
Manipulating Odds in an Apocalyptic World

A novel where odds mean everything. Olexia's life was just starting to get good when she got hit by absurd 1 in 495,000 odds and she ended up in an apocalyptic version of her own world. A world ruled by Gods and Devils and humans chosen as entertainment. Under some circumstances the Devil of Probability decided to side with Olexia. Forced to live and survive in this apocalyptic world came with a prize at the end, one simple wish. What would Olexia wish for if she won the price? Only she knows. But at least you can join the journey until then.

Ender_Peach · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 2 - Farewell

"Yes, you have a 1 in 3 chance of dying and a guaranteed chance of getting majorly hurt if that goblin gets to you."

The goblin was only a few meters away from Olexia.

`Aren't you supposed to help me?! Manipulate some odds, make it trip and lose sight of me!`

The goblin was almost within arms reach of Olexia.

Olexia started running even faster than she already was, she noticed a somewhat ruined building with a long hallway in the middle of it.

She was running out of stamina, her vision was beginning to blur and her legs were beginning to fail on her but at least she gained some distance from the goblin.

`DEVIL PLEASE HELP!` Olexia thought in her mind. She could still feel the presence of the Devil of Probability in her mind so this was the best thing she could do.

"And done, Olexia I want you to turn around in exactly ten seconds and throw a punch at the goblin." The Devil demanded from Olexia.


Olexia entered the building and the goblin also followed shortly after.

"Seven seconds left. Just do it." The Devil demanded once again.

`...I'll trust you.` Olexia obliged.

"Good, I'll count you down... Four, three..." The Devil added.

The goblin was managing to close the distance between it and Olexia once again, making weird screaming noises while doing so. There was around four meters between them.

"...two, one and NOW!" The Devil finished the countdown.

Olexia did a slight jump to stop her sprint, she clenched her fist and turned around at the same time.

The goblin was right in front of Olexia, she threw an awkwardly straight punch but at least it had some good strength behind it.

The punch connected and hit the goblin's face's right side.

The goblin grunted and fell back but it immediately started getting up.

The Devil of Probability left Olexia's mind and immediately clashed with the goblin's head and went into its mind.

Olexia's left eye returned to its normal brown colour as she was gasping for air and also confused as to why the Devil left her mind but she trusted the Demon and leaned against a wall to relax for a bit.

"Hello poor goblin, I'll be granting you the ability to see the probability of everything around you. Enjoy!" The Devil explained in a malicious tone.

The goblin started to look around confused as to where the devil's voice was coming from and shortly after the goblin's eyes turned red.

A limitless amount of pop-ups started to appear in the goblin's eyes.

-Odds of Olexia taking a breath 1 in 1- -Odds of you getting confused 1 in 1- -Odds of the ceiling falling at this moment 1 in 51,400- -Odds of Wind speeding up 1 in 23- -Odds of a dust particle landing on your face 1 in 1- -Odds of you starting to go insane in a few seconds 1 in 2-

Pop-ups continued to appear one by one, at a pace of around 10 pop-ups per second, after just a few seconds the goblin's vision was completely blocked from the pop-ups.

The goblin grabbed its head and started pushing on it as if that was going to do something to stop the pop-ups. It also started to scream disgustingly.

It stood up and ran straight against a wall with its head first.

A value in one of the pop-ups changed

-Odds of the ceiling falling at this moment 1 in 43,800-

It slammed its head against the wall once more and the value changed again.

-Odds of the ceiling falling at this moment 1 in 39,500-

The goblin started to scream even louder, it continued to slam its head against the wall and now even hit it with its fists. And with all of those the value of those odds also changed.

-... 1 in 31,200-

The goblin hit the wall once again

-... 1 in 25,000-

And again, the goblin started to bleed from its head and arms

-... 1 in 10,700-

Cracks could be heard throughout the building, and Olexia started to get anxious about the building collapsing.

"Hey Devil is everything alright?" Olexia asked anxiously still slightly gasping for air.

The goblin in the middle of hitting itself showed a thumbs up with its right arm.

The odds continued to rise.

"Wow, good but also kinda weird..." Olexia added in an awkward tone, also returning the thumbs up.

The goblin slammed itself once more, blood running down from its head and arms. The goblin stopped.

-...1 in 63-

"Eh, let's crank that number up just a bit more." The Devil thought.

-Odds of the ceiling falling at this moment 1 in 5-

And just another pop-up appeared in the centre of the goblin's vision.

-Odds of you dying in the next minute 1 in 1-

"Farewell poor goblin." The Devil said in the goblin's mind.

The Devil left the goblin's mind and the goblin's eyes faded. And its physical form, that being a peach, appeared before Olexia.

"I suggest you run." It said.

The building started to rumble and crack from all around.

Olexia did as the Devil said, and just as she started to run, the building started to collapse behind her.

Though the building was actually collapsing at a pretty slow pace and Olexia and the Demon got out of it safely.

"Alright, so I want to ask you something." Olexia said.

"What is it?" The Devil replied.

"Why didn't you do this possessing thingy earlier if you could have from the beginning?" She asked.

"I just wanted to see what you're capable of, and honestly you kinda suck." The Devil answered in a disappointed tone.

"I'm sorry I'm not made to fight goblins in an apocalyptic world." Olexia added sarcastically.

"Do YOU know how bad you are?? Your odds of landing a good punch on that goblin was a one in five! I had to manipulate those damn odds so you could actually punch it." The Devil yelled out, annoyed.

"Oh, wow... Yeah okay, that's honestly fair. Sorry for being so bad uh... Devil." Olexia agreed quietly. `Am I that bad?` Olexia thought to herself.

The Devil sighed. "Just call me Peach for now, and forget it, the good part is you actually killed a creature and that was a task, so we get to open a chest." It explained calmly.

"Hell yeah! What's in it?" Olexia asked with excitement.

"Oh, you're so clueless... The chest can contain pretty much anything, from a weapon that makes your life a living 'heaven' to something as useless as a stick. And before you ask, I have no power over the odds of the chest... You ready to open it?" Peach explained.

"Hmm, yeah. I mean there's nothing else to do anyways." Olexia replied enthusiastically.

"Here." Peach added.

A wooden chest decorated with gold and gems appeared on the ground right in front of Olexia. Just as it appeared it made a wood creaking noise.

Olexia kneeled to open the chest.

What do you reckon are the odds of you reading this?

Thanks for reading the second chapter of MOAW, add this novel to your library if you enjoyed the chapter and feedback is always appreciated.

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