
you’re right

Enzo had resumed his life as a can while the girl and man were slightly traumatized Enzo didn't think nor look for extra details within the fight, but the fight awakened his past and brought back some deep and dark memories that he couldn't ignore which caused his long and dangerous silence

The old man and the girl were so frightened that they exempted themselves from bathing and they decided to sleep together it had obviously taken a large toll on them


The lady stormed off in the direction of a large black screen in the corner of the room she quickly tapped it while an ear phone came out of her space ring before she put it into her ear

"Hello Sir, I'm reporting about this fraud saying that she is with the disciple of Apep what should I do with her?" her voice became humble and docile she showed the upmost respect

Elizabeth watched in silence as she began to tremble out of fear she wasn't like other people at her rank they had gone through the hardships of the soul shaking journey At least people that weren't fed their power and that was exactly Elizabeth's case she had not only been hand fed with power since birth, but she had no experience with fighting strategies or her own power, it was truly pitiful having a great amount of power but not even having the ability to use an ounce of it properly it was suicide worthy

The girl stopped her tugging and looked up at Elizabeth even though Elizabeth refused to make eye contact with her she could still feel Elizabeth's shivering so she could only show an expression of sympathy

Although she was a young girl her experiences true life had given her a stronger mental integrity so she was slightly more calm then Elizabeth

After the lady let out a few more hummes of agreement and a respectful goodbye she hung up as her disgust snuck back onto her face and walked over to Elizabeth

"Hump! come sit down this might be the last time you ever get to sit on anything slightly comfortable ever again, I just talked to one of the secretaries so it's only a matter of time figure Doom she gloated with a arrogant smirk

Soon a guard with a green mask walked into the room

Elizabeth and the girl had been placed on a small hard sofa in the way back of the giant kitchen but they were still able to barely see up at the front so they were able to see the man walk in as the servants bow respectfully

The lady then led him towards them while Elizabeth and the girls heart beat extremely fast with anxiety and fear

Surprisingly the guy was pretty calm he reached his hand out and said "card?"

Elizabeth quickly took out her card and looked at the girl expectantly

"I- I- I don't have one" The girl stuttered in fear

"Why don't you have one" Elizabeth mumbled slightly

"Me and my brother was never able to get ours" She said

"Hmm?!" The guard hummed in slight anger which was accompanied by an angry aura

"Hey leme get some foo-" suddenly Viola walked in while she held her stomach it seem like within that short time she had already gotten hungry

"Oh! miss Viola yes right away" multiple servant said in turmoil like unison while they immediately began to run around the kitchen and gather A bunch of food

But Viola's attention was elsewhere she could see clear as day that Elizabeth and the girl we're being treated poorly and she couldn't even find a reason as to why they would be in the kitchen anyway, but it soon clicked in her mind

"They don't know how to navigate the building" she mumbled in her head as she speedwalked over to them and yelled

"What are you doing ,don't you know who those people are!"

"Huh? oh! Miss Viola sorry for my rudeness" even the guard was forced to bow in front of viola

Stand up straight she said she stood in front of the man

Once the man stood up it was clear as day that he was way taller than viola but she still move her hand not at any amazing speeds even the man could see the hand coming but he still would allowed her to give him a tight slap

That young girl right there is a disciple of Apep and the other girl...well she's just as important Viola said she looked over at the girls

She was screaming so everyone in the room heard what she said and they were left completely baffled

"Who did This to them!" she yelled at the guard who's mask was now tilted sideways Revealing the black ski mask under it

The guard turned his head and looked at the servant

"No, no, no, miss I'm- I'm sorry, I'm sorry please, please, forgive me I'm sorry!"she pleaded frantically

"Arrest this girl her punishment will be decided by Apep soon" viola said as she looked up the girls she didn't have any true anger for the girls but she still wouldn't give the chance to show her power

The guard took the girl away while viola stormed out with the girls

"Thank you" Elizabeth said what a shaky tone

Viola stayed quiet and continued to walk, walls opened up at and led to stairs, hallways, all kinds of twist and turns but they eventually arrived at a familiar door

It was Apep's office

Elizabeth's didn't say any words of disagreement but only limited herself to look at the girl with sympathy, the girl dispite with Elizabeth had thought had a stern expression it seem like she had got over what happened earlier

Viola didn't knock like before she immediately stormed in and she yelled


"These girls can't be left like this anymore!they need a real identification card. isn't she your disciple do you know what they just went through!" she continued on with her rant four minutes before she was forced to stop by her dry throat

"You're right" Apep said as he continued "and I have some news"

It was as if he was expected them

"I'll be sending a squad to pretentious city I want to collect Sirus's body, I will also look for clues of the perpetrator" he said quickly and calmly

He then stopped and looked around at their expressions

Elizabeth was obviously holding back her ecstatic expression while the girl didn't really feel anything about the city at least nothing good and Viola kept her plain but angry expression