound like Ashido, Uraraka."

"Sure Iida. 'Geez Tenya'. Don't think I didn't see her smacking your arm." Izuku teased.

"Midoriya, not you too!" Tenya exclaimed.

The three of them were laughing and made a few jokes. But they weren't aware that two teachers had their eyes on them.

"So they're sharing a room here. That's good to know." Aizawa said.

"The Sinclairs knows what they are going through, past and present. I'm guessing they are also aware of their feelings for each other." All Might said.

"Still, if the show is about Midoriya's life, what are the chances that they might see what happened again? How will Uraraka react?" Aizawa asked.

"I'm not sure if I wish to see Mirai pass away again, Aizawa." All Might admitted.

"We can talk to Midoriya about it when we leave the theater for the day." Aizawa said and All Might nodded.