
Man of GOD(by Brookyn funsani) chapter 1

It all started when I was young.

At the age of 5, I started to pray to GOD,I started to know GOD,but not fully,as a child I did so many foolish things, some I regret and some I don't.

having troubles in life

wasn't something so easy,of course they are troubles,ups and lows like the mountains.

15 years later, I'm 20 years old,my names peter,I live alone, I left my m to find a job, it was tough,but I found it.

have you ever say down and just looked up at the stars and ask yourself who created all of them,have you ever just sat down to ask yourself,who created everything you see,hear and touch, everything you feel.

is this person Bad,did he create us,

so he could see us suffer and laugh at our failure.

does he love us,did he ever desire to have children and love them,is it a (he) or (she),or (it).

so many bad things happened to me,

I always had desires to be a singer,

I prayed but never GOT it,

I waited and waited,

but still haven't received anything yet.

I felt like I was going crazy

I got jealous of all Good things my friends had,

I got angry when someone provoked me,

I got sad when no one noticed me.

but now I'm a different man,


with love,I lacked nothing,even money I could bring out of nowhere but it was wrong,cause it's not about the money,it's about life.

I got cool super powers from the Holly spirit like- Holly fire of the Holly spirit,which devours all evil,and telekinesis, telepathy,and teleportation.

I'm not a prophet or a priest,I'm just a janitor,others ask why I have this power,

to save people,well also know that prophets, priest and pastors,are involved in healing the sick and wounded,but there main focused is to teach the word of GOD,

my son focus is to help more people and make GOD happy.

people believe In fairy tail,it's not fake,it's just evil, mermaids, fairies big foot, vampires, aliens and all things you find in fairy tales or fantasy is all satanic,these are all demons, trying to make people scared or warship them.

the devil knows your desire,

he makes them real, all these greek or egyptian gods,there all fake, even bhudda,

there's only one candle,yet others try to blow away it's flame, no matter,how match we resist GOD,we will find him again,don't egnore your pain except it,and ask GOD to save you.