
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The kingdom of Kanull part 5

"Hey, are you alright? How are you feeling?"

Upon hearing those words, Lucke gradually sat up. Although he still felt a slight ache in his head, it was gradually subsiding. To clear his vision, he rubbed his eye.

"Where am I? What happened?"

Emma sighed, her face displaying concern, and replied, "Well, you fainted. I'm not exactly sure why, but it happened after some unusual incidents."

Upon hearing this, Lucke pondered for a moment before expressing his worry, "That doesn't sound good. Is it concerning to faint twice in one day?"

After hearing that, Emma let out a cough and replied, "Well, fainting is definitely not a pleasant experience. So, how are you feeling?"

As Emma's words sank in, Lucke began to realize something remarkable. Throughout his entire life as Luke, he had never fainted, not even once. This newfound discovery felt strange and unfamiliar, causing him to reflect on his current situation.

Multiple thoughts crowded his mind: "I can't continue living in this strange world! Fainting twice in one day, being subjected to Emma's utterly revolting food, and the lack of electricity in our house. And if that wasn't enough, this place is an absolute jungle where I could fall asleep for just three seconds and wake up to a robbery!"

Unable to bear his circumstances any longer, Lucke made up his mind. "I can't do it anymore. I need to find a way back home. Immediately!" With that thought running through his head, he shifted his gaze towards Cleo and Ivy, who were gradually inching closer to the bed where he sat.

Ivy had a look of concern on her face, which was unusual considering her usual strong-willed nature. "Are you okay, Lucke?" You kept repeating before eventually fainting.

Cleo also asked, "Are you okay?" as he took a seat on the bed next to Lucke.

"I... I'm okay," Lucke replied, trying to collect his thoughts. Memories started flashing through his mind before he passed out. One particular memory showed a woman and a man standing over him, making him realize that they could've been his parents.

Lucke was discovered on a street by Emma, who decided to provide him with a home due to his young age. However, Lucke had no recollection of his life prior to ending up on the street, except for his name - Lucke Vanet.

Emma hoped that by using Lucke's last name, Vanet, they could track down his parents. Unfortunately, despite their extensive search, they couldn't locate anyone with that name.

Luke started to focus on Lucke's second memory, which featured a woman with long black hair, and brown eyes, and a man with short dark blue hair and brown eyes.

After much contemplation, Lucke began to wonder if those two individuals might be his parents. He recalled looking into a mirror and noticing that he also had short dark blue hair and brown eyes, just like the man from his memory.

Could that man be his...father? As he entertained this thought, Lucke started to realize that perhaps these memories were resurfacing due to the transmigration.

After a little while, Ivy finally spoke up. "Well, since you seem to be doing alright, let's go meet Reko."

Reko is a member of our group and a friend of Cleo and Ivy. Unlike Cleo, who is quiet and shy, and Ivy, who is strong-willed, Reko is quite strange. He's incredibly smart and manipulative, which has helped us get out of many tough situations with his unusual plans.

Unlike the other kingdoms, our kingdom doesn't have a school where kids can study. As a result, many of them get caught up in a bad crowd. But since wandering aimlessly around Kanull gets boring, Cleo, Ivy, Reko, and I spend most of our time in a hidden spot in the sewers. There, we discuss rumors and events happening in the kingdom.

Although it's still pretty dull, it's definitely better than being cooped up at home with nothing to do, always worrying about some random maniac trying to rob us.

The wooden room door creaked open, and Luna made her way inside, leaning on her wooden cane for support. She carried a small container, but this time it held breakfast instead of dinner.

"Here's your breakfast," Luna said, concern evident in her voice. "And how are you feeling? Honestly, I've never heard of someone fainting twice in one day."

"I'm alright," Lucke replied, his gaze fixed on the container. As he examined its contents, he couldn't help but worry. "Please, let this not be as awful as last night's dinner. Please!"

Noticing his hesitation, Luna smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Aren't you hungry?"

"Yeah, I'll eat," Lucke responded, his temples throbbing. Slowly, he opened the container, fully aware that he shouldn't expect anything extravagant like fish or oxtail, or chicken. However, what he saw inside sent shivers down his spine, and tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

Upon seeing the contents of the container, he couldn't believe how unlucky he was to be in such a dreadful situation. Inside the square container, all he found was the same mashed potato—like food he had for dinner; there was no sign of the dried bread though.

"Shit, Noooo!!!" he silently shouted, gradually raising his eyes to meet Luna's gaze. With a forced smile, he managed to say, "Thank you for the breakfast."

Upon hearing his gratitude, Luna smiled back and replied, "You're welcome. Luckily, there was some leftover dinner from last night, so I decided to use that as breakfast."

Lucke forced a smile upon hearing her explanation and replied, "Yes, thankfully."

Suddenly, it dawned on Lucke that it was already morning. He glanced at Emma, noticing Cleo and Ivy leaving the room, and curiously asked, "Wait, how is it already morning? And why is the room so dark if it's morning?"

After hearing that, Emma got up and headed towards the window, which was covered by curtains. She gracefully pulled back the curtain, allowing the warm morning sunlight to flood the room. Meanwhile, this whole situation left Lucke feeling puzzled, so he asked a question.

"I'm confused," Lucke inquired, "Why is there a lit candle if it's already morning?" His confusion stemmed from the fact that this household was extremely cautious about resource usage due to limited financial means.

Upon hearing his query, Emma let out a sigh and returned to the bed, taking a seat before answering. "Well, that candle is not your ordinary candle," she explained. "It's actually made of special materials known to provide comfort in times of distress, like when someone faints or experiences pain, such as headaches."

"Ohh, okay, that totally makes sense," Lucke said after hearing Emma's explanation. Slowly, Luna began to leave the room, and Emma followed suit, standing up from her seat. As Emma reached the doorway, she gently closed the door behind her. However, she didn't leave just yet. With a quick motion, she reopened the door halfway and looked back at Lucke, saying, "Call me if you need anything." Then, she closed the door again and joined Luna outside.

After that, Lucke couldn't help but ponder his situation. "Hmm... I really need to find a way back home," he thought to himself. However, he felt lost, realizing that there was no one in this kingdom whom he could simply ask, "Do you know how to go to a different world?" If anyone had known, they would have already escaped this kingdom of madness.

Lost in his thoughts for a while, Lucke's attention turned to the black container filled with the mashed potato-like food. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to go ahead and eat. But rather than savoring the taste, he quickly swallowed each bite, eager to keep the awful flavor from lingering in his mouth.

After finishing his meal, Lucke closed the container and got up from the bed. He made his way towards the wooden door and turned the doorknob, pulling it open. Stepping out, he found himself in a small corridor. At one end, he spotted the bathroom, and next to it was the room where Cleo, Ivy, and he slept. On the other end, he could see the wooden staircase that led downstairs.

With a careful pace, he approached the stairs, ensuring not to rush. He had promised Emma that he wouldn't run up and down the stairs anymore, as it annoyed her. Slowly and cautiously, Lucke descended, taking each step with care.

After slowly descending the staircase, Lucke made his way to the kitchen area of the house. With the lights on, he could now see the entire kitchen. It looked almost empty, except for a wooden shelf where clean plates and containers were neatly arranged. Nearby, he noticed two bricks stacked closely together, with some firewood placed in between. Above the firewood sat a black pot.

Lucke couldn't help but smile as he thought to himself, "No way, is this what they use for cooking?"

Shifting his gaze from the bricks and the pot, Lucke's eyes landed on a large circular container filled with water, positioned on the floor. He realized that the water wasn't completely clean. It suddenly clicked in his mind that the container was used for dishwashing.

He couldn't help but resist laughter upon seeing what was in the kitchen. Carefully, he placed the black container inside the large circular one and was about to exit the kitchen area when a sudden sound caught his attention.

"Hey, didn't I tell you not to leave anything inside the Tub if it's empty?" a voice echoed through the room.

Upon hearing that, Lucke turned slowly and noticed Luna, standing with her wooden cane, ready to leave the house. Without any anger, he replied, "Sorry, I'll wash it." Doing his own dishes wasn't something that bothered him since it was one of his chores back when he lived as Luke Silver.

Luna, hearing his response, made her way towards the front door. She turned the knob and opened it, leaving the house at a slow pace.

Observing this, Lucke wondered, "How does she manage to open the door single-handedly while using a cane?" However, he didn't dwell on that thought for long. Instead, he immediately went over to the Tub and started washing the black container.

Inside the tub, there was a rag with multiple rips. Hesitantly, Lucke used the rag to wash the black container. Once the container was clean, Lucke squeezed the torn rag, emptying out all the water. He then used the rag to wipe off any remaining water from the container before placing it inside the wooden shelf that held other food containers.

With that task complete, Lucke decided to check on Cleo and Ivy. Slowly, he made his way up the stairs, passed through the small corridor, and stopped at the bathroom. However, before entering the room where Ivy and Cleo were, he realized that he hadn't brushed his teeth yet. So, he stepped inside the bathroom.

The small bathroom was quite small with only an empty space and an old, white bathtub that had some dirt and rust spots. It was clear that the tub had seen better days. Adjacent to it was a wooden toilet.

Lucke went over to a small desk nestled in the corner of the room. Upon reaching the desk, he noticed a toothbrush and a squeeze tube with pink liquid inside it.

As Lucke witnessed this, various thoughts raced through his mind. He pondered, "So they have a toothbrush, a regular one, and some toothpaste. Well, maybe not ordinary toothpaste; I highly doubt this is actually toothpaste."

Putting his thoughts into action, Lucke began brushing his teeth. Once done, he descended the stairs and grabbed a cup from the wooden shelf in the kitchen. He fetched a bit of water from a bucket on the kitchen floor, which he used to cleanse his face and rinse his mouth.

After washing the cup, Lucke made his way back upstairs towards the room where Cleo and Ivy were. With caution, he slowly opened the door.