

A 35-year-old man gets transmigrated into the body of a 17-year-old kid as a chosen of [FILTH]. To save his life in an unfamiliar world he'll chase after the legacy of [FILTH] with all his might since that's the only way to live others only lead to death.

ARSENAL_2 · 東方
46 Chs

Calamity fell from sky

Hebel Province of Long Empire lies a few hundred miles away from border between Long and Dacun Empires. Despite being in proximity with border it is peaceful the reason being simple no aggression has happened between Long and Dacun for more than 3 centuries. Hebel is almost 16 times bigger than Minghe with a diameter of 200km and its population is also enormous.

The place was lively and people were enthusiastic. Wind blew softly, birds chirped, old people sat below trees joking, laughing and children sang on their way to Martial halls but suddenly the sky turned dark for an instant


Space distorted and a cube fell from the sky with a meteoric speed creating a short explosion. The plaza was completely destroyed whatever be it object or human that came in contact with the cube was divided in small pieces and exiled in deep space.


Mo Dao fell on the ground a few kilometers away from the province and Dwanwu landed a few meters away from Mo Dao. Mo Dao closed his eyes and sensed the distortions in space

"Dwanwu get to the cube it's inside the province 8 miles straight in east. I'll bring those two back they're nearby." Mo Dao teleported away and Dwanwu flew towards the province

In Hebel Province a crowd surrounded the cube speculating about its origins. Some overly impatient grandmasters made contact with it and were exiled in 7th fold with few limbs intact. Message was delivered to Governor Meng and it only took a few minutes before he appeared in the plaza.

"What is this?"

Meng Lao walked towards the cube feeling apprehensive. The cube was oozing thick space law and was surrounded by various distortions that'll exile anyone who touches it. As he moved his hand toward the cube it got covered in a greenish aura full of vitality. It took a few minutes but the distortions were stabilised and he was only few centimeters away from piercing the outermost layer.


as soon as his hand pierced the outermost layers the equilibrium that Mo Dao had forcefully created by piling up layers of space was destroyed and the Compression was undone. Meng Lao's hand instantly disappeared while his remaining body was exiled. Space blades shot in all directionst neatly slicing through everything.


Several space cracks were created and a pagoda 100 meter wide containing the tripod, stele and Runic inscriptions appeared in the plaza.


The space shattered and a embarrassed Meng Lao came out of it. His face was ugly and right hand was missing. If he hadn't sacrificed his hand then the whole body would've been divided into small segments and thrown at different destinations. There was no sign of healing even his law of life couldn't regenerate the hand unless a high ranking saint destroys remnants of space law left inside his body. The devastation and deaths made his face even more gloomy.


As he raised his hands hundred meter thick roots rose from the ground striking towards the pagoda with crushing momentum. If they collided then both stele and inscriptions will suffer considerable damage.


But before the strike could land two thick black roots emerged from shadow of each roots rendering them immovable. Within a few seconds they turned pitch black and drifted away in ash

"Who is it show yourself?" Meng Lao's face was grim, the vitality inside the roots was reversed and they died out instantly. He felt presence of two major laws but couldn't sense the culprit that pointed to one possibility


Next moment his body stiffened and hair stood on end. A hand was placed on his shoulder, the Divine energy in his body was sealed in an instant, his connection with law got cut and Divine sense was dispersed. He slowly looked back, a man with burly body, unkempt face, thick black-n-white beard and a bald head was looking down on him.

"Who are yo-"



A tremendous force brought Meng Lao to his knees. Cold sweat slipped down his forehead, he hasn't felt so close to death ever before. The malice pervading from the man was enough to drown him into despair.


Mo Dao popped out from the distortion along with other two.

"Who is he?"

"Probably the provincial head."

"Where are we?"

"Speak" Dwanwu signaled to Meng Lao

"y-you're in Hebel Province near border with Dacun"

"That far?" Mo Dao rubbed his chin in deep contemplation. He'd asked Jun Xiao to steal from General Jun but now he isn't so hopeful about it. There's a high probability that Jun Xiao has been captured. sun Jue village chief of Maple village who was supposed to meet Jun Xiao in capital might've been captured and counted as an accomplice.

Mo Dao closed his eyes and concentrated on their soul brands.

In a chamber of General Jun's mansion three people were being interrogated inside a prison cell. They were none other than Jun Xiao, Sun Jue and his escort. Jun Xiao got verbally interrogated but for other two it was a hellish experience.


three heads exploded in unison leaving the interrogators flabbergasted.

"Evacuate" a ghastly voice came and a silhouette merged from thin air taking the shape of an old man. He was the confidant of Jun Xiao's father. His face was solemn yesterday general Jun Chao left for Anyang and today this along with mayhem ay main prison. Death of Long Pinyin, escape of three saints from prison and one of them being his former boss Dwanwu Xing gave him feeling of Impending doom.

"I should leave while its still possible."


Mo Dao opened his eyes, he looked at the panel

[Evil points-405000]

"Kill him"



Meng Lao's brain exploded into blood and gore. Nirvana-1 Saint is really too weak before Dwanwu Xing.

"Seal the province and wait till I come out of seclusion, capture anyone who comes for Hebel don't let anyone escape. Keep his death a secret if word got out I'll have your necks. Don't cause a commotion"


Mo Dao straightened the pagoda and walked towards the tripod. He activated the inscriptions and jumped inside. He wanted to be done with it as soon as possible if they managed to track him cause of his greed then it'll be pitiful. Mo Dao suspects there might be some kind of tracking mechanism in these runes since tripod was hailed as a national treasure thus even if its only a speculation Mo Dao now wants to comprehend and then destroy it.

[Origin points-1.9 billion]

[Law of Fire detected does chosen wants to comprehend]

Mo Dao closed his eyes and drifted into comprehension. As his comprehension of fire increased the law body mutated and the cells in his body devoured the law gaining resistance to fire and high temperature. His origin points also decreased at an alarming rate, 3million origin for 1% comprehension of fire. During comprehension of Space law his body was normal and fleahly but at present he has manifested the law body of space and to accommodate another law body for more mutation he needs to burn three times more origin as compared to before. Mo Dao also felt he won't be able to forge more than three major laws in his body before undergoing Nirvana.

After about an hour the liquid inside tripod started churning. This liquid was specially used to reduce the fatigue during comprehension and forging of law body for crown prince but for it to churn means that Mo Dao's comprehension of fire is about to saturate. A while later three red stele containing law of fire turned white then started emitting rainbow colors.


Mo Dao poked his head from the tripod and relaxed.


A burning ball of fire appeared in Mo Dao's hand and next moment he plunged his unprotected head inside the fireball but there was no burn other than some heat. Mo Dao could do that before as well but he had to protect his skin by Vital energy, now that he has adapted to law of fire each and every cell in his body has achieved resistance and affinity to fire.

Mo Dao crushed the fireball and plunged back. He changed the inscriptions and now all the yellow stele present around tripod started glowing and thin lines of earthly essence flowed inside the tripod from stele with the help of inscriptions.

Mo Dao continued comprehending for another hour and when he emerged from the tripod changes were visible on his physique. His skin had turned brass, his irises and pupil were dark red akin to flowing lava.


Mo Dao plunged his hands in the land and the area of 3km felt like an extension of his limbs. He could feel all the changes on this land in real time by feeling the vibrations. It wasn't too unique since a Grandmaster could do the same by becoming one with earth but of course the area under effect would be smaller. Mo Dao felt euphoric he had the urge to dug and plunge straight into the soil to sleep for eternity


Mo Dao slapped himself which woke him from the revery. His expression was solemn Mo Dao understood that intimacy came due to imbalance of laws inside his body. He needs to undergo Nirvana as soon as possible since it sublimates both body and spirit compatible with the laws comprehended. No matter how Mo Dao tried he couldn't change the color his skin and eyes.


Mo Dao pushed his legs and flew at a height of 1500meter.

"What happened to you my lord?" Dwanwu Xing and other two appeared before him.

"Did something happen during my seclusion?" Mo Dao ignored the question and spoke

"A envoy from from General Gwan arrived a while ago bearing his medallion and seal. Our faces have been distributed throughout the Empire. Imperial family has offered a bounty for our heads. It doesn't matters if you're a demon or belong to a hostile faction as long as you present a head or capture one of us alive you can ask for a wish in exchange for it."

Mo Dao was slightly surprised by the generosity of Imperials. Of course the wishes can't be too outlandish. Mo Dao didn't cared who came for him since his real face was still unknown and they can't trace him even if they caught his breath since he's too far away.

Mo Dao stared at the panel

{ Name:- Mo Dao

Constitution:-Battle God Physique

Cultivation:- Grandmaster 9th stage

Cultivation Technique:- Divine Sun(Entry)

Skill:- Void Steps(Consummation), Bright Sword(Consummation), Black Demon absorption technique(Consummation), Illusionary Spirit Hand(Consummation), Purple Thunder(Consummation), Furnace Refinement(Consummation)

Supernatural powers:- Riding wind and thunder(Consummation), Sun Demon(Consummation), One with water(Consummation), One with Thunder(Consummation), Frozen Bliss(Consummation),

Laws:- Severance(8%), Space(98%), Fire(98%), Earth(98%)

[Evil points:- 405000]

[Origin points:- 0.9billion] }

Mo Dao was entangled looking at his evil point. Last time when he'd slaughtered Minghe hus evil points had reached more than 30million but even after causing so much disturbance in capital it hasn't even exceeded a million. He stared at Hebel Province and spoke

"Seal the province and slaughter everyone in Hebel. Make sure no-" Mo Dao spoke

"For what?" Liu Tingshen interjected before Mo Dao ended his sentence

"What do you mean for what, you'll do cause that's what I told you to do. I don't need renegades if you don't want to than just die." Mo Dao spoke coldly without a shred of emotion, he needs slaves neither comrades nor subordinates

"If a single one manages to escape then you three can forget about having an easy death. Am I clear?"

"Yes My lord." Dwanwu flew downward followed by Xu Jian and Liu Tingshen. Mo Dao was slightly surprised by Dwanwu Xing's compliance, he didn't looked forced like other two instead his reaction was same as Wu Yun.

Did he belonged to a demonic sect?

Mo Dao waved the useless thoughts away, even if he's from Demonic sect nothing changes. The space distorted and Mo Dao appeared before the pagoda. He raised his hand the laws condensed surrounding vital energy into a giant fireball. The space around it distorted and it flew towards the pagoda much faster than sound.


A deafening explosion shook Hebel and the surrounding temperature shot above 300°C. The water boiled moisture disappeared, land cracked and Hebel got shrouded in despair.

The pagoda shattered, runes melted and all stele turned to ash but the tripod remained unscathed. There wasn't even a dent on it despite the horrifying explosion nor it melted due to the heat even when temperature was 5000°C.


In different parts of Hebel Light got swallowed by eerie darkness, people were torned and swallowed by their own shadows followed by Thunder falling from the sky and a tsunami thousands of meters high that submerged more than half of Hebel. Death and misery spread and all Grandmasters unleashed their Domains but that only bought them a few seconds before a 100meter thick Thunder fell from sky reducing them to dust. No matter what they did it was all futile young, old, men, women, frail, weak, disabled all were treated equally by the unfeeling demons.

Mo Dao's body turned black his nails grew and red lava was flowed through his veins. His height shot to 6meters and he stepped towards the tripod. With every step the temperature increased exceeding 8000°C and skin hardened. Soil rose from earth wrapping around his body moulding and assimilating with his skin. His law body alone cannot handle that much heat without undergoing Nirvana but moulding earth in his veins and skin allowed Mo Dao to exceed his limit.


As Mo Dao passed the land turned to lava and all life in the diameter of 6km vanished. Even Dwanwu and others felt the horrifying heat from far away.


Mo Dao placed his hands on the tripod but even at that temperature it did not melt. Mo Dao moved his hands away and flew up in the air.



Mo Dao waved his hands a multiple fireballs each 100meter appeared all around him



Thunderous explosions shook the whole province


Thousands of meters long Serpents made of rock and soil emerged and rolled around absolutely crushing everything in their way.

Gigantic shadows with sickles instead of hands rose up from Dwanwu Xing and lunged at the incoming grandmasters. A thick curtain of darkness fell on an area of 6km and all living being under it fell into eternal darkness.

Mo Dao's Vital energy was almost depleted in just 20seconds thus he returned to his normal form with brass skin and continued bombarding from above. As his form returned to normal the temperature also fell down at an alarming rate, it went below -200°C freezing everything on the already scorched earth.


Amidst the explosions Mo Dao narrowed his eyes and looked in east towards border. A enormous and deadly aura even stronger than Empress Wan Danhwa was approaching.

"Wrap it up." Mo Dao shouted and in a few seconds all three appeared beside Mo Dao.

"What do you think?"

"I don't recognize this aura but I'm not his match."

Mo Dao nodded and warped away along with the tripod and his underlings.