
baby Boras first cry

in 4000 year before there was a village name as vaishali . this village has its own boundaries and no other person we're allowed

but on day when the head of the village we're gone for a ride to hunt bear he found a baby is crying on a den then the king go to check who is there but there were a bear dead around him .the king thought the God has a gift on this child so he survive the bear . so thinking of god gift he led the baby to his village . when he give the baby to her wife she is very happy because she know the importance of a baby on the life as she can't became mother because of her accedent on her past but when she lifted the baby she see a tattoo on his back and as she know that the tattoo is not a good sign because the tattoo is the symbol of kalukara who is also known as the village distroyer . but as becaming a mother she can't hold her feelings and without any other thoughts she called him her son Bora . but as the head of the village he can't take this happen and this filling of burden over. cross his mind he can't thing properly

but seeing the smile on the face of her wife he take all the burden and also give a smile to her.